
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

His virgin lips

"Although the constant shadow of certain death looms over every day, the pleasures and joys of life can be so fine and affecting that the heart is nearly stilled in astonishment."- Dean Koontz

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WARNING: self-harm

~Back to J hospital~

Asher felt his eyelids getting heavy. He had been sitting for hours, watching over the crazy drunk woman who had tried to kill herself.

... Whom he was so close to killing. 'Argh, that sounds perilous.'

He wondered what had driven her to such a desperate act, what had broken her so badly.

He looked around the room and saw that he had removed all the sharp objects and anything else that could be used as a weapon.

He didn't want to take any chances with her. He knew that once someone decided to end their life, it was hard to change their mind.

And she had made that decision.

She had given up on everything.

She had given up on herself.

Bella opened her eyes slowly and groaned. She wished she had never woken up, never seen the light of day again, but here she was, still breathing.

Like every other day, she hoped she would never wake up in this hideous world. She already gave up on everything.

"You woke up finally." She heard a voice and turned her eyes to the source of the sound until her eyes landed on a gentleman sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"Why?" she let out with a low voice.

"Why... what?" he was perplexed for a minute.

"Why am I still alive? You should've killed me." Her eyes teared up.

"Wait here. I will go and call a nurse, okay?" The gentleman spoke and left.


The only thing she wished was to... die.

Her eyes scanned the room looking for anything that could kill her... But it looks like that gentleman got rid of everything.

Damn it!

Right away, a nurse arrived to check on her condition and went out with the guy, to speak.

Gladly, Bella felt a downpour of relief and hope when she saw the syringe on the bedside table. It was filled with a clear liquid that looked like water, but she knew it was something else.

Something that could end her pain and grief. Something that could set her free. Something that could kill her... And it sounded pleasant.

The nurse must have left it there by mistake, or maybe she had forgotten about it. But Bella didn't care.

She didn't care about anything anymore.

She had given up on life a long time ago.

She reached for the syringe with trembling hands and brought it to her arm.

She didn't hesitate or think twice.

She just plunged the needle into her vein and pushed the plunger.

She felt a cold sensation spreading through her body, followed by a warm numbness... Yes. This is it.

Finally... The dizziness took over and darkness embraced her vision.


"She is in fair condition. But there are a few blotches on her body. It looks like she had tried to injure herself before. You should keep an eye on her. And please feed her well. She looks fragile. Now if you will excuse me, I have something to take care of."

The nurse excused herself forgetting about the syringe she left in Bella's room.

"Thank you," Asher spoke.

'Feed her?' Ha! The man doesn't even have time to feed himself. Asher Davis: therapist by day, psychiatrist by night; and let's not forget millionaire extraordinaire! Ten long years of tireless work have built him up to be one of the most well-known and respected members of the community.

But don't let the cash fool you - Asher earned every penny with the same grit and determination that runs through the veins of the Davis family.

Asher is a master of efficiency, never wasting a precious moment in his pursuit of success. However, today's events have thrown him for a serious loop.

After a morning spent at the hospital visiting his beloved aunt, Asher's day takes a dark turn when Gabriel ropes him into a wild scheme to kidnap the so-called fake fiancée and force her to sign the contract he mentioned...

While normally solving a complex math equation would be child's play for Asher, trying to decipher Gabriel's twisted mind proves to be a far more taxing task. Nevertheless, Asher agrees to help in the hopes of aiding his ailing aunt.

As he makes his way to Bella's room, Asher takes a moment to purchase some fresh fruit - a small token for the patient, whom he may have accidentally come close to killing.

And his hands reached the doorknob of her room... That's when the terrifying scene unfolded in front of him.


The luscious fruits leaped from Asher's grasp with a loud thud, their vibrant colors a stark contrast against the dull linoleum as they scattered across the ground.

But his attention was quickly drawn to the motionless form of a woman who lay crumpled on the cold floor, a syringe still clutched in her grip.

Panic surged through him as he hurried to her side, cursing under his breath at the sight before him.

Desperately trying to shake her awake, Asher's relief was palpable as he realized her breathing remained steady, but he knew he needed to act fast. He had to get medical help to ensure the drug she had used was not lethal.

As he made to rise,

"W-where are going?" A weak hazy voice called him from behind and a hand grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving.

"Let go..."

Asher tried to let loose his wrist from her grip but this woman was no innocent victim, and he couldn't shake the sense that danger was lurking just beneath him.

"Don't go."

Asher was certain something was up to this woman. He doesn't figure out why but she felt different... Somewhat in a dangerous way?

