
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 21

In a dark forest, four people met, each with their own thoughts and goals. Among them, a middle-aged man stood out, with long black hair and unusual white eyes, who was warily observing the other three.

"It's a pleasure to meet the second elder of the Hyūga clan" Izumo said, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"I can't say the same" The old man replied with contempt, before directing his attention to his daughter, who lay in the hands of the enemy, visibly tired and dejected. "My daughter, are you alright?"

Kasumi gave a weak smile, eager to be rescued soon, as she had a lot to think about and do. On the one hand, there was her loyalty to her clan and her family; on the other, her love for her husband, the man who held the most important place in her heart and who was the father of the child in her womb.

It was an extremely difficult decision that she had to make, but unfortunately, she couldn't trust anyone from her clan, because if she did, her husband would be sentenced and probably killed to avoid uncomfortable witnesses.

The old man nodded calmly, taking out a scroll from his sleeves, inside it contained the money agreed in the agreement. "Give me my daughter and I'll give you what the 20 million"

Izumo sold Kasumi for 20 million, knowing that she couldn't ask for more money. Despite being a clan elder, he did not have the power to freely dispose of the Hyūga clan's funds, he had to render accounts and record each transaction in a book.

Also, Izumo had his mind set on something much more ambitious, obtaining the forbidden techniques of the Hyūga clan. If he managed to acquire them, he knew that he could sell them at a high price on the underground market.

"Hand over the scroll" Since the old man didn't face him, and he showed clear hatred, he didn't bother to keep manners.

"How can I be sure you won't run away once you get it?" The old man replied suspiciously.

"Do you have another option?" Izumo replied, crossing his arms.

The old man snorted in annoyance, but realized that he had no choice. With a disgusted gesture, he threw the scroll at Izumo's feet, showing his displeasure. Although Izumo didn't pay too much attention to it, he grabbed the scroll, and activated the God's Eye, analyzing the contents inside.

To his delight, everything seemed to be in order, no nasty surprises, no counterfeit bills, no trace of some exploding talisman. It was strange that a ninja, especially one with that much experience, wouldn't try to play dirty.

Izumo shrugged, as long as everything goes the way he wants, he doesn't think about things so much. He took one last look at the beauty in his hands, and let her go, sure to miss his soft skin, he thought.

"Go away, Kasumi. It was my pleasure"

Kasumi glared at him. Pleasure? Perhaps at first she had thought that of him, she even believed that she was a good person with financial problems who urgently needed money. She had imagined that he might have a sick family member and required money to admit him to a hospital or to have a competent medical ninja treat his illnesses.

But now, Kasumi no longer thought the same. She knew that Izumo was a moral wretch and that she couldn't trust him. She must always be alert.

Pausing briefly, Kasumi turned and spat on the ground, giving him a resentful look. She still couldn't believe that she had ever thought that he was a good person.

For his part, Izumo, if he knew what Kasumi was thinking, he could only say that a woman's mind was very fanciful, always creating incredible stories.

"Tch, ungrateful" Izumo muttered playfully.

Kasumi, who had good hearing, heard him, almost turned around, she had to kick him, but the voice of her old father called her, reminding her that this was not the time for problems and fights. "Daughter, come" Her father urged her.

"And that's all, it was a great deal. I hope to see each other again. Oh, before I go, I hope your son is born healthy, I hope you invite me to his first birthday, see you later" Izumo added with a sarcastic touch, spreading gunpowder to the scene.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The old man went blank for a second, activated the Byakugan and looked at his daughter, who was looking at the ground, nervous and playing with her feet. She was surprised to see that inside the womb of her dear little daughter, she rested a little life.

He almost fainted from how angry he was, the veins in his eyes were bulging more than ever, they almost seemed to explode. His gaze went to Izumo, who was smiling mischievously at him, and this infuriated him even more. However, he didn't attack right away, as Kasumi was right in the middle of both of them, and she didn't know the opponent's strength, so he couldn't take any chances.

Izumo raised his hands in an oath, as if to say that he was innocent. "Hey, hey, don't look at me like that, I never touched her while she was locked up"

"You! You swore not to hurt him" The old Hyūga exclaimed angrily.

"I didn't, ask your daughter," Izumo replied. He wasn't lying; while Kasumi was a prisoner, he never had sex with her. At most, he touched her breasts while he slept.

Like blaming him, he was very curious, he wanted to see if he produced milk. Returning to the subject, the old Hyūga turned his angry gaze from her to her daughter, he did not stop looking at her, as if urging her to speak.

Kasumi, sensing her father's anger, could only speak: "It's true, father... My son is not his, he never touched me."

"So?!" The old man yelled, expelling chakra from her body, releasing a bit of her anger. A strong gust of wind lifted leaves from the ground, forcing Izumo and Yor, who was next to her, to cover their faces.

