
Immortal Arts Of Cooking

Warning: rated NACB for Not A Cook Book. "Su Ying, i just noticed your getting more a litle bit fatter" Li Jie said "hmmm...shut up its your fault anyway!" Su Ying puffed his cheeks "why was i the one to blame?" "its because the food you cook tasted so delicious" Su Ying answered pointing the pot "hey...don't blame the food!" Li Jie said seriously "so just you know ,not just me all of the girls are complaining because they are starting to gain weight, because they can't limit themselves from eating the food you cook" Su Ying yelled. "ahhh i get it...I'll cook something more delicious next time, i wonder how will the ladies of Wang Clan will look when they gain more weight" a smirk emerge from Li Jie's expressionless face "you- your a demon!" Su Ying said in with a terrified expression

SirLazeAlot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Wei Fang

Li Jie took the cooking cultivation manual because of his passion for cooking and the need to become a cultivator. so that someday he can reach heaven realm.

thanks to this manual he can become both a chef and a cultivator at the same time, even though he *migth* not become powerful figther in the future,

but does it even manner. all he want is to do is to find and reunite with her sister, at least his road will not become too hard or flavorless, because he loves, what he's doing. and the manual named Immortal arts of cooking just bestowed that opportunity to him.

reaching the exit of the manual and scroll pavilion, he gave it a short quick glance to the building before turning around to resume his walking.

he grabbed the sack full of coins given to him by Sun Shin, after he estimated the coin in it, inside using its weight. he concluded that it there are atleast 15 coins inside."hmmm. just enough amount, of bronze coins, i needed for a new shoes" Li Jie murmured.

he walked to the small stand that sells cheap second hand items,then Li Jie pointed a semi used looking shoes. the vendor presents it to him.

Li Jie take off his old shoes, that already have 3 holes in it, and putting it aside. before trying out the new second hand shoes, its a little big for him, but it was still more comfortable than his old one.

trying the second hand shoes, he did a few feet movements with it, sure enough it feels comfortable and he likes it. so he opened his coin sack to take 15 bronze coins inside.

but he's movements suddenly stops after realizing that the coins inside his pouch are silver coins instead of bronze coins

"kid are you alright?"the vendor asked after seing Li Jie suddenly stop his movement

recovering from his shock, which didn't show on his emotionless face, he pulled a silver coin and gave it to the vendor "kid, im afraid that, i dont have enough bronze coins for the change, why don't you go to the coin exchanger first , then come back later" the vendor said after seeing the silver coins in Li Jie's hands

100 bronze coins are equivalent to 1 silver, while 100 silver are equivalent to 1 gold coins, he counted the coins in the sack and saw 15 silver coins.

a day's food for a small poor family will likely cost around 5 to 10 bronze coins and one silver coins will able to feed them for atleast 1 week. so 15 silver coins wasn't a small amount of money, but also it isn't too big either.

this is the first time for Li Jie to have so much money in hand. because he wasn't paid in coins for the cooking he do in the Wang clan. he was only given food.

having so much money for the first time, he decided to buybfew more cheap things, he turned to the vendor and said "then I'll also buy that robe and that pants" Li Jie pointed a robe and pants made of hemp. its the common clothes that peasant wore. while the silk and other rare materials are obviously for the rich.

"that will be 45 bronze coins for the hemp robe and 35 for the pants, plus 15 bronze coins for the shoes that will be 95 bronze coins" the vendor said.

Li Jie nodded as he hand over the silver coin.

wearing his new shoes, he happily strolled home, everything feels like a dream to him, thanks to the eye given to him by the snake woman, he found a rare fruit, with the fruit he come across a rich merchant that turned out to be his father sworn brother, not only he gave Li Jie a good price for his fruits, he also gave him a cultivation manual for free, so that he can start practicing cultivation.

reaching the gate Li Jie was in high spirit, until he heared someone yelling from the distance. "Li Jie...come here for a for a little sparing session!" its Bai Li's voice.

Li Jie turned a deaf ear, he suddenly bends down to tighten his shoelaces, before dashing as fast as he can to the direction of the kitchen.

"oyy..come back here you coward!" Bai Li signaled 4 other kid to join him before kicking the ground, dashing to Li Jie's Direction along with the other four of his friends.

"do you really think you can escape Li Jie? , we urgently need a *sparring partner* to test our new skills so do us a favor and stop running" Bai Li said while smirking

other kids are laughing on the back "hahaha, that rigth! , the dragon palm ,i just learned need to be tested on live targets after all, and if you stop running now i promise to use only 30% of my strength, expect of 50%" the other kid yelled. making other burst in laugther.

Lie Jie said nothing, all he cares about is to escape this place as soon as possible, because if he don't, he will likely become the punching bag of this *scumbags* like the other time.

he knew, that he doesn't have a chance to outrun them, but he hope that having a huge distances between them, will help him to atleast reach the kitchen in time to hide inside.

but few seconds of running later, Li Jie felt a strong pair of arm grabbed his clothes from behind, stoping him from running further, Li Jie's heart skipped a beat.

turning around he found Bai Li pulling his clothes smilling like a *scum bag* he is."going anywhere little punching bag?"

*it was in this moment ,he knew, he fucked up*

*a hellish eternity later*

Li Jie is now on the ground, grunting in pain. "ahhh, thats a great work out, too bad you're not figthing back, lets do this again sometimes" Bai Li said while squatting beside Li Jie.

Bai Li also took the sack that he heared clinking in Li Jie's waist, he opened it and took the coins inside. "14 silver and 5 bronze coins, I don't know, where you managed to get such large sum money from, but its mine now!, hahaha, but don't worry i'm not that heartless. you can have your 5 bronze coins back" Bai Li took 5 bronze coins and throws it beside Li Jie before laughing.

Li Jie slowly stands up, while indured the pain coming from his body, picking up the 5 bronze in the ground and his firewood, he turned around to the direction of the kitchen.Li Jie didn't spare a single look to Bai Li and his friends , before walking in slow steps to reduce the pain comming from his bruises.

"ahhh, Li Jie the great coward, runs away after seeing trouble, and most of all nevers fights back" Bai Li provoked but Li Jie ignored it and continued on his steps.

"that also must be the reason, why your sister was taken away from you" Bai Li continues, but this time Li Jie stops his track,

"damn you!!!"Li Jie turn around, and suddenly rushed forward, clenching his fist, as fury blurred his judgment. he raised his hands to send a punch to Bai Li.

"aaaaah!!!" Li Jie yelled sending a wild punch towards Bai Li's head.

but Bai Li easily catched his fist with one arm "oops, did we anger the little mice, too much that it decided to figth back?,hahaha to bad you don't have the qualifications to figth me" he said, before sending a punch to Li Jie's face. making him fall to the ground unmoving.

"hmmp someone as wortless as you, migth as well disappear in Wang clan " Bai Li said before urging other kids to go back.

Li Jie was left alone on the ground unconscious.

--------the next morning

Li Jie has slowly open his eyes, only to see a unfamiliar ceiling, confused by how he got here, he tried to sit up from the bed

"arrrg" he grunted. the pain in his body stills stings, even with such small movements"hays, i shouldn't have let my emotions blurred my judgement that time, and now i suffer the consequences" he thougth.

"so you have woken up?" a cold voice of a little girl, resound the room.

Li jie turned to where the sound came from then he saw a silhouette of a girl, his eyes are still cloudy, so he can't confirm her features, he rubbed his rigth eye, only after that he learned that the girl that is in front of him, is his childhood friend Wei Fang she stopped talking to him 5 years ago,

Wei Fang is staring at him,with her cold gaze.