
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Loving the criminal 4 (Bella's journey) [R-18+]

"... Because nothing makes one happier than being with the one you love."- Isla (Plastic Memories)

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Flashback 4 (R-18+)...

Seconds after seconds... Minutes after minutes... Hours after hours... Night after day...

Three days passed since she heard from Kerry. What happened to him?

"Miss, Your breakfast." Since Simon brings

her food to eat three times a day, she could feel gaining weight.

"Get in and put it down." She was sitting on the windowpane, staring blankly at the city.

After the door opened, Simon's figure entered holding a tray of Oatmeal, berries, and Greek yogurt. She felt like a spoiled prisoner.

"You are silent these days." He spoke arranging the table for her to eat.

She never averted staring at the city like she was waiting for something that would disappear even when she tried to blink. "You want me to shout?"

"Huh, You brat. forget it... Just make yourself ready. You have photoshoots to do within days." He continued annoying her. "It is a big chance for you so don't you dare spoil it."

"You can get going now, Simon."

He got out and locked the door as if she was a bird in a cage...

Suddenly her best friends crossed her mind, and the feeling of missing them tickled her, reminding her that she was all alone.

Celine moved to London, where her grandmother used to live after the fire accident turned everything they had into ashes including their house and cars. Aurora, who took a flight out of France and moved to only God knows where. She was the only one left in France.

All alone and all sad.

Anyway, as she grabbed the spoon to eat, the tiny phone vibrated.

Her legs hurried to bed and jumped to grab the phone, excitement loading her with such energy. As the phone flashed open, a message popped in front of her sight.

[I need to see you tonight, Bella.]

Huh? Tonight? Her heart went wild after her brain came up with the memory of their last kiss and her finger didn't dare to hesitate typing 'ok'.

[Okay. As you wish, Kerry.]

Her eyes teared up with so much solace and excitement. The feeling of losing him had chained her for three days... The thought of losing her only reason to breathe, suffocated her for the days she never heard from him... The overwhelming feeling of doubt and fear that he had forgotten about her was eating her these days and how could she say 'no' when he asked her to see him?

She loved this man.

She adored him more than everything she ever had.

[I want you to come and wait for me in the little house. You know where it is right?]

[Right. I will wait for you there.]


As planned, the promised night came and God must've blessed her love, she succeeded in sneaking out.

"Turn to the left." Of course, she stole Simon's car and was completely taken aback by the fact that this all happened easier than she thought.

"1-minute drive left from here..." Her phone continued giving her directions to Kerry's house.

Yes. She was very excited until it scared her... her heart was beating very loudly like it was dancing to music in a club.

"Finally arrived." A kind of overwhelming sigh escaped her delicate lips and her hands opened the door allowing her legs to reach the ground.

She was waiting for this time. A time when the view of this cozy house would make her aroused just thinking about him.

"Kerry?" She called out taking her shoes off.

"Kerry?" Seems like he wasn't there but then she remembered him saying to wait.

A tipsy disappointment washed her excitement away and she needed something to keep her company until he arrived. Maybe taking a shower since she felt sticky? As the thought crossed her mind, she fled to the bathroom.


"PANT... PANT... PANT..." He was running to her. "PANT... PANT... PANT..." and cursing himself for making Bella wait for too long after he promised to show up on time.

"Fuck!" Cursed when he checked his wristwatch. It was past midnight, meaning the flight would be after some hours, and for sure, his father would come looking for him or even dig a tunnel if needed just to spot his hideout... which was none other than that cozy tiny house.

A kind of shivery scare was making him worry that she left before meeting him. Because he knew it may take very long to meet her again...

Is he going to lose her? Like that?

"NO!" He screamed refusing to let her go this easily and his legs never stopped their pace.

'So? Do you think she is a fool who is going to wait for you whole her life?'

"NO! She will wait for me!" Kerry continued

giving answers to questions that kept emerging in his head as if some ghost was whispering into his ear.

'How are you so sure? When the time she will know the real you come, everything will end.'

"NO! Shut the fuck up!"

'Don't you worry Kerry. You can run away with her...' (Seems like the Devil knew his deepest desire... his deepest weakness.) And the Devil knew it was none other than her who came to his ghost town just to be saved by her enemy who belonged to the underworld. It was her, Bella.

Finally, *Bang* he reached there and opened the door with a loud bang.

The deep harsh breathes coming in and out through his parted lips indicated the exhaustion he felt not only from running, but also from the war with himself about whether he should leave her or run away with her... his eyes scanned the living room hoping to find her, but it only ended up being just a hope.

She wasn't there.

And the fact saddened him. Feeling defeated, he sagged at the floor as his hands followed to garb his hair harshly. He was such a fool thinking that she would wait for him until it was past midnight.

Wait hold on.

