
Hero from the slums pt.4

In Ash's journey in finding a mentor although unfortunate being unable to find one for himself he never stopped his exercises.

After two years of looking for a mentor one day he ran into an old man in the middle of the forest.

"Young'un what are you doing here? I don't think you're old enough to be alone in this forest" The hermit asked.

"I'm a traveler I'm looking for a master to teach me how to use any kind of weapon and how to refine my magic." Ash answered.

"What about you? I don't think you should be going really far from your house" Ash asked concerned.

"Hoho I'm fine young man even if I look like this I'm quite strong you know" The hermit struck a pose cracking his back in the process..

"Ah ow" The hermit said holding his back.

"I told you..." Ash said helping the hermit sit.

"Young'un can you give me something to eat?" The old man asked.

Ash gave the hermit some bananas and apples.

After the hermit ate he suddenly stood up and struck a pose again.

"Now young man you said you wanted to find a mentor well I'm willing to teach you. It's guaranteed to make you stronger" The hermit said.


"My training might be harsh and you might think about backing out but if you can finish it you would be guaranteed to be a cut above the majority."


"All you need to is come here at the break of dawn with food and do as I say"

"deal" Ash answered.


After that everyday for six years Ash came to that place and was made to swing a sword a thousand times, run ten miles dragging logs, and to keep on circulating mana through his veins.

There were times when he wanted to quit, but when he saw his progress he would get his determination back and keep on going.

At the end of each day his master would teach him the forms and techniques of swordplay and have a spar.

He'd get callouses from training, he'd faint when he messes up his magic circulation and he'd get deadly injuries if he loses focus during their spars but he never missed training.

Unlike the kid from the slums who stole to acquire food that never took the jump to change himself he now jumped everyday straight to the path where death would constantly follow him. He changed from the one who stole to get what he needs and wants he's now working everyday on the verge of death to get back what he lost.