
Hero from the slums pt. 2

Everyday Cynthia would wait in the garden for Ash to arrive and when he did Ash would tell Cynthia about his adventures and mishaps.

Cynthia would sometimes vent about how her parents would not let her do things and about how she wants to try and do things not just learn them.

One day Cynthia excitedly told Ash about an exciting news.

"Aassshh!! my dad finally have time he said we'll go out tomorrow" Cynthia said happily.

"Really? you should remember not to talk to strangers and don't let go of your dad there are lots of people with bad intentions outside" Ash told her whilst patting her head.

"I wouldn't be able to talk to you tomorrow" Cynthia said.

"It's fine you've been waiting for this for so long have fun with your parents" Ash answered.

"You should probably go to sleep early today you're gonna have a long day tomorrow" Ash said patting her back before leaving.

[Next day]

The long awaited day has arrived Cynthia woke up early to get dressed with the help if her maids. She and her father the king would be wearing disguises to blend in with the people.

"So it's finally the day where do you want to go first" Marcus the king asked Cynthia.

"Let's go to Imayu's Arcade first I heard it was the most attractive place to go to." Cynthia said remembering Ash's story.

"Really from whom did you hear about it?" Marcus asked.

"O-oh It was just a rumor I heard in the hallways" Cynthia sweat dropped remembering Ash's conditions.

So they went to Imayu's Arcade it was lined up with little games with prices such as darts, archery, ring toss, bean bag, etc.

They went ahead and tried to play all the games.

They played darts and tried to win a prize and after losing a lot of money they finally managed to hit the center of the board winning them a teddy and a voucher for a free takoyaki at the snack bar.

When they played archery it was fairly easy for Marcus to win with his skills and Cynthia also managed to hit the target twice out of 20 arrows. Winning them 12 small animal plushes and 6 snack vouchers.

They had a lot of trouble and fun in games not stopping until they won at least once some they had to give up on.

After having fun they decided to eat at the snack bar cashing their vouchers and some using their own money.

"Wow this is quite delicious.... takoyaki? I'll ask the chefs to cook this for us later" Marcus said before biting another one.

"Oh I'd also like him to cook me yema it was delicious" Cynthia added.

After eating they decided to walk home where they met a cloaked figure who snatched Cynthia.

"Hey give her back!!!" Marcus shouted as he ran after the cloaked figure.

"Oh no" The cloaked figure said as she looked back seeing Marcus gain on her.

"Get back here" Marcus said before the cloak fell to the ground revealing a witch. As the witch started floating up.

"Hee hee hee hee I've been planning this a long time ago then suddenly a large aura covered the castle, I'll admit that was a huge setback well who thought you'd go outside hee hee hee hee finders keepers" The witch said as she started to fly away but was stopped by a glow.

"Give Cynthia back!!!" Ash appeared his hands locked in a pose trying to pull the witch back.

Furious the witch decided to use offensive spells to attack.

"So you were the mage who's been around the princess, take this !!! <fireball>" The witch created fireballs one after the other sending it towards Ash.

'If I let go of the spell the witch would get away but, if I don't use something to block the fireballs more people will get hurt' Ash thought

"You witch!!! <barrier>" Ash exchanged his hold on the witch for a barrier to shield the citizens from the fireballs.

"Hee hee hee So you can't hold more than one spell at a time buh bye!!!" The witch laughed as she flew away.

"<tamed monster series: companion>" Ash muttered before running away from the scene scared he might be held liable for the damage.