"Father, I'll explain everything to you, let's go home first"

Kasumi walked over to her father, and hugged him, burying her face in her chest. Although she was scared for her father, she couldn't waste any more time, she had to explain everything and go back home, as long as she was around Izumo, she wouldn't feel calm.

"This matter is not important to me, see you"

Izumo opened a portal and left with Yor, who was always by her side, watching and taking care of her teacher. The old man did not care, the most important thing was to see the condition of his daughter and discover the truth of the situation.

Kasumi cried on her father's shoulder and finally revealed the truth to her, though she omitted some parts of it, such as her commitment to Izumo to steal the clan's forbidden techniques and the identity of her son's father.

The poor old man had no choice but to comfort his daughter. He knew how stubborn she was and that she would never say anything about the man who had sullied her. Finally, he took her home, hiding her from the prying eyes of her and finding a way for her to give birth in secret, letting everything be swept under her rug.

Meanwhile, Izumo had returned to his home in Konoha. The aging potion had finished, and he returned to his original state, three years old. Yor, for his part, drank a bottle of wine and began to rest, eating some sandwiches.

"Yor, weren't you learning to knit?"

Yor nodded, taking off his mask and changing her clothes. "Yeah, I already learned. It was pretty easy." Despite being clumsy in many things, he was very diligent in the field of manual arts, such as weaving.

His skills as an assassin also came in handy in that field.

Esdeath, who arrived at that moment, greeted everyone and took a seat next to Yor, pouring herself a glass of wine and stealing some snacks.

"You're back, how's it going?" Izumo asked.

"We need more funds. I can't open a fast food chain with so little money" Esdeath replied a little exhausted.

She never thought that doing business and talking to old schemers would be more exhausting than murdering people and commanding an army of thousands.

In search of new business opportunities, Izumo had in mind to bring to the world of Naruto one of the most lucrative industries, fast food. Sale of hamburgers and fried chicken.

He couldn't miss such a business opportunity, in "Boruto" it was a business that seemed to be very profitable, among others. As could be a railway.

"Look for business partners" I urge Izumo.

Esdeath took a drink, and took a bite of the chicken that she had in her hand, she replied:

"Sigh, it's the only option available. I wasn't planning on sharing the profits"

Yor, who was listening from the side, made a suggestion: "Once you have the money I can assassinate them for you, with that the whole business would be yours."

Esdeath shook her head, tossing her limp blue hair. Izumo delighted in watching those huge snow-white breasts move.

"I already thought about that, I did it a few times, the problem is that no one associated with me, if I continue to do it, even if you don't leave any traces, they might suspect"

Izumo, touched his chin, thought of a solution.

"We need money huh. Well, I have it planned: we'll rob Konoha's supply caravans and then resell the goods back to Konoha. Quick money and no loss, what do they say?"

"Not a bad idea. We can put a tracker in one of the boxes, so we won't lose track or time looking for the merchandise" Esdeath replied.

Yor nodded from the side, it didn't seem like a bad plan.

"Okay, the next batch of merchandise we sell must carry a tracker, and it must be the largest. We can't repeat this too much, they might get suspicious. Regarding trading partners, let's find a clan."

Esdeath grabbed her hair and tied it into a ponytail. He then asked:

"You're sure?"

"We can't control everything. If all that money flows only to us, we could face problems. Some pie needs to be shared. Also, we could gain allies to use and improve our connections."

"It can be troublesome, if we join it would be hard to expand to other villages. They wouldn't let a business that belongs to one of the major konoha clans into their village. No village would risk spies coming in, or food poisoning. Unless we are very profitable and he finds it worthwhile."

"It's true... I sigh, let's think calmly. There are many uncertain factors, what do you say Yor"

Yor finished eating, wiped his mouth and replied:

"It's better to steal the caravans, then we can think about the rest"

"Well, everything is said, it's adventure time" Izumo said.

"It's time!" Yor scream excited.

Esdeath smiled to see his two life partners, she liked his new life.

"Yes, turn on the TV"

The trio already had an idea of the future, only preparations remained, but before continuing with their plans, they allowed themselves a moment of relaxation. They turned on the television and settled on the sofa, enjoying some sandwiches.

Yor can be seen as a mature and motherly woman, however, she also has the childish side of her. Yor has been trained since she was 9 years old, she has been killing since she was 11, her life has always been training and killing. She did not have a childhood, and as such, she sometimes watches cartoons, or somewhat childish things, it is her way of recovering what she lost.

It didn't bother Izumo at all, as she valued her "family" and had never placed any restrictions on hers. Yor and Esdeath always performed their duties exceptionally, and he always rewarded them for it. Although, it is worth mentioning that if they were other people, Izumo would not hesitate to exploit them to death.

Thus, this strange "family" of three, enjoyed a quiet moment on the sofa, watching television and sharing snacks. It was hard to imagine that a few minutes ago they were planning murders and caravan robberies.

What a quirky and unconventional family.