
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Loving the criminal 3 (Bella's journey)

"In my next life, I want to be me, and meet you again."- Gon Freecss (Hunter X Hunter)

- - -

Flashback 3...

'It's going to be okay, Bella. Calm down.'



'Yeah, you can do this.'

She was trying her best to calm herself down, but her heart seemed it will never going to listen to her brain since it was beating loudly... Sweat budded her forehead indicating the undying anxiety and fear.

"Oh, God." She could feel her legs tremble like they were dancing to some Afrobeat. Her palms were clinched at her dress until they started bleeding.

5 minutes passed until she stood facing the big gate of her house and she didn't have the nerve to touch the doorbell. It was suddenly scary...

'Bella.' A deep lovely voice echoed in her head out of nowhere, in a way making it look like it wanted to erase her uneasiness.


He soothed her in time she needed it the most. Without her knowing, he became her only reason to breathe.

'Here we go.' Her delicate finger reached the doorbell and pressed it softly.



Her heartbeat was loud until it was the only sound she could hear drumming in her ear.

Slowly, the door opened with a cracking sound, revealing a well-built physique adorned with a black suit and a pair of stern eyes locked at her face with brief 'what the...' sentence written on them. She knew it was none other than her father's most trusted bodyguard, Simon.

"H-Hi, Simon." Bella smiled as if nothing occurred.

"Sigh, Miss Bellanca it's you. I thought something bad happened to you." His face softened but a look of madness masked it with an instant. "... But sadly, nothing happened."

A deep frown settled between her eyebrows implying disarray. "W-What do you mean, Simon?"

"Today is going to be your funeral, Bella. Your father is very disappointed and mad." He was on her father's side as she expected. He was her father's slave anyway.

"Huh? A-And you are telling me I should just shut up and watch as he sells my body?"

Her fear was replaced with anger. As they were having some serious conversation,

"Simon?! Who is it on the door?!" The man

of her death, her father's voice came from the living room.

"It's Miss Bellanca, Boss!" Simon yelled back.

"Then invite our guest in!"

She knew he uses sarcastic words when he was about to do something bad.

What kind of punishment does he have in mind?  Spanking? Maybe lock her in her room? Or give her a drug to make her suffer? None of it seems scary because her body was already adapted to all of it.

So... What could it be this time?

Unexpectedly enough, her mother's face was painted in her head.

No! Is he going to hurt her mother?.. As the thought crossed her mind, her throat went dry out of dread.

"Get in." Simon pulled the door wide open for her. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva to wet her dry throat and her legs started taking steps further in the house.

"You have some nerve to harm my dear friend. You seem to forget your life lays beneath my palm."

In the wide but not that extravagant living room, a man was sitting on the couch and had his gaze fixated on the colossal fireplace before him. Even though she couldn't see his face, the chilly atmosphere could scream his madness... His harsh words could pierce her inside and awaken her trepidation.

Suddenly, he stood and turned to face her.

"Bella. I am mad." his words reverberated slowly making her eyes to yarn to avoid his gaze as she remained at a safe distance from him.

"Hahahaha..." his twisted laugh filled the air. "I hate people who disobey me." He was a total psychopath and Bella cursed the day his sperm created her. She despised him but...

"You know you can't escape from me and that's why you are back here." Yes. That was the truth she loathed the most. "I could easily kill your wench mother and you at once."  

"S-Sorry." she stuttered.

It was always like this- Apologizing without a fault.

"Sorry?" He stomped towards her. "You think a little 'sorry' could fix the problems you've caused? Huh? I lost thousands of pounds because of you!" his hand clasped onto her chin cruelly, causing her to flinch in pain.

"I will make money in other ways-"

"You dirty slut! You dare to open your mouth?!" His hand withdrew from her chin and scurried to slap her in the face, but the action was halted by Simon.

"Boss, may I remind you that Miss Bellanca has photoshoots  on Monday? It wouldn't look good if she  had a bruised face." He just arrived at the very right time.

Her father's hand was poised mid-air, ready to strike but then it paused and dropped after giving it a thought. "Simon, lock her in her room until Monday. After that Monday, she will pay the bills one by one." A smirk  crossed his face  as his boots turned and settled onto the couch and cast a blank gaze toward the fireplace.

"Thank you, Simon."

"No need, Miss." He nodded his head once.

"If you are done, I have to lock the door." Her father's pet was always loyal.

"Yeah, whatever." Bella waved her hand in disposal. She was glad her punishment was just this.

