
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"To measure the man, measure his heart."- Malcolm Forbes

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The velvety atmosphere of the ballroom was decorated with delicate pendant lamps that cast a dim light over the set. The thick curtains blocking out any instance of light created a gloom that added to the ominous atmosphere of the scene.

In the ballroom, stood the handsome, notorious actor, the villain of the movie, Gabriel Davis, wearing a black suit and gracefully smoking a cigar.

Ava Michaels, his co-star, was tied to a chair in front of him, her eyes filled with fear as she realized her fate in the scene.

Gabriel's devilish smile gracefully stretched across his sharp jawline as he set his sights on Ava, relishing the anticipation of the scene. The rest of the cast watched in silence as the two lead actors prepared for their scene.

Gabriel approached her slowly, his leather boots crunching against the wooden floor, taking a drag from his cigar. "Why so scared, my dear?" he said with a smirk. "I promise I won't hurt you... yet." He tilted his head, studying her.

Ava shivered, playing her part well.

"You're making a big mistake," Ava spat out, her voice laced with venom.

Gabriel laughed. "I'm not the one who made the mistake, my dear. You underestimated me. Big mistake."

His words were laced with venom as he teased and threatened Ava, eliciting genuine fear from her. The intensity of the scene only grew, as the rest of the cast could feel the tension in the room building.

Ava's eyes brimmed with tears as Gabriel stared down at her, his eyes narrow with a sinister glint.

Ava knew she had to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't let her wild attraction for Gabriel seep into the scene.

She loved this man.

She loved him for real.

She loved him for years.

Every time they play a scene together, she fears that her true feelings will break free... 

She took a deep breath, regaining her composure, and continued the scene...

Ava squirmed in her chair, trying to free herself. Gabriel's eyes darted to her hands, noticing how her fingers were fumbling.

He quickly grabbed her hands and pinned them together, stroking them lightly with his fingertips.

"Do you have any idea how much I enjoy seeing fear in your eyes?" he said, his voice low and husky.

Making her fall for him more... Making her wish this scene would be real... When he touches her devouring the bittersweet feeling.

Ava tried to hide her terror, tightening her jawline. "You're sick," she said, her words spitting fire.

Gabriel chuckled. "That's what they all say. But here's the thing... I always get what I want."

The camera crew circled around them, capturing every detail of the scene. The lighting was dim, casting a dark and eerie shadow on Gabriel's face.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, and everyone on set held their breath, waiting for the next move.

Gabriel leaned in closer to Ava, his breath hot against her face. "Soon you'll see that I'm right," he whispered.


The director called out.

And the set was alive with the sound of compliments and praise for Gabriel, with even the director grinning from ear to ear. It was clear that Gabriel had played the villainous role with perfect accuracy, commanding and leaving the audience in fear.

Ava let out a sigh of relief. Gabriel released her from his grip, offering her a hand to stand up. She looked at him, a mix of emotions flowing through her eyes.

"Oh, thank you." she smiled seductively, trying to capture his attention.

"No need," everyone around him adapted to his cold usual self after he let go of the character and returned to reality... To his real self.

"By the way, how are holding up after the fake news?" she inquired remembering the ridiculous article about him and the ordinary woman.

"It wasn't fake. It's true... I am in a lovely relationship." he spoke emotionlessly. "Now, if you will excuse me I need to get going."

Ava stayed silent as if someone pressed the mute button, then her vision blurred when her tears attempted to rain from her verdant eyes that were following Gabriel's step until he disappeared from her sight.

How could it be true?


Suddenly, the conversation between her mother and her, started playing in her head...

~Earlier that morning, Somewhere inside a luxurious Room~

"Seriously?" Clear disbelief was evident in her tone. Her hand rolling her favorite wine, eyes locked at her mother's grumpy face, she seemed in a daze.

"Ava, how many times do I have to tell you to not be a dupe plaything?" Her old mother didn't refrain from scolding her daughter who was without a fault.

"Mom, I swear he never mentioned her name," Ava replied, sipping her wine. "It must be fake. The article won't be true-"

"Fake my ass! Then tell me who did this? You know who Gabriel is and no one is ludicrous enough to play with him." The old woman spoke enthusiastically. "I am not letting you ruin my reputation."

"I also have my reputation," Ava gulped the wine at once to relieve herself from the tension that was making her headache worse.

"Yours is already ravaged." Her mom was selfish as always not caring about anything but herself.

"Please Mom, don't say that. I am doing this because I frankly like him." Ava's verdant eyes were all watery after thinking about her love, her devotion, Gabriel Davis...

"Look, if you truly like him, then make him yours. You are my daughter after all, and our family doesn't love from a distance. You have everything that man strives for." The smirk on her wrinkled face said it all. Said all of her selfish desires..."Take your time and think about it, Ava. Remember, it's take it or leave it."

*Bang* left after she manipulated her daughter.


"Your acting is just getting better and better day by day. What a knack." he spoke as he saw Gabriel approaching.

"You got here sooner than I expected, Kevin."  he went to the elevator, Kevin following him from behind. "Your breard looks unpleasant and your hair is over grown. What happened? Your marriage didn't go well in Paris?"

"Oh, Gabriel give me a break. You and your harsh words... You should be nice to me, you know. I am your chauffeur, your assistant, your butler, your maid..." Kevin counted his fingers as he listed.

Gabriel pressed the button to downstairs. "We both know I have trust issues."

