
Hero from the slums pt. 8

With Spirit's survival guaranteed they took a small rest.

After resting they decided it was time for Cynthia to go back to the castle and meet her parents.

On their trip home they decided to take it slow unlike their other trips.

When they were about to enter the capital they were stopped by knights.

"Who are you and what is your intention for entering the capital" the knights shouted pointing their spears at the trio.

"ummm we're here to see the king and queen" Ash answered.

"psst what are you doing don't you have anything to identify yourself?" Cynthia whispered

"I don't I'm from the slums remember? and it's not like they're asking for it" Ash answered.

"Where's your Identification card?" The knight asked.

"I don't have one" Ash answered politely

"I apologize but we can't let you in" the knights said

"We really have to see them it's an urgent matter" Cynthia asked this time but the answer was still.


"Wouldn't it be faster if we just force our way in" Spirit asked as he started running straight for the castle faster than the knights could register what he said.

Spirit barged into the throne room where the king and queen sat their eyes lifeless as they were not able to move on from the lost of their daughter.

The king and queen was surprised by the undead horse but they heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"Your majesty the king and queen. I apologize for barging in suddenly but, I do believe this is of utmost importance." Ash informed the king and queen

They heard the knights clamoring behind the trio obviously rushing to rescue them.

"Don't come near!!" Ash shouted his voice amplified by magic using it to intimidate the knights.

"Father, Mother... have you forgotten about me?" A really somewhat familiar voice asked them.

Cynthia stood step forward with tears in her eyes looking at her parents.

"Cynthia is that really you?" The king asked.

"Yes, father I still remember it like yesterday I was kidnapped on our way home from the arcade." Cynthia answered.

"Who is this young man?" the king asked

"Your majesty I was the slum boy who tried stopping the witch from getting away that night. I apologize that despite having the means to do so my judgement was thin and I was unable to save her majesty the princess" Ash answered kneeling on one knee.

"He was the one that told me about the arcade father" Cynthia answered.

"Since then I felt obligated for not being able to help my friend" Ash added.

The queen stood up and ran to hug the princess.

"Mother/Queen" The king and Cynthia said.

"It is her, I just know it's her" The queen said crying soon Cynthia was also hugging her and crying.

A lot of "I miss you"s and "sorry"s were exchanged between the royal family.

"Brave hero with my power as the king of this country I hereby give you the title 'hero' for this great did you've done me I'll forever be in your debt. It might not be enough but I shall provide you with a money and a mansion here in the capital." king declared.

~the end~