
Chapter 25: Celestia's Amazement: Return to the Elysian Essence Apothecary

Celestia asked with shining eyes "Seriously who gave you these pills."

Liara smiled and said, "Would you believe me if i told you that these pills were made by a new disciple at the Qi Gathering Realm."

Celestia exclaimed loudly "Impossible" it was difficult for her believe that a new disciple was able to refine pills, Liara didn't feel her exclamation was wrong either if she was in Celestia's place she would think the same.

In order to make Top-grade level 1 pills generally one needs to be a level-2 alchemist, and in order to become a level-2 alchemist one not only needs to have enough alchemic knowledge and being able to refine level-2 medical pill, one also needs to have cultivation base above Qi Gathering realm, without the required cultivation base an alchemist won't be able to support the refining of higher level medical pills.

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