

The old version of IHAPR, no longer receiving updates. As of now the new version of the book is releasing on P@treon until a certain amount of chapters is reached. To stay up to date, join my discord or add me @ Tyrant#0542

God_Of_Brutality · Video Games
Not enough ratings
218 Chs


Okay so I figured I should set some things straight cause I'm tired of seeing notifications about people bitching.

1. Firstly to those complaining about Mc not taking people from his world and wasting potential let me remind you that the Mc is currently just trying to do his job and go back home, I haven't yet introduced the element that requires him to collect people for his city. My book isn't some harem collecting multiversal slice of life story alright? If that irks you then honestly fuck off.

2. To those complaining about MCs character, you do you. I chose to add some realism to his transition into acceptance for what's become of his life, he had a good life and now he's going around killing people. You wouldn't care? Well good for you pal but guess what? I don't give a flying fuck.

3. Lastly whenever you bitch keep in mind I'm student who just does this because I enjoy doing it. I started this as practice to get better at writing original novels just for the hell of it. You don't pay me nor do I depend on writing for anything. I can chose to drop this work at any given time and I won't be hurt in anyway.

I enjoy writing but honestly when that same writing starts to bring unnecessary stress on me then I have no qualms leaving it or maybe just writing it privately for people who pay me and can actually have the right to complain but I don't because I know some people genuinely enjoy my work. But even I have limits.

Last warning, don't push me. Don't like my work, leave.