
Imagination Is My Only Limitation

On the verge of finally ending his life after deciding he'd had enough, young Dilan is interrupted as his reality goes haywire from the usual norm it took. Why does he suddenly have superpowers? And worse, why does he keep awakening more? They're too powerful! What? It grew 4 inches?! ----------------- I truly do want to stick to this, but I just get bored sometimes, especially with no inspiration. Who knows. This will be slice of life though and casual, so don't come expecting battle after battle, our Dilan is a sweet boy.

Peaks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 4

"W-Who the hell are you man? Why are you in my house?" The shaky voice of his father almost caused Dilan to burst in laughter. He'd never seen his father so nervous before. Why'd he seem do afraid?

What Dilan forgot however was the changes in his body weren't solely in his face. He now stood a staggering 6'6", and the muscles which he had shrugged off were nothing to scoff at.

He had the build of a god, his muscles not overly huge yet so tight and compact that it seemed he was brimming with power, which he was. He hadn't taken much time to indulge in it which is why his father's expression seemed more surprising than it should be.

Dilan looked like the ultimate speciman, whereas all he was previously focused on were his face and his new and improved partner in crime, his father on the other hand, the moment he walked into the kitchen swore he saw the face of a devil staring at him, before he realized it was the back of a shirtless man, which was the reason for his fearful tone, not to mention the fact that Dilan had a knife in his hand.

"The fuck are you talking about old man?" Turning to his father, Dilan disdainfully looked at him as if he was some idiot with loose screws.

He had already thought of people's reactions regarding his new appearance. Anyone who remotely knew him knew he couldn't afford surgery, especially not plastic surgery to such a degree. So what would be the explanation for his new look? Well he didn't have one.

Could he be blamed? It wasn't like he just got taller, or just gained a liitle bit of muscle. It was as if someone plastered the face of the god of beauty onto the body of the god war and made sure it bore a 5% resemblence to Dilan.

Even his previous feauture of a short wingspan was gone, now his shoulders were broad while his arms firm and his legs long.

Just how the hell was he supposed to explain that sort of change?

So Dilan decided he'd dumb it down some, which is when he came up with the plan to use a certain fact to his advantage, no ever paid attention to him.

I got taller? Puberty, I just had my growth spurt.

My skin looks shinier? I previously never took care of myself, I have a routine now.

Muscles? I've got nothing to do other than work now that I'm on break, so I've been exercising and dieting like my life depended on it.

More handsome? Have you gone crazy? I've always looked this good, you just never paid attention.

But no why do you look so different?- You're asking too many questions.

The only person who would see him day and night to have full doubt of his excuses was his father.

As for how to how deal with him, he'd just gaslight him.

"Huh?" Adam was confused. Old man? Isn't that what his son called him?

"…D-Dilan?" His words were full of doubt and disbelief as he addressed the man before him.

"What? Don't tell me you go out having kids with strangers too? Or have you just been drinking that much that you've convinced yourself that was your new reality."

There was no mistaking it, the haughty and agitating tone was definitely his son.

Dilan rarely talked back to him, but when he did, it seemed he'd say whatever he could to get under the man's skin and piss him off.

Adam's eyes widened as he looked Dilan up and down, he could draw no comparisons with this man and his son other than their eyes, and even that seemed different than before.

"Why…Why do you look so different? What happened to you?" The man lifted his shaky hand at Dilan and pointed the bottle at him as he looked him up and down many times over.

"Huh? Different? Different how?" Dilan gave the most confused expression he could muster. Like the words of his father were the most difficult thing to comprehend.

"No! You're taller, big, just- all of you is different!" Seemingly growing frustrated at his confusion, Adam raised his voice and yelled.

"Tch." Well that was a scrap for his plan. Dilan had hoped his father would come to doubt his own sanity and then deny the truth he had known, chalking it up to drinking too much and not paying much attention to his son.

It seemed he indeed did doubt his own sanity, but stood on the truth he knew.

Fully turning to his father, Dilan looked down at him, pondering on just what to say as he knew more than likely he wouldn't be able to fool the drunkard.

"I've been like this. I told you, a few months ago, when summer break started I'd be working out to gain some muscle. It just met well with my growth spurt. I'm not surprised you don't remember, why would you even care."

Convinced his words wouldn't do much, Dilan had just put down the knife and prepared to leave before the sudden change in his father caught his attention.

He father's aggressive expression and demeanor disappeared, his face and body had calmed as he slighty slouched and the intense look in his eyes faded as he seemed like he lost focus.

He suddenly began to mumble to himself in a low voice, but Dilan could hear him.

"Right. Exercise, growth spurt, always."

Dilan looked on in doubt as his father whispered to himself before suddenly regaining the focus back in eyes, once more looking at Dilan with the anger and scorn he was used to.

"Huh. What the fuck are you doing looking at me like that you shit?"

But Adam's words had went in one ear and out the other.