"Let go, lady. I must call-"

"Sh," her finger traced on his soft lips, to shut him up. "I won't let go."

Then her hand slid down slowly to his chin, then jaw, and grabbed his collar tie, pulling his face closer to hers.

"Hey! Stop! What are you doing?!"

His protests fell on deaf ears as she drew him closer, her delicate fingers tracing a path down his face as she whispered for him to stay.

He knew he should break away, flee from this unpredictable and dangerous creature - but it was way too late.

Her movements were lightning fast, her strength surprising as she pinned him to the ground with ease, the weight of her body bearing down on him.

Asher was in over his head - but he couldn't deny the thrill of adrenaline that coursed through him at the danger he was facing.



Lust was all she felt when she woke up.

And sadly, the first thing that caught her eyes was this poor man who was dragged to this mess without a fault and little did he know,  this woman had completely turned into a hungry wild beast, and he was her prey.

'Looks delicious. Yummy!' The hungry tiger thought for herself.

"W-what are you doing?" He found himself caught in a heated exchange with her, watching her tongue glide sensuously over her lips like she was tantalized by her favorite delicacy.

"Why don't you find out, my tasty peach? But I won't release you until I've had a taste."

The way her sun-kissed skin brushed against his was intoxicating, merging with the sweet smell of her vanilla scent. He knew her mind was focused on devouring him with an insatiable hunger.

The floor was frigid beneath him while his hands remained bound above, trapped beneath the lustrous beauty who was supposed to be sleeping.

Her hands were locked with his so he couldn't escape her grasp even if he tried.

Asher toiled for his life. He looked like a Deer struggling to escape from the tiger but his neck was already chained in the tiger's teeth, ready to be devoured.

... His guilty pleasure was written all over his anxious, flustered face, as he prayed for someone to intervene before it was too late.

'Ladies and gentlemen, our innocent hero Asher is about to unlock a whole new chapter of his life, as his first kiss vanishes into thin air and in the not-so-romantic situation, captured by a woman gone rogue!' He was certain someone whispered this into his ear.

He must save his virgin lips before he loses them once and for all! But the courage didn't last long...

"I'm warning you, stop now before-" His futile attempt to speak was interrupted as his lips were captured by hers in a sultry embrace.

He tried to protest but he couldn't.

Her lips began moving swiftly... making the atmosphere hot, like a steamy bath... the kiss was slowly turning wild, going deep... her unskilled lips devouring the taste of his...

Asher's first kiss was gone.


Bella had stolen it in the most unexpected, unromantic setting, leaving his body rigid as her novice lips explored the depths of his with unbridled fervor.

As for Asher, he was stiff with his wide eyes, unable to believe the turning of events. He was like a starfish attached to the floor helplessly.

But suddenly... he felt a sudden tug on his tongue, the sensation almost too pleasurable to bear.

Was she using her tongue?!

He couldn't accept it.

Asher resisted with all his might, struggling and muffling pleas for anyone to intervene before the threat of losing his virginity became all too real, all too quickly.


"Is it me or... I think I heard some noise." She was passing by Bella's door alongside her fellow nurse.

"Um?" The other nurse stopped to eavesdrop but didn't hear a thing. "Are you sure it's from this room you heard the noises?"

"Yes, I am certain." She knew the lady in this room was here because of a failed suicide attempt. "I think we should check in case something happened."

The other one nodded her head and her hand reached at the doorknob to open it... they couldn't believe the scene that unfolded in front of their face when the door opened wide.

The only thing that made the whole situation doesn't look like sweet lovemaking on the floor was, Asher's struggles and muffled moans, asking for help. It looks like he was forced...  

Shocked, the nurses hurried to save Asher.

"Please stop it." Two of them managed to hold the powerful tiger that started roaring to have the Deer back. 

"No! Get off me! I wanna eat my peach! Argh! Leave me alone! It's my peach!" Bella had gone crazy since she already missed the taste of her delicious peach (Asher) in her mouth.

After some struggle to stop the starved tiger, they finally managed to take her down.

She is surely the craziest woman he ever met. Despite the state she was in, she was vigorous.

"Sir? I am truly sorry for being careless. It's my fault for leaving the syringe there and forgetting about it." The nurse apologized.

"It doesn't matter. Just be careful next time. It's not like you did it on purpose." He was still quivering. He was close to losing his virginity after all! How will he calm down?!

"How is the patient?" tried to distract his thoughts.

"Oh, she is sleeping at the moment. And I made sure she won't harm herself again and… it will do better if you stayed by her side until she wakes up."

'Just wait a little longer and you will be out of this'. He comforted himself...

*teary eyes* Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Love u and 10 q

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