
Immortal Dera Collins

The war between vampires and werewolves was here Emma from the wolf's side and Deven from the vampire's side. Will they work together to end this war or will they be torn apart by it...

Dera_Collins · Fantasy
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38 Chs

A Surprise Visit

Both Damien and Deven sat in the room in silence with neither of them speaking a word. It was obvious to any onlooker that they definitely weren't happy. Damien's reason being the cancelled collaboration and Deven's being his insult. He was beyond furious with what Emma had done and definitely won't be forgiving her anytime soon.

A few moments passed with Damien trying to initiate a conversation when a knock was heard on the door.

"Who is it?" Damien called out to hear the voice of the secretary at the other side.

"Sir,there's a lady who wishes to see Mr Quinn." she informed.

"Ask her to leave, Mr Quinn isn't interested in seeing anyone." Damien replied to be stopped by Deven.

"Send her in!", Deven ordered.


In the office

Deven sat silently in amazement. He still found it hard to comprehend Emma's presence in his office right now. This was the same woman who had insulted him today and now she was here in his office, Pleading!

While Deven sat quietly watching the melodrama before him, Deven on the other hand was interested in flirting with the young lady which irritated him to the core. A few moments ago, he was sitting here in rage and now this shabby display is being played out in front of him.

"Mr Quinn I'm sorry. I-I apologize for my mistake. I had no idea who you were and I behaved rudely towards you and as a result of my foolish behavior, I risked the partnership between my boss and you. Mr Quinn please forgive me for my mistake and spare Maya the punishment for my wrongdoings. Mr Quinn please don't mind my blunder and go on with your partnership. I can't stand seeing Maya so devastated because of me, Mr Quinn I beg of you to accept Maya's business offer and in return you can punish me for my mistake. I promise to accept all punishments wholeheartedly." Emma sobbed and pleaded to Deven. She hoped against all odds that the man forgives her for how she had insulted him.

Damien after listening to the words of the sweet girl couldn't help but feel touched. "Well Miss Emma" he paused getting up from his seat and taking a short stroll around the office. He stood right in front of Emma staring at her vaguely before saying"Dev, you should forgive the lady. I mean she's so cute and she's apologized and she's pleaded guilty you. Could you just find it in your heart to forgive her already?", He said giving Deven a teasing smile.

Understanding what Damien meant, Deven glared daggers towards him and that irked Damien. He knew his friend and though he might be a gentleman to people, he was definitely a sadist. Someone who enjoys the pain of others and love seeing people in pain. Someone who gave pain to others for the purpose of his own joy.


In the middle of the road Emma moved slowly recollecting the encounter she had with Deven. Though the man might possess the appearance of a God, the man was definitely a devil and to think she had gone to apologize?

"Miss Emma could you please leave my office?" Deven's voice resonated through the room.

Emma's knees felt weak upon hearing this. He was going to forgive her!,

Maya won't spare her!

He had to forgive her, he simply had to!