
Hero from the slums pt. 3

The witch took Cynthia in a tower that sucks up mana at a high pace where Cynthia would stay and provide mana for the witch's experiments.

<In the morning>

"Ugh where am I?" Cynthia said as she looked around.

Until her memories hit her.

"|sob| Mommy, Daddy help me where are you?" Cynthia asked crying.

She continued to cry until she heard a squeak.

"|squeak| |squeak| Are you alright?" The hamster spoke.

"hmm who are you!?" Cynthia asked.

"Shhh! let me introduce myself whilst I am yet to be named I am Ash's familiar. I was tasked with the objective to hide myself, protect you and to always be by your side while he looks for us" The hamster answered.

|door opens|

"Hee hee hee hee listen here girly I'll keep you here for eternity hee hee hee hee. I'll have you supply me with mana with the spirits' blessings you have a lot more mana than an average person. Hee hee hee hee don't worry I'll still feed you." The witch laughed as Cynthia run into the farthest corner away from the witch.

Meanwhile the hamster hid in a corner concealing his presence.

The witch held Cynthia's face "I'll even give you toys and books to keep your self entertained hee hee hee hee"

<Back to Ash>

Ash berated himself for not being strong enough to save his friend.

With him using a spell to keep a familiar to stay beside Cynthia to at least help her. He is now unable to use another spell with his current strength.

"Okay, now I can't use magic I'll learn how to use a weapon and strengthen my magic as well. Wait for me a bit Cynthia" Ash said.

Steeling his resolve Ash decided to learn how to wield a weapon properly.

[After a year]

After a year Cynthia got used to the tower. She was never bored or hungry because like Ash the hamster would tell her stories of what he could see outside and give her fruits it picked.

"So I finished looking around the area and found out a thing or two. We are in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by a barrier that hides this place. |squeak|" The hamster said.

"|sigh| I really feel hopeless you know? What if Ash or my parents already forgot about me?" Cynthia sighed

"Don't worry that's not true, well at least my master's still trying to look for you while getting stronger himself |squeak|" the hamster said.

"How do you know?" Cynthia asked

"Well first of all he's still yet to call me back meaning he wants there to be a connection. |squeak| Secondly I'm his familiar I can feel it all his emotions, pain suffering, and some of his thoughts" |squeak|.

"Really?" "Yes, so don't worry we just have to survive" the hamster said.

[Ash's side]

"haa" Ash breathed deeply no matter what he does he can't learn how to wield a weapon and his magic's only improvement was a small spark without cancelling his other magic.

"I can't do this anymore, not alone. I need someone to teach me" Ash told himself so steeling his resolve Ash took his savings and what clothes he has and decided to look for a teacher.