
we have a lifetime, (part one)


bad ending trope, your lover and you keep meeting in multiple lifetimes, but everything ended up the same every single time, after so long you reminisce about the first time it happened.

Year 1972, July 7

When it first happened.

I held him closer than ever, as he whispered sweet nothings into my ears. His eyes slowly blinked, as my hand held his. With every breath he took, I could hear his physical struggles to continue through. With a bullet wound in his right shoulder, and a protruding knife in his chest. I couldn't say one word as blubbering sobs left my lips. Fear for once I had tasted fear.

"I'm alright, don't cry love. Y-you're going to be alright." he chuckled, and looked straight into my eyes, as if everything was going to be okay, reassuring me like he always had, like he always did.

"Maybe God just loved me too much, h-heaven wanted me back.."he muttered, his chuckle slowly turning into a deep chesty cough.

His other hand held my cheek. He felt cold. He was shaking and softly his hand went from my temple down to my cheek. This thumb caressed them and I couldn't help the tears when all the familiar warmth left his palm. It felt cold. I tried to imagine the pain he felt, as I watched him smile softly at me, as life left his eyes. My sobs went unheard, I had lost him again. They keep coming back for him. For me. It felt like hours, as I sat on the ground holding and hugging his cold body in my arms. I heard footsteps, and everyone stood behind me, waiting. I looked up to the sky, and felt a drop of rain against my cheek and soon the sky was raining, as if he himself wanted to wipe away my tears.

"Adam, get the men ready. Drive us to High Mountain."

I stood up and walked over, as Adam opened an umbrella over me shielding me from the rain. I pushed his hand away, and he nodded in understanding. My men parted and made their way, and one by one, they closed the umbrellas as I walked past in respect. I could recognize each one of them, that he and I had appointed. They bowed in recognition and respect, as their fist clenched in anger and sadness. As I took a step towards the person at the end, I looked at his only sibling, his sister.

"Ry, what are we going to do now?" she said, her voice withering at the loss of her brother.

"Emily, you know what I have to do. We have to go."

"Ry, brother's funeral, we have to bury hi-" Emily whimpered, as she took a step closer to the body. I could barely hear the sirens, the sound was distinctly growing louder. I looked at her blankly.

"Emily, I promised Noah that I would take care of you and I will."

I said, trying to keep all rationality, like how I always do. First, I needed to get her out of here.

"N-no, we can't l-leave him there Ry, we have to- "

"Adam, bring her to the car."

"N-no you can do this Riley. You have to come with me, we have to take Noah back, his body. We have to give him a proper burial, he has to come back with us… please Ry"

As Adam pulled her away. I asked all my men to leave and protect her. Some wanted to stay behind with me, but I told them to go. If anyone would get away from the police, it would be me. As the sirens grew louder, I went back to the body and took off the wedding band from his finger. The sirens came closer as I got on my knees in front of the body. The police cars stopped around me, as a familiar face stood opposite of me.

"Riley Baldwin, you're under arrest-"

A loud gunshot was heard, and the loud ringing played in my ears. The next thing I knew Henry's face was right in front of mine. I looked down at my chest, as a bullet went straight through. My hand went out to touch my torso.

"RILEY, LISTEN TO ME." As my eyes blinked trying to make sense of what was happening, my half-brother was screaming loudly, but I could hear bits and pieces. It felt like I was swimming deep under the sea. I tried to gasp for air but the next thing I knew everything went dark.