"Then have a good time. Alone." He locked the door after spatting nonsense.

"Sigh," A long sigh escaped her lips. She had to take a bath and change into new clothes and the exhaustion was unbearable after the whole drama she had been through last night... and suddenly, she remembered him.


A foolish smile crept on her face, her back leaned against the door and her eyes closed painting his alluring face in her head. Oh, she loved him so much until it scared her. While she was giggling like a high school girl who just got her first kiss (fact), something vibrated on her inner thigh making her jump out of shock.

"Ah." Knowingly, she lifted her dress to her thigh and took the secret cell phone which she tied around her inner thigh. Her hands hurried to open the phone and a text message popped on the screen.

Kerry: [Got home safely?]

Bella: [Yeah... What about you?]

The foolish smile was still on her face and her eyes determinately waiting for a reply from him.

Kerry: [The same.] When Bella was thinking of coming up with a thing to say, another message came from Kerry...

[I am restless about you... I want to kiss right now. I missed you already.]

Who knew just this one-line message could double the world's global warming and who thought Bella's unimaginable deep blush could cause it? Her face was utterly red until it looked like lava.

~Meanwhile at Kerry's side of the world~



The ominous sound of water echoed throughout the dark and chilling basement, creating an eerie ambiance that made goosebumps crawl up one's skin. But amidst the haunting melody of the water droplets hitting the ground, you could hear the faint sound of fingers tapping away on a phone.

As your eyes adjusted to the dim light piercing through the musty air, a man with a strikingly handsome face would meet your vision. The man had a playful smirk, forming dimples on both of his cheeks. His ocean blue eyes were fixated on the screen of his phone, while his hands continued to furiously type away at a lightning-fast pace. His man bun of ash brown hair gave him a cute aura but the ground beneath him, which was drenched in a pool of blood, staining his shirt and everything around him, sure disturbs the romantic view.

Of course, his is Kerry Michaels...

Kerry was a man of diabolic and nefarious deeds, hidden beneath the facade of a cute and harmless boy. Bella was unaware of his sinister nature, unsuspecting and blind to the dark world he lived in.

As Kerry waited for a response, a new text message popped up on his screen, causing his heart to race with excitement. Letting out a giggle like a mischievous kid, he eagerly read the message -

[Where are you now, Kerry?]

Kerry scowled and furrowed his eyebrows with the kind of response that came from Bella. With a sarcastic sneer on his face, he contemplated what to write back.

"What should I say?" he questioned the dead bodies strewn around him. As if they would magically come alive and answer his dummy query.

Suddenly, his fingers sprang into action, furiously tapping away on his phone's keyboard. He could not bear to make Bella wait for his response any longer.

[I'm somewhere safe. Didn't you miss me?] he typed, his eyes glistening with mischief and malevolence.

As soon as he replied, his phone rang, and he rolled his eyes when he saw the caller ID on the screen.

"The deed is done," Kerry announced in a hushed tone.

"Excellent. I always knew my son had what it takes," his father's, Zeus Michaels's gravelly voice rumbled menacingly through the receiver.

"Of course, father. You can count on me," Kerry replied obediently, eager to end the call so he could quickly shut him up... so he could continue his romantic chit-chat...

"Ensure that you leave no trace behind. Clean up the mess, dispose of the evidence," Zeus ordered sternly.

"Understood," Kerry acknowledged with a sense of urgency.

"Ah, one more thing," his father interjected. "Finish them all before tomorrow. You have a flight to catch with our associates to Italy. You must complete the final masterpiece."

"Father, I've already taken out his countless minions. It's time for you to handle their leader. He's your enemy, not mine," Kerry spoke cautiously, sensing the potential for danger in his defiance.

"Son, don't be foolish. My enemies are your enemies. You've never disobeyed me before. What's gotten into you?" Concern and disappointment laced Zeus's voice, a clear warning of the consequences that awaited any insubordination.

"Nothing. I am just a little tired." Lies. It's because he thought his mission may take long, and he didn't want to miss her.

He wanted to see her smile... Bella. Yes, he likes her-no! He was addicted to her!

That night when he saved her, he never thought he could feel this way... The kind of feeling that warmed his chest, weakened his knees, awakened his yearning, famed his lust... he never thought he deserved it all.

But she was the reason...

Without knowing it, he was obsessed.

"Well then I will take it as an approval since you can't object to it, and you have my word son... I will reward you when that boss is out of my face."

Left with no other choice, "Yes I get it."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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