What the fuck. He accepted it just like that? No. What was all that just now?

Dilan couldn't believe it, if his thoughts were true than whatever was going with him was a much bigger deal than he thought.

Ignoring his father's words, Dilan stepped closer as he looked the man dead in his eyes, which slightly shook him as he took a step back

Dilan's suggestive ability didn't simply make a lie the truth for the man, but fully spun it around to make sense.

Now, in his mind, Dilan truly began to work out like a madman upon summer break, which met well with his growth spurt to give him the physique and appearance he currently has.

He had been dealing with the dread that his son was by far now bigger than him and looked wholly intimidating. But having realized his son's attitude towards him never changed, he continued talking and behaving the same way he always had.

But the fear that some day Dilan might step up to him had always lingered in his heart, which he thought was happening right now.

Perhaps feeling maybe it was a temporary ability, or it's uses were one-time, Dilan's mind quickly raced to find a command, something he would never accept under normal circumstances.

"The $17 I owed you from before, you no longer want it." It was the quickest thing he could think of.

In familiar fashion, the man's body relaxed as his eyes lost all focus.


'Ha!' Resisting the urge to burst into a fit of laughter, Dilan walked past his father who had just recoved, and made his way back to his room, closing the door.

"Teleportation, Flight, Super Healing, Super Hearing, Mind Reading, and now Mind Control."

His newfound abilities filled him with as much excitement as it did dread.

All this time, his mind had not stopped racing with questions of his abilities.

With flight and super hearing, alongside with the change in his appearance, Dilan's first theory was to blame the government.

Perhaps he been chosen in some random selection to create super soldiers to use as weapons to embark on a path of world domination and they had put something in his food to make the change. Even the mind blowing ability to teleport he could throw into that mix.

But to him, mind control and mind reading was simply so outrageous that even if the government was full of suicidal, greedy bastards with one leg in the grave, they wouldn't add that to his arsenal, it was too much.

Weren't they afraid he would turn around and use it on them?

Which is why he felt fear at the thought that if these powers were indeed granted to him by a being or a group of beings who had intentions of negatively manipulating him, then they most likely had the confidence in resisting him or outright putting him down if need be.

Just what sort of being was actually capable of such a thing?

"Ah who gives a fuck." Dilan spoke to no one in particular as he collapsed onto his bed, thankfully it was just a mattress on the floor, otherwise it might've just collapsed if he had a bed frame.

He decided to not think of it any longer and let whatever happens just happen.

He resolved to the same thoughts when committing suicide, if like he had thought, he was sentenced to eternity in hell fo suffer for taking his life, then fuck it.

The same applied here, if there was some being waiting for him to reach a certain level of ability before fucking him over, then fuck it.


His fantasies were disrupted by his vibrating phone.

Picking it up, he saw he had 6 missed calls and 4 text messages, all from Emma.

"Jesus this girl is persistent."

She initially texted him, informing him of a location and time to meet, before abruptly changing the time as her fascination and curiosity of him got the better of her and she couldn't sit still, requesting that they meet right away.

Her next messages were asking for a reply, which she did not receive and resorted to blowing up his phone with calls.

[Sure, otw] He sent her back a simple text before looking down at himself.

None of his clothes but his boxers and socks fit him, he couldn't just leave like this could he?

15 minutes later, Dilan had solves dilemma as he stood in his father's room with clothes laid out onto the bed. Even his father's clothes wouldn't fit him, so Dilan put his creative mind to work.

He'd taken a pair of brown loose joggers which of course couldn't even reach his ankles, he played this off by rolling up the pant legs once and wearing all white socks to cover his ankles and shins.

He found a single oversized long-sleeve white tee in his own closet, the shirt was long enough but tight on him, so Dilan tucked it into his pants and pulled the slleves up. It did well to show off his figure and the rolled pant legs showing off his long legs, now his only issue being his shoes.

"Tsk tsk." Dilan contemplated before groaning as he steeled himself to spend the last bit of money he had on a pair of shoes, he was going to do it at some point anyways, so why not just get it out the way.

He had just gotten up to leave before his gaze landed on a black duffel bag sitting just by his father's door.

The bag had caught his eye due to being of exceptional quality, whatever material it was made of, it seemed too expensive to be in the possession of his father. Which lead him to be curious of its holdings.

He sat there almost a minute, staring at it, as if waiting for some change. "So no X-Ray vision i guess."

Dilan got to the bag and opened it as his expression froze. The bag was filled with cash, to the brim as there was little to no space in the bag, and a second look revelaed it was full of 100s.


Dilan couldn't help but curse his father. Just where had all this money come from? And why had he not received a single penny of it? Who the hell did he fuck over?

Dilan chuckled slightly as he felt his luck was simply soaring as of late, he grabbed a few dozen bills and placed them in his wallet as he decided he'd interrogate his father on this bag's origins upon his return.

For now, he needed to go shoe shopping.