

it never crossed my thoughts that my cousin’s fiancé will be the fragile heartstrings that coils around my heart

Sparkly1 · Teen
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15 Chs


"What? I didn't hear anything". He replied her.

"I heard something". She insisted.

"It may be that your ears have decided to trick you, hurry up let's leave this place". He urged her on.

When they passed where I was hiding I saw the girl face with the help of the moon and realized why her voice sounded familiar.

"Rose" I murmured in my heart and pitied the parents who birthed her.

"Hmmm that's her business". after the tomorrow lunch with her family I will avoid her like a plague. Even though the people don't know what she does in the secret, it will still tarnish my image.

I quickly rushed down to my house and had a quick shower.

I went to my study to see if there's any report I could attend to, but I ended up dozing. So I went and laid down in my bed. Sleep came quickly than usual.

I had the same strange dream I have been having for a couple of years that night but as quickly as the dream came it faded into oblivion and I was able to have my peace without worrying about having a boner in the middle of the night.

I really enjoyed the dream at first but when it became constant I became scared wondering who the beautiful lady in my dream was and what she is doing there.

I woke up to the crows of the living alarm in our barns.( the chickens) the next day and quickly attended to the reports and signed the ones that needed my signature.

Before noon I was done so I had my bath and disguised myself and rushed down to the market making up my mind that I will not be a hero for any stranded lady today.

I calculated my movements to see if I will be able to attend to my grandpa today.

After buying what I wanted in the market I will go to Rose house for the so called lunch then head back home.

"I will not spend more than twenty minutes in her house".

Fortunately for me the stalls were opened this time around when I reached the market and I went in to look for what I wanted.

While going in I saw a familiar face and wonder how I became familiar with her because I have not met her before.

I went to the lane where she was and stood at her back pretending as if I wanted to what I wanted to buy was in front of her.

boom she struck me when I least expected it.