
Hero from the slums pt. 6

Ash fell asleep crying and when he woke up there was a new sword beside him and an incomplete armor.

After he wore the armor he decided it was time for him to rescue Cynthia.

[Cynthia's side]

'how long has it been since I was kept in this tower.' Cynthia asked herself.

"Cynthia..." The hamster said as he glowed a bit.

"W-what's happening to you?" Cynthia asked in worry.

"It's time |squeak|..." The hamster said

"It's time for what" Cynthia asked tearing up.

"Hey it's gonna be fine my master started moving again and with the bond I made with you he'll need me to come and rescue you." The hamster said before disappearing.

Cynthia felt hope come back. every day for the past 8 years the hamster would tell her about how Ash felt and for the past 7 years his report came out as hurt, determined, sad, angry, and etc.

[Ash's side]

"Hey buddy I missed you so much" Ash said as he hugged the horse that he summoned.

"I kept following your orders, I know how to get to her already are you sure you're strong enough" the horse said.

"Let's go buddy knowing her she's probably lonely." Ash said smiling.

"Full speed" The horse said as he ran full speed dodging obstacles along the way he ran though the ocean fast enough not to sink.

[After a while]

They arrive at the witch's tower pretty fast given how there was nothing to stop them.

"Cynthia I'm here for you!!!" Ash shouted and the gates opened showing a really muscular minotaur. The minotaur is a lot bigger than normal and had a black and red pattern instead of the normal brown color. Ash took note of this as a mutation caused by the witch's experiments.

The minotaur charged straight at them with a battle axe.

The minotaur swung it's axe downwards in an attempt to crush Ash's skull but Ash blocked with his new sword and parried it to the side before swinging his sword at it's chest but the minotaur's leather was thick and hard making the cut shallow.

Ash hit the axe out of the minotaur's hands and decided to thrust his sword at the minotaur's chest.

The minotaur howled in pain but he didn't die.

"What? why didn't you die?" Ash asked before he got punched in the chest launching him quite far.

Without a weapon he decided to use magic instead but before he can cast any spells the minotaur has already charged at him.

After a while of playing keep away Ash decided to risk getting close to the minotaur and get his sword back.

Ash ran straight at the minotaur and took hold of his word but instead of pulling he pushed it deeper and casted <Poison> in it killing the minotaur.

The minotaur faded but left it's horns when Ash went to pick the horn the horn attached to his sword like a attachment.

Okay so there might be some confusion about how 'the hamster' became a horse. well he was a dream monster. this is a fantasy setting after all. The dream monster is a kind of monster that takes the form something from your dream as a means of friendliness and takes the form of your greatest fear as to show hostility. Whatever form it takes doesn't affect it's strength.

Nacht_Merriecreators' thoughts