
Immortal Arts Of Cooking

Warning: rated NACB for Not A Cook Book. "Su Ying, i just noticed your getting more a litle bit fatter" Li Jie said "hmmm...shut up its your fault anyway!" Su Ying puffed his cheeks "why was i the one to blame?" "its because the food you cook tasted so delicious" Su Ying answered pointing the pot "hey...don't blame the food!" Li Jie said seriously "so just you know ,not just me all of the girls are complaining because they are starting to gain weight, because they can't limit themselves from eating the food you cook" Su Ying yelled. "ahhh i get it...I'll cook something more delicious next time, i wonder how will the ladies of Wang Clan will look when they gain more weight" a smirk emerge from Li Jie's expressionless face "you- your a demon!" Su Ying said in with a terrified expression

SirLazeAlot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Cooking to forget the sadness

"what took you so long Li Jie? ... its has been two day...~two,~day. and...wh-what the hell happened to your left eye?" Xu Ying asked in astonishment, after seeing Li jie walk in the kitchen and seeing his left eyes that is wounded.

Xu Ying is the only friend Li Jie have, she is the daughter of Xu Lan the head cook of Wang clan ,she was is 9 years old, 1 year younger that Li jie , she has a short black hair, has a plomp figure, has white skin, and Li jie thinks that if she somehow reduced her fats even just a little bit, she will be a beauty that men will figth for. but either way Le Jie though she a good girl.

"can i have food first" Li jie demanded, Xu Ying angrly turn around to scoop a bowl of noodles for him.

"finally...thank you very much" he said before shoving some food to his mouth.

"you still didn't answer my question Li Jie!"Xu Ying yelled

Li jie swallod the mouthfull of noodles before saying "i was attack, i have survive, and most of all i lost an eye"Li jie answered like it doesn't matter,then he resume borrowing his face in a pot of noodles.

"are you seriously making joke with that?, you just lose an eye!" Xu Ying said.

"and i can't regain it" Li Jie answered

"you have a point , but what demonic beast attack you anyway? I don't think there are any deadly demonic beast in the songlang mountain"

"well...where was this shadow cat.. i accidentally step on his tail then, it bare his claw to my left eye before running away" Li jie said in nonchalant manner.

"are you serious!, they are not that dangerous at all, even my little sister have one as pet!"

"well things happens" Li jie shrugged

"i dont even know if I should laugh because you are wounded by a cat, or cry because you lose an eye, but why are you gone for two days?" Xu Ying asked raising his eye brow

"i was lose in the woods" Li jie said after swallowing another mouthful of noodles

"if your making excuses make it believable!..you go to that mountain almost every day!, there is no way in hell that you'll be lost "Xu Ying said she is really pissed off.

"things happens"Li jie shrugged ones again

"you know what i give up" Xu Ying raised his arms up "but at least let me bandage your wound up" Xu Ying hurriedly runs to take some medical items

"im fine with that"Li jie answered to the running plump lady.

"thanks for the food" Li jie put his chop sticks down, before he walk to the bathroom to take a short bath, and changing his old and dirty robe to a clean old robe.

staring at the mirror he saw a child with brown eyes, unkempt long hair ,with average looks."i should really cut my hair i was starting to look like a beggar" Li Jie murmured.

after walking outside his room, he saw Xu Ying waiting for him ,while holding some ointment and bandage.

"you really need to be careful Li Jie, this is not a joking matter, lose other eye and you'll be disabled for life"Xu Ying said while bandaged his left eyes after applying some ointment.

"thank you Xu Ying" Li jie said after Xu ying finished.

"your welcome" Xu Ying Smiled


Li jie originally though he will be punished by his uncle Bai hao for not coming back for two days but, instead he wasn't, "i guess they dont want to spend there time reprimanding me anymore. or they simply doesn't care"

after he finish chopping some wood, walk towards a log to rest his body while watching the martial arts practice of the childrens of Wang clan, Li jie found Xu Ying in the group that is clumsily following the movement of the other students.

he also spotted Wei Fang but unlike Xu Ying her movement are fluid, every movement she made generate qi wave that seems that following her movement.

feeling someone is watching her Wei Fang turn his head towards Li Jie's direction, to only see that he was already walking away with his stack of woods.

dragging his stack of woods back to the kitchen , Li Jie heard someone on his back. "so you finally decided to go back!" Mrs Xu Lan said in grim voice.

"i wa-" Li Jie wanted to reason but was suddenly cut off by Xu Lan

"i already knew what happened, Xu Ying-er told me already. do you know how ...bla...bla ....bla...."

Li Jie ignored her nagging as he resume setting up the fire.

"bla...bla...bla....bla...bla....bla...bla....bla...bla....bla...bla...bla...bla..... be careful next time!"

"i will remember all the words you just said Mrs Xu Lan, i will be careful next time" Li Jie said as he clean his ear with his pinky

"good!...but i hope there will be no, next time" with that Xu Lin walk out of the room and heading to the other side of the kitchen to cook for the workers.

Xu Lin is the one who taught Li Jie how to cook, and like her daughter Xu Ying, she also nags at every single thing she saw wrong, but never did Li Jie disrespect her. because he knew that, its the mother and daughter pair way to show that they care.

when Li Jie sister Chi Wuyao was taken from him he became depressed, and because he loves cooking it became one of his ways to battle sadness.

wasting no time, he immediately started cooking. for students that is practicing martial arts

he grabbed his worn down kitchen knife and started cutting some potato, carrots, root crops, iron bulls meat, spices and a few 10 years old Qi ginseng that said to be beneficial for someone practicing martial arts.

sauteing some onion and garlic,he dropped the meat in the pot, then add some water to let the meat soften, before dropping the rest of the of the ingredients inside, he crushed the root crops in the pot to thicken the broth of the meat strew.

30 minutes later he finally finished cooking the stew and rice was already steamed. he only need to wait for Xu Ying to take and distribute the food.

Li Jie wanted to do Go to the heaven continent even if that means losing an arm...or an eye just to find his sister or to atleast know if she was doing ok in there.

that's why after he saw something falling from the sky the only thing that crossed his mind was that, it probably came from heaven realm. and it might help me go there. he gambled his life for a chance to go to the heaven realm, and what he got is a blinded left eye.

while his sitting alone in the kitchen he tried recalling the things that happened to him, he recalled the demon snake entrusting two golden eggs to him, telling him that those eggs are his daughters and she stored them to his mind.

even now he still can't lunderstand the concept of it putting an object to ones mind, he don't even know if he can take those egg from his head anymore.

the other thing is that, the eye she replaced to him is blind and almost useless, except for filling his eye socket.

but after the demon snake departed Li Jie saw a genuine sadness in his eyes

after contemplating he came to a conclusion that ,the snake lady probably entrusted his daughters to him to save them from the immortals that is chasing her, and he also heard she was poisoned, that also means that her survival chances is almost close to zero.

"but why did she gave me a blind eye?" he's thoughts was cut off when Su Ying suddenly barge in the kitchen.

"Li Jie is everything cooked, they are already waiting for the food outside" she said energetically.

Li Jie nodded before standing up, but then suddenly a sharp pain assaulted his rigth eye.

"oy...Li jie what happened?, aaah your left eyes is bleeding" Xu Ying yelled because of the sudden turn of events.