His nose sniffed when a certain smell caught his attention. It was a strong vanilla scent mixed with the smell of his shampoo.

She was waiting for him...


Before his hurried legs reached the bathroom, a diminutive figure snatched his sensory. The figure was taking a nap on the couch looking very cute with his shirt covering only her upper body and her bare thighs were parted, looking like a museum for everyone to see the flower between them.

His dark gaze followed her body to her soft lips... then down to her mountainous chest that kept moving up and down as she took a breath in and out... he thought if he heard her moans as he played her like a piano, her scream as they reach the seventh cloud together,

"Oh, lord." A hungry groan made its way out of his sexy lips, his desire burnt until he gritted his jaws so hard, making all his vessels perceptible.

Suddenly, she looked like the forbidden fruit... delicious, luring, fresh, lovely but forbidden, making the last piece of his sanity float like a balloon...

The sight of her lace black panties between her thighs could make a saint sin for her, a police steal for her, a hero kill for her, a judge lie for her...

'And what are waiting for, Kerry? Eat her up

before the time for you to go finally came.' The devil was up for his mission, manipulating him to have just a bite of the forbidden fruit.

And right at the very moment,


She moaned in her slumber, adding gasoline to his fire. Gosh, he was burning hot, struggling to keep a grip but now he heard how lovely she would sound if he played her like a piano... he knew how sweet and fresh her lips could taste... he felt how soft her body could feel under his palm... his five senses were addicted to her and now, they are awakened.

Just for her.

"I don't know me anymore." Was the last thing declared by his husky voice before the monster called 'lust' was set free from its cage. He lost it. He lost it all.

"Mmm..." His hungry lips attacked her exposed neck with an amorous kiss as his hands began caressing her thighs. As Bella felt a ticklish sensation, her eyes shot wide open.

"Ah... K-Kerry. I ah I was waiting for you."

Despite the sensation that was attempting to make her moan loudly, she managed to speak.

"S-Sorry, I dozed off." She was in shock as expected from a virgin like herself.

His lips were busy kissing, nibbling, and licking her neck, planting hickeys on his way... Marking her his. Only his.

"Stop apologizing." His voice wailed starvation, making her aroused.

He kept sucking her chest like he was a baby with a pacifier... His hands never ceased caressing her thighs ever so slowly until they reached her flower. She quivered under his touch, which was making her skin burn with need. She was in so much need of his bare body to crash with hers... Suddenly it scared her. Her change scared her. Her starvation scared her.

He lifted his head so his ocean-blue eyes could look at her. She felt cold when her skin missed his hot breath... Missed the tender kisses that he planted in the big hole of her heart, filling it with seeds of love that kept growing every day and hour and minute and second and microsecond...

"D-did I scare you?" his concerned voice which seemed to tremble a little, reached her ears.

Her amber eyes looked at his face, now, that was closer. So close that she could read his desire through his eyes... Until she could feel the burning need on his hot gusts that sprinted back and forth from his parted lips... Until, until she could hear the music of love through the drumming of his heart... Until she could see the redness that was painted on his cheeks and collar.

Her fingers reached his face to cool down the red fire, "No, I am not scared." A smile stretched at her face, roaring affection. "... I missed you. I missed you so much, Kerry."

Her boldness added gasoline to the flames of sensation that couldn't be extinguished. And before he could speak any further, her warm lips crashed to his... her delicate lips embracing his like they were her children she needed to tend.

Bella astonishes him in a way that makes him melt. She knows how to surprise him...

"I can't," he whizzed without breaking the kiss instead, making it intense.

"Mmmm..." a moan broke free from the chains of her lips, her eyes rolling to the back of her lids, the pleasure from the kiss flying her to the midnight sky.

... His hand that was resting on the back of her neck now started its journey to explore her endowed tender body. Then it reached her collar... then her chest that seemed a smooth wide garden under his touch... Then the pair of her addicting breasts that seemed a pair of mountains, leading his fingers to grope the tip of her cliffs, to feel her tightened nipples until he could feel them stabbing his palm... Then it reached her flat belly, the warmth of her body itching him to just make her his home so he could get in and out whenever he wanted her warmth... Then there. He reached there.

No, not yet.

He wanted to undress her and feel all of these again... He wanted to explore her again but this time, he wanted to feel her bare skin under his palm, he wanted to feel her body quiver and feel it dance with the excitement of his touch... allowing him to explore more of her, allowing him to go over every part of her, read her every page like she was a book. He wanted to reach the last page and he didn't care if she was 1000 or 1000000 pages. He didn't care if he was reading her too fast or if he was paying attention to every word, letter, or number that was written on her page. He didn't give a damn...

... Her hands caressed his wide back then dragged her excited hands to his shoulders so she could take the shortcuts to his chest.

