
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasy
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57 Chs

6•18 ; Augmentation of Brain

(Aunt, what exactly is this 'underage conference'?) Void's curiosity was piqued after the guests left, and he couldn't resist asking the inevitable question.

As if expecting this, and knowing Void's inquisitive nature, Sarah laid backly countered, (First, do you know why it's called an 'underage conference'?)

"No," Void replied blandly.

Anticipating his response, Sarah clarified, (When someone mentions the phrase 'underage conference,' those unfamiliar with it would immediately think of it as a gathering of kids under 20 years old, based on common sense. Unfortunately, they couldn't be more wrong!)

{- 20 = Students _ + 20 = Adults}

She further explained, (The reason it was named the Underage Conference is due to the true purpose of this occasion. It isn't a gathering of those below 20. Instead, it is a gathering of children below 10. The word 'underage' refers to mortal children who have not yet awakened, who are yet to qualify to develop in material immersion.)

(This occasion will be held once every five years in a chosen world, dictated by the heavenly order. Children from all over the cosmos who have undergone primeval analysis and are destined to earn the qualifications to enter material immersion are perhaps the only ones qualified to attend this occasion. However, this is just a whitewash, a front to accumulate reputation and to maintain a good image in public. The ugly truth is that this occasion is only for those who can afford spatial cross or were specifically invited either by the heavenly order or the hosts of the conference.)

(For those who couldn't afford to attend the spatial cross or weren't invited, the underage conference is nothing but a tell tale. Remember one thing, my sweethearts: no matter how good of an existence one may seem, in the end, personal life and benefits are the driving forces behind one's actions. A prime example of this is the supposedly ever-righteous heavenly order,) Sarah sneered as she concluded her statement.

Understanding the underlying message, both Sora and Void nodded solemnly.

(Apologies for digressing. So, where were we? Right, basically, what I'm trying to convey is: the true purpose of this underage conference is to teach the yet-to-awaken children how to confront challenges, essentially exposing them to the harsh realities of the world. It's a final test to gauge a child's readiness to embark on their own unique journey. This event also serves to help the children build connections with other talented seedlings of their generation.)

(Ultimately, it's up to them or their guardian to decide whether to attend the conference. Additionally, many people don't consider the underage conference to be significant, as they don't have time to pay attention to a group of inexperienced children. Essentially, what I mean is that despite the event being important, not many will attend. Perhaps only a few of those invited will come due to formalities. Even then, they won't send their most talented and will only bring those of lesser importance.)

(What a harsh world this is.) After hearing the clarification, Void felt downcast, his curiosity instantly dying down.

(Hmm. Quite hypocritical as well.) Sora nodded empathetically.

In the meantime, Sarah was speechless at their behavior. She thought, (If they reacted like that just after a few remarks about reality that she mentioned casually, maybe it's too early for them to learn about the true harsh reality of the world.)

She reassured, (Don't be disheartened, my prince, even if this event didn't meet your expectations. At least, you won't be let down. Since the world hosting the conference is compelled to send their children, whether geniuses or extras, to the event without exception. Otherwise, that world would be condemned as sinners for disrespecting and not showing enough respect to the heavenly order.)

(Which means, you will be sure to meet the top prodigies of your generation in our world,) Sarah concluded.

Upon hearing her last words, immediately, a twinkle shone in the depths of Void's obsidian eyes. He playfully thought, (I wonder if I will be able to meet the 'true protagonist' of this world and of my story board in this grand occasion known as the underage conference. Kukukuku. Either way, it'll be a fun place to visit.)


Western World's End - Black Hole, Geas CD.

On the intangible, floating island of mysterious technology, in a certain battlefield-like room, tens of clashes reverberated deafeningly. The enchantments enveloping the room glittered, forming barriers for self-protection mechanisms.

At the center of this clash stood a figure of a 9-year-old boy, adorned with spiky scarlet hair and deep crimson eyes. His small hands held a blade-like saber as red as blood. His stance was firm, standing alone in the middle, while being surrounded by tens of figures of kids around his age.

Those kids, regardless of gender, held innate weaponry of their own. All of their eyes focused on the scarlet-haired boy, their eyes oozing with murderous intent. Their bodies were surrounded by different kinds of power aura, ready to unleash havoc at a moment's notice.

If there were any outsiders present here, they would be shocked to the core to witness the kids in their current state. Logically speaking, every child here appears to be under ten years old, yet each one of them emits a powerful aura, indicating that these kids have already formulated a source and awakened as ability users, meeting the minimum qualification to enter material immersion.

According to common knowledge, most individuals, regardless of their nature, only develop a source when they reach the age of ten. This is the optimal age when a child's brain waves are in their peak state, allowing fluid access to augment the brain signals and establish a neural connection/neuro-panel in their visual cortex. Most importantly, when a child turns ten, their chances of resonating with their conception and transmuting the concept into a source are at an all-time high.


Yet, there are always exceptions. Some children may resonate with their conception at a very early age. These individuals are labeled as geniuses and prodigies, and without exception, every one of them has a code attunement exceeding 50%. There are even records of being the earliest to awaken.

Here, there are tens of kids on the so-called prodigy level, ganging up to fight a single boy. One can only marvel at the monstrous talent of this scarlet-haired boy, who easily tramples the tens of kids like an experienced warrior who has been through thousands of battles. ♈♈♈♈♈♈