
Hero from the slums pt. 7

After picking up his sword Ash ran into the tower and went straight to Cynthia with the help of his familiar.

"Cynthia!!! get away from the walls" Ash shouted as he kicked the wall down.

As the wall fell down Cynthia jumped into Ash's arms hugging him and Ash hugged back.

"What took you so long?" Cynthia laughed while crying out of happiness.

"Well I knew I wasn't strong enough so I tried to train by myself but, it wasn't enough so I got a mentor and it took me ages to learn. I'm sorry it took me so long."

"I missed you"

"I miss-"

|clap| |clap| |clap|

"The little slum boy that knew a little magic trick is here to save his little girlfriend hee hee hee hee" The witch appeared.

"Let us go!" Ash shouted as he went in front of Cynthia to shield her from the witch.

"Hee hee hee hee I won't let you g-"

The witch was cut off as she had to dodge an icicle hurling towards her.

<Icicle shot><Icicle shot><Icicle shot>.

The witch had no time to recover as Ash was sending spells at her like there's no tomorrow and one finally managed to graze her cheek.

"My face!!! My beautiful perfect face!!!" Enraged the witch used her magic to attack back as well.

<Icicle shot><Fire bolt><Water ball>

The witch shot back smiling thinking she won.

"Don't think I'm still the same kid who can only use one spell at a time" Ash said

<Barrier><Icicle shot><Fire bolt><Air cutter>

Ash kept the barrier up without stopping his barrage of attacks.

Then suddenly both the witch and Ash suddenly stopped their onslaught of attacks.

"M-master!? What are you doing?" Ash suddenly shouted holding his head and crouching.


"What's wrong Ash? Ash!?" Cynthia asked.

"What did you do to him?" Cynthia asked the witch.

"hee hee hee hee Illusion magic currently his in a prison of illusion woven by his nightmares" The witch answered.

<Rock Spike>

A spike came out of the ground and pierced Ash's stomach.

"This is bad" Ash's familiar said as he stepped up front to use barrier magic to stop the next barrage of attacks but they were stronger than it was before.

"8 years amount of pure mana boosted by the spirits hee hee hee" The witch said.

Ash's familiar grunted as it tried it's best to maintain the barrier.

Then suddenly Ash stood up with no emotion on his face and his eyes clouded.


He started chanting with incomprehensible words in an unknown language.

"Cynthia stop him that chant is forbidden it's the chant for {Pandora's Box} backwards"

"What's that?" Cynthia asked.

"{Pandora's box is a world skill meaning what it affects the world greatly when used. If you use Pandora's box chant you'll unleash every monster stuck inside it into the world but, if you do it backwards you can trap any entity in there. The only thing they have in common is you would need a large amount of mana to use and that it kills the caster}" Ash's familiar explained.

Cynthia did everything she could but to no avail when a random fairy tale cliché clicked into her.

'a kiss' Cynthia blushed at the thought of kissing him but she closed her eyes and placed her lips on his.

Ash's clouded eyes were replaced by his usual brilliant eyes but he had already muttered the end of the spell.

A huge magic circle appeared from the ground and tentacles came out of it trying to pull the witch down whilst Ash coughed up blood.

"What should we do!?" Cynthia asked the familiar.

"Kuhn" The familiar grunted.

<Cast Steal>

The familiar stole the casting rights of the spell and the drawback was given to him.

The two cried as they both had lost their precious friend.

"Spirit, that's what I was gonna name you" Ash cried as he was never able to fulfill his side of the deal.

Their strong desire and hope for Spirit's survival was known to the spirits and the miracle of a lifetime happened Spirit's body dissipated into the air except for his bones which floated and he turned into a different species of {Spirit Horse: Undead}