
Attempt 1

what is the meaning of life? is it the purpose to outlive others? or is it the purpose be entertainment for a higher being? Will anyone ever really know the meaning of life? the answer to that is simple! there is no answer! after all the meaning of life can be anything after all!

-Knock... Knock... Knock...-

Those three slow yet distinct knocks would be the knocks that forever changed my world as I knew it...

"Coming! just wait one second!"

The young boys voice would be hurried and quickened as he ran to the door curious as to who was knocking on his family's door. maybe his clumsy older sister lost her key's again and needed to be let into the house? Or maybe his parents got back from shopping and needed help opening the door? whoever it was he sure was curious! The young boy would open the door his arm all the way stretched out to open the door knob. the door slowly creaked as it was opened.

as the door was opened the young boy would be confused as the person at the door was not his sister or his parents, instead it was a tall lengthy man around 7 feet with a thin build, he was wearing an all black suit with what seemed to be a black tattered cape on the back it was a rather strange outfit, the man would look down at the boy an eerie smile on his face.

"uhm can I help you mister?"

"Would you like some candy young boy?"

the boys voice was nervous and confused as he asked the man the question, the mans voice was rather soothing, his eerie smile turning into a more genuine and kind smile the man would reach into his pocket pulling out a gold and silver colored gummy like candy that was in the strange shape of a pocket watch, the man would look the boy in the eyes the smile still on his face.

"How old are you boy?"

"I- I'm 12 mister stranger..."

the boy would say nervously as he answered the man, the mans smile would turn a little more sinister when hearing this information which startled the boy a little, the man would reach his hand out gesturing for the boy to take the candy, his sinister smile returning to a kind smile.

"Take the candy, it'll give you magic powers no one else will have"

"R- Really?"


"o- ok..."

the boy would reach his hand out ignorant to what was about to happen next, he would take the candy and immediately put it in his mouth chewing on it gently since it was a gummy, he would soon swallow the gummy and suddenly his body would ache his heart would feel like he was being stabbed by knives as he would collapse to the ground, the boy struggling to breath if one would look closely his veins would be bulging and would be the color of gold and silver, the boy would roll around and scream from the pain, soon though the boy would start to bloat and expand his body swelling up, soon enough he would explode covering the front entrance in blood and guts, traces of silver and gold on the walls and floor.