

it never crossed my thoughts that my cousin’s fiancé will be the fragile heartstrings that coils around my heart

Sparkly1 · Teen
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15 Chs



She was surprised to see me there too. Imagine my shock when my fated one told me that Rose claimed that am her fiancé.

When I was happy listening to her musical laughter the so-called Rose started calling her.


I was upstairs putting the final touches to my outfit when I became thirsty.

"Sophia! I shouted her name from my room but I didn't get any reply.

"Ahh why is she not answering? Sophiiiiiaaa! I screamed her name but still no reply.

I went out from my room and my to the kitchen.

"Sophia! I called again while entering the kitchen.

I swiftly turned when I heard the kitchen backdoor been opened. She limped into the kitchen.

Even as her face was swollen she still looks more beautiful than me who has makeup on.

Nothing gives my joy than seeing her in pains. But i was not happy that she had a painless expression, I decided to let it go taking it in mind to hit her in eyes so that she will have one eye.

"Where are you coming from and why are you not answering me? I asked her.

"I went to check on the hens in the barn". She replied me.

"Why didn't you answer when I called for you!

"I didn't hear your call I was outside".

It was obvious that she was outside and couldn't hear me when I called her.but am not going to let go of such opportunity to give her a punishment.

"Well for delaying me you will ru...."I was suddenly cut short by a knock on my door.

"Who is that? I asked with irritation

"Alex". A deep bass voice replied.

"Oh my God He is here! I shrieked and made for the door.

I turned and faced Sophia.

"What are you waiting for? You are lucky he saved you from your punishment!.

I said trying to make her jealous.

"Hurry up and start arranging the dishes you animal! I said and opened the door.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him.


"Hmmm". He nodded back at me.

"Please come in". I told him and opened the door wider to allow his bulky frame to enter.

When he was entering I quickly feed my eyes on his firm shoulder to his long legs an..

"Hey". He snapped his finger at me.

"Oh am sorry I couldn't help it". I blushed and led him to the dinning and sat down beside him.

"Where is that useless maid? Sophia go and call mom and stop mopping around!. I shouted at her.

"Yes ma'am". she replied.

hi readers please do me a favor by commenting . please and please.(creation is hard please cheer me up)

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