
Immortal Blaze : Rebirth Of The Villainous Lord

Blaze Valin, an extremely evil powerful sorcerer, destroys the world in his pursuit of ultimate knowledge and godhood. Now, as the last surviving being on the planet, he attempts to reach a higher plane of existence, but he ends up failing and dies. However, he finds himself reborn, hundred of years into the past. Armed with his knowledge from his previous life, this time he will succeed in his goal while making sure that nothing stops him from achieving it.

DibaDiba · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Bugs in my past life

It has been months since Blaze was reborn. Now, he spent his time lying in his cradle, sleeping. Occasionally, he would begin crying because he either peed himself or was hungry.

Maids usually took care of cleaning him, and his mother, Emma Valin would breastfeed him. [Dangit! This is humiliating, I should just kill myself!] Blaze was greatly troubled. He could barely control his young body, and couldn't even control his crying.

"My baby, are you hungry again?" A gorgeous woman with silver hair entered the room and called out to Blaze affectionately. The Blaze's body responded instinctually, and began crying again.

The woman smiled warmly, and brought him close to breastfeed him. [How horrid. I would much rather fight against legions of demons and dragons with a single finger than enduring this torture! Just the utter humiliation makes me want to kill somebody.] Somehow Blaze notice his faint mana leaking from his body.

[Looks like I still possess some of my mana sense from when I was a sovereign. This makes it easier for me to see what is happening around here.]

Mana sense is a special ability that magicians who at least have a Rank of Officer possess. It can allow a mage to extend an invisible force field around themselves so that they can see other creatures which have mana in them even without eyes.

The range and clarity of sight depends on the magic Rank the magician has. Mage Ranks are levels of achievement the mage attains. The ranks are: Paragon, Officer, General, Magistrate, Ruler and finally, Sovereign of magic.

The Paragon rank magicians make up the greatest number of magicians all over the world, and the number drops the more one climbs the ranks. The Sovereign Rank magicians are the rarest in the world. They are living legends and even kings have to bow their heads when they speak to them.

Blaze's mana sense extended across 2 kilometers, engulfing most of the property that belongs to his family. Now, he was capable of seeing maids doing cleaning, the shepherds taking care of horses, the chef cooking for the family...

[So it seems I was brought back to time. This estate belongs to the Grand Duke Valin. That weak fool.]

Then, he took a look at a room on the other side of the mansion he was in. There, in a room that was filled with toys and dresses, played four girls. They were three years old, and were now trying out various dresses and complimenting each other.

Blaze spared one girl a glance more than the others, before looking elsewhere. [This Emily is now seven years old. I see. Looks like Raul won't be born for another year.] Blazed chuckle. [ Funny how I was reborn as their sibling. Ahh this is awkward. This lowly humans who tried to kill me before. ]

Suddenly, Blaze's mana sense caught glimpse of three men on horsebacks. They were approaching the estate at great speed. [So he's here as well now...] The man riding in the middle exuded a formidable aura.

He was in his middle years, with dark brown hair and thick moustache. He was wearing armor and had a halberd on his back. The man's stern and serious face was now sweating, and he looked like he was in a hurry.

Blaze knew who he was. The baby's father, Jacob Valin, the Grand Duke of the Valeria kingdom. [He must be hurrying over to see me. That lady must have sent him a letter. And judging by the way he looks, he probably rode the horse without stopping for a moment.] Blaze now retracted his mana sense just as his mother finished feeding him.

She put him in the cradle to sleep. Blaze wasn't yet sleepy, so he continued listening to the commotion outside. Obviously, it was because of Jacobs's return. Emma also heard what was happening and she rushed out of the room to see her husband.

Blaze waited for about ten minutes before Blaze' new family entered the room. The first to literally barge in was his father Jacob, followed by his mother Emma and his sister Emily.

Emily inherited her looks from her mother, and light brown hair from her father. It was obvious that in the future she would grow up to be a beautiful woman, just like her mother. Jacob looked inside the cradle and met gaze with Blaze.

Jacob had a stern look on his face as he observed his son. His current appearance would be scary to any child, especially if you consider his mage rank, a General Rank Warrior who uses mana to enhance his body strength.

If any small child felt his aura, they would no doubt cry and pee in their pants. But Blaze simply returned his father's gaze with his own. He looked at his father as if he was a man looking at a random stone on his path.

After all, why would he be afraid? In his past life Blaze was a sovereign of magic, the absolute pinnacle of strength possible in the world.

He had fought and killed many general rank opponents for fun. To the previous him, a general rank was nothing more than a fly which he could kill with his finger.

This completely stunned Jacob. He was expecting the baby to cry at the sight of him, but it was the exact opposite. The baby actually looked at him completely emotionlessly.

This sight also stunned Emma and Emily. They too were expecting Blaze to begin crying, at which point Emma would pick him up in her arms and calm him down.

"Wow, he's so calm." Emily gently patted Blaze's head. "How strange." Jacob now recovered from his surprise and carefully picked Blaze up into his hands.

Seeing that the baby is indeed calm, his face now changed to a happy look. "He will be a great man in the future. I can feel it." He said, as pride filled him. Blaze was now surprised.

In his past life, he never experience any emotion as such like what he observed right now. He grew up in a sacred abandoned palace with a powerful mage training him to become the most powerful mage in the world. And when he stepped out to see the world he only saw how lowly humans can be. Humans were threatened when they saw how powerful Blaze was. Kings in every kingdom desired to kill him or use him. They would try every tricks to destroy Blaze. Little did they now, Blaze was the incarnation of evil. Blaze was smart. Blaze thought highly of himself. He thought he was the only one who deserves to live, humans where like pests in the world. That's where he decided to end all of them.

Jacob smiled at Blaze.

[Interesting. To think humans can be proud of something so small.]

"Now now, dear. We should let the boy rest. I just fed him earlier, he should be feeling sleepy now. And you, young lady, you can't leave your guests to wait for too long." Emma now took the baby from Jacob and placed him in the cradle again.

"Can I show him to my friends, mom? Can I, pleaseeee?" Emily begged. "Of course not. He is not a toy." Emma responded strictly.

"Aaaaaawwww." Emily dejectedly sighed and left the room along with Jacob and Emma. [Bugs tsk.] With those words, Blaze fell asleep once again.