"Yeah yeah... How could I possibly forget that? Now tell me," he kept on, narrowing his eyes. "I am sure you are well aware why I am here looking like this and at this hour... The news Gabriel. I nearly chocked my heart out when I heard you have a lovely girlfriend whom you planned to marry-"

"Yeah. So what?"

Kevin blinked his chestnut brown eyes several times...

"What do you mean by 'Yeah. So what?'?"

"It is true, Kevin. I would have taken it down and murdered the publisher if it was fake." Gabriel lied. Again.

'Lie count= 3. Within a day, wow. Go on Gabriel. We will be waiting for you in hell...' The devil whispered near his ear, marking at his sin note.

"Gabriel, we are old for pranks and gags... Please tell me the truth."

They reached the ground and headed to the fancy car that was parked in the parking lot.

"I am not pulling a useless stunt. You know I don't like playing." Gabriel adjusted himself in the backseat.

"Well, I have no saying over it, but hoo... that's a relief. I mean who likes it when they get busy half of the day just by selecting a woman for their boss to fuck and arranging when and where to fuck her. That's damn tiring." Kevin spoke sarcastically, starting the fancy engine.

"I am sure your new wife won't like it when her husband loses his job the next day they get married." Gabriel threatened Kevin glaring at the rearview mirror.

"Hahaha..." an awkward laugh escaped his lips. "You know I am joking, boss. I adore working for you 247. Really."

"I know," he nodded his head slightly and continued, "Kevin, I see there is no wedding ring on your finger regardless, you say your absence for a month was because of your wedding. It's hard to presume."

His chestnut brown eyes avoided gazing at the rearview and pressed his lips into a thin line before speaking. "Actor's eyes are sharp as silverware, aren't they?" added nervously.


~ Back to Gabriel's mansion~

"Haaa..." A yawn escaped her mouth until her eyes closed making her look like a cute kitten.

Sitting on her bed, Celine was scanning the contract for the millionth time.

The contract was filled with things and words she couldn't quite figure out suitably~~~

'The following are the terms of a binding contract between party A (Mr. Gabriel Davis) and party B (Miss Celine Saint)

1. This contract rudimentary defines the forgery relationship between party A and party B and its main volition is benefiting both parties without complaint.

2. Party A and Party B  agree and acknowledge  that all  that occurs under  the phrases of  this warranty will be clandestine, consensual, and subject to the agreed boundaries.  Additional limits and guarantee formulae may be agreed upon in writing.




It goes on and on... About where she must stay and her dos and don'ts and about their benefits blah blah blah... Draining her patience away.

Celine thought it was a playdate but Mr. Demon lord was way too serious about it.

And her eyes finally reached the last paper, welcoming her with bold large words saying,


1. Physical touch is strictly prohibited.

2. Both parties are required to obtain permission before entering each other's designated areas.

3. Party B must comply with the regulations set forth by Party A, as Party A is the proprietor of the estate.

4. It is mandatory for both parties to maintain confidentiality regarding their affiliation until a particular date and time.

5. When in public, both parties are expected to present themselves as a couple.

6. Party B must fulfill Party A's demands and compensate her adequately.




A deep frown settled between her brows as she continued to read. But mostly, rule number one scared her the most.

How is expected to live without touching him? What if it occurred accidentally? This is despicable!

While she was complaining about the rule, boldly written words at the very bottom of the page caught her attention~


'Scary,' was all she thought but again thinking about the five-digit amount of money that could change her eternity, she can't help but giggle out of satisfaction.


The door spread open revealing a well-built body coming in.

"Y-you scared me," Celine's heart left her body after saying goodbye to her brain and the rest of her partners.

"Have you finished reviewing it?" Demon lord inquired with no emotion at all.

As his legs dared to take a step closer to her, her tiny arm extended, dissuading him from getting any closer.

'I will never break your rules, demon lord. I know you planned to punish me after making me break the very first rule...' thought to herself.

"What?" one brow arched, and he questioned her action.

"Don't take any step closer, Garlic. You can't touch me."

Gabriel didn't comprehend what she was implying because he also never reviewed the contract made by Asher.

"I never said I would touch you. Just hand me over the papers." he was so damn tired to deal with her.

She threw the papers, acting like he was a hideous insect.

"Oh, sir Garlic. Before you go out... Do you by any chance have a spare cloth for a woman?"

He was on his way to her door but stopped when her voice echoed in the room.

"Wait here," short order.

"Alright, come quick,"

'Come? Quick? What does she mean by 'CUM QUICK', Gabriel?' the Devil whispered into his ear, at the right moment. He knew his weakness... He knew his weakness was the body of a sexy woman before anybody else.

Just as he is him... What a lure.

After sighing heavily, Gabriel strode out to bring her the clothes she ordered.

He felt like a slave...

No, it's for his mother. Yeah, it's for her...

Anyway, he opened his large cupboard but remembered... He never had a woman's clothes in his mansion not alone allowing them to step a foot in this precious place.

So he grabbed a shirt and a boxer he thought could be in use for a little while and made his way back to her room...

Only to find her sleeping peacefully.


'Oh, what a wearisome day it has been, hasn't it? The weight of a heavy burden stretched across their shoulders, an enigma they couldn't unravel, trapped in a labyrinth of trouble that refused to loosen its grip.

The pendulum of life ceaselessly swings back and forth, relentlessly ticking away. There is no moment of respite. You solve one problem only to be besieged by another, and then another, on and on it goes.

Yet, through all of the turmoil, surrender is never an alternative, for the indomitable spirit of the human race refuses to be broken. That was what my characters ought to show.' -from the author (Lady Jolly)

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