A groan followed a sign that she made him enthusiastic. The joy of discovering her new toy made her hands leap to his nipples, which were close to ripping his white thin shirt apart... Then a thing that seemed to be hard as rock and thick as a cucumber poked her belly, sending a jolt up her head, down to her toes.

"Damn," a curse escaped his lips, his voice sounding keen and rushed.

He was excited. More than A-Z could describe... More than numbers could decide. He felt unearthly.

Feeling joy vibrating in her body, which was trapped under his hard ones, she dared her hands to squeeze his nipples more so her ears could take in his satisfying groans and curses.

Just as her hands tried to put pressure on his arousal, he grabbed the hem of her shirt and tore it apart before his patience ended up torn apart once and for all... Before the little grasp of self-control escapes his grip... Before he changed to an impatient monster and frightened her away by his sudden berserk.

"Mmm uh?" she made a marveled noise when the cold air hit her bare chest...

"Hahaha why would you do that?" she asked with an amused expression on her lovely face.

He didn't give her a second to take a breath before his warm lips captured her nipple making her gasp. She sent her fingers to his soft hair, pulling his face for more. She was aware her body was acting differently, misbehaving like it should never, and doing things that were out of her control...

Suddenly, this body became someone else's.

Before she could grasp air, his finger pinched her other nipple, flying her up, up, higher, floating in the universe of pleasure that she never knew existed.

... She felt his fingers slide down to the main part of her being, to her flower. The time seemed it stopped tickling as his finger was still in the way ever so slowly looking like a criminal sneaking into her house so he could steal everything she had... Steal every piece of sanity left within her and kill every last piece of nerve she had. And it was strange. It was strange she said nothing. She never protested, she never called the police... If anything, she was enjoying it. Enjoying every touch, enjoying every unfamiliar feeling even conforming it with the loud moans that never seemed hers. Arguing his hand to already reach there and ultimately let her touch the clouds, let her fly far away until she reached the stars that she never thought could be reached.

... She felt his smile on her skin, she could feel a sense of entertainment from his grin. A grin because of her impatience. He took the signs of her body, he read the room... Finally, his illegal fingers touched her drenched panties and played her like a piano as he was imagining it happen. He felt her back arch, giving him access to her.

She wanted him.

... Again, he tore her panties with a little effort, making it look like taking it off takes a fortune and a decade... He kept on playing her, his fingers thrusting back and forth into her tight vagina, his lips and tongue busy on her nipples, his other hand chaining her hands together above her head, so she couldn't cover her mouth to prevent the sounds of his favorite soundtrack, her loud moans.

He loved every inch of her. And he couldn't wait to finally feel her molded cave... With his hard and bare weapon.

... He then got up to undress. Bellanca's eyes scanned his nakedness under the dim light, her gaze making his cock quiver with excitement. Then it grabbed her attention, leading her eyes to its incredible size and getting larger under her stare, showing her its exciting talent.

... Then he threw his boxers, setting his weapon free so it could get into the deeper hole of her cave. It looked quite ready standing all tall and looking stunningly massive with elegance and pride... Bella's eyes turned wide with his incredible and scary size. There was no way he could fit in her.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you," he whispered, his hot breath whipping her ear, vibrating her body. Then he gently bit the tip of her cute earlobe.

"Just put it inside," a voice that sounded hers, but words that never seemed like hers, said in an irritated manner as if she was impatient. Impatient for his cock to finally play in her wet vagina in all readiness for his ride or drive or whatever that could make her reach the seventh heaven.

... He didn't waste a microsecond to do what she was craving for... His weapon entered his warm home only to get out then in and out in and out and in and out... Her loud moans grazing his lust, her tightness chafing his cock... He felt like this was all he needed.

"Damn," he groaned on and on as he worked, adjusting her to his size.

... He then increased his pace... Rocking her hard as she begged... Getting closer to heaven they once dreamed... Whispering things she barely listens...


They reached it.

They reached the clouds and above... Only to fall back to the unpleasant earth.

Then Bella's eyes neared, falling asleep out of drowsiness.


It was never a dream.

Because she could feel a lovely pain between her legs.

It was never a dream.

Because was sleeping on Kerry's bed but... without his presence.

It was never a dream.

Because her body was covered with hickeys he left, marks that screamed she was his and belonged to him and only him.

Last night was never a dream.

Because she gave herself to the man who took her heart without permission.

It feels way too real to be just a damn dream.

Because she could smell his strong scent graved on her body.

"Oh lord," she blushed miserably when the wicked things they did play on her head.

But wait...

What was he whispering to her?

He was saying something.

But what was it?


'Bella, let's just run away. Let's run from this whole misery.'

A pained deep voice echoed in her head. A voice filled with fear...

Why was he scared? She wanted to ask him but he left without saying a thing.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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