
Hero from the slums pt. 5

[7 years after]

Seven years has passed since when he started his training. It was time for Ash and his mentor to part ways.

"It's already time for you to graduate from being my student young'un" The hermit said as he raised his sword.

"I have taught everything I know. This is my last challenge for you, use your entire arsenal of skills and knowledge and defeat me" Ash raised his sword at his master's words

"If you are still unable to defeat me you should forget about that goal of yours."

Their battle was fierce slash after slash, thrust after thrust and parries neither was giving an inch but then their gap in skills was shown The hermit was able to struck Ash's blind spot.

Ash didn't falter and blocked the next one. Ash swung his sword at the ground to hit sand at his master's eyes and pointed his sword at his neck.

"I win" Ash said.

"It seems you did."

"I threw sand at you"

"It seems you did"

"I cheated"

"No, you did not"

"We're not knights we're just fighters. I told you to fight me with everything you had and you won." The hermit said as he dropped his sword.

"Why did you drop your sword?" Ash asked

"Seven year ago you asked me why I was here" The hermit said.

"You see I'm a thief. I stole everything I could knowledge, ability, skill, anything of desire."

"One day I fell in love with a woman. She became my world but, one day she got sick. I did everything I could I shared my skill unconditionally looking for people to cure my wife. Those people were evil they used my skill terrorize others and my wife died of sickness"

"Did you know why I asked you for food?"


"In grief I killed myself but I was blocked from the heavens. 'You're a thief and you gave power to wrong people. You shall never pass these gates until you learn to share and to whom you shall share' that's what god told me. I was isolated here unable to go out."

"Most people couldn't see me and others didn't want to help an old man like me"

"Kill me"

"No, I can't no" Ash sobbed

"Set me free" The hermit smiled reassuringly.

Ash swung his sword at his next but there was no blood it didn't even connect when he opened his eyes as surprised as he is behind the hermit was a pair of white wings.

The sky glowed a golden color and a woman flew down hugging the hermit.

"You suffered enough and I missed you so much" the woman said and the hermit turned young again as young as the woman.

"Farewell kid I'll be watching you from above" The hermit said as they flew.

"Thank you!!! for everything!!!" Ash said as he cried.