

our story is about Andrew whose life was very hard because he lost everyone one of his family members, now he works at a 9/5 that his father worked in he didn't like his work he hoped that someday he could change his depressed life.And that day came when his life changed, join Andrew where he tries to change his life after being reincarnated.

Muneeb_Rahman · Fantasy
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1 Chs

life of Monotony.

After the death of his parents,he was alone he didn't have anyone he was living in an apartment he worked in a 9/5 that his father left him with because he was given the opportunity to work their after his father died he also dropped out of college because he couldn't continue studying and he hated studying,but he also didn't like working in a 9/5 so he hoped that someday he might be able to do something with his life sigh.

Andrew thinks about his life he feels sadness but he still hopes that someday and with that sadness in his eyes he goes to sleep.

As the morning sun gently peeks through the curtains, Andrew reluctantly wakes up, feeling a sense of heaviness in his heart. He knows that another day at work awaits him, and the thought doesn't exactly fill him with joy. With a sigh, he drags himself out of bed and trudges towards the bathroom, feeling the weight of the day ahead.

The shower, once a source of comfort and relaxation, now feels like just another mundane task on his never-ending to-do list. As the water cascades over him, Andrew can't help but feel a sense of monotony, as if he's stuck in a never-ending cycle of repetition.

Brushing his teeth has become a mechanical action, devoid of any excitement or enthusiasm. The mirror reflects a tired face, lacking the spark and passion that once defined him. Andrew can't help but wonder if this is all there is to life, if he's destined to spend his days in a job that fails to ignite his soul.

With each passing day, the weight of dissatisfaction grows heavier on Andrew's shoulders. The routine of getting ready for work has lost its charm, and he yearns for something more fulfilling, something that aligns with his true passions.

As Andrew reluctantly grabs his bag and heads out the door, a part of him longs for a change, for the courage to step away from the familiar and pursue a path that brings him joy and fulfillment. But for now, he resigns himself to another day at a job that leaves him feeling unfulfilled, hoping that one day he'll find the courage to chase his dream.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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