
year's and days ch.4

It has been a year since I was a sleep. my leg was still broken and I finally awoke jacob rushed and was hugging me until I notice the cuts in his arms.I ask him why he cut himself he told me he fought I was gone and he said I was asleep for a year.😨😰😱😭I started to cry and slapped him and told him that I loved him his eyes grew wide his response was I love you to I started to cry as the blood stained the carpet then I tried to stand up but I ulmost fell intill jacobs eyes glowed and I fell into his arms.I was shocked and I think he new to. He put me back on the sofa I kissed his cheek he got shocked than blushed he looked like he liked it then I stopped moving.I heard his voice but I wouldnt open my eyes then my whole body fell.he couldnt bare the feelings he had for me.