
Gallagher and Ignus

As night fell and the trio settled at their campsite on the road to the capital, as Ignus was laying with Brenna beside him his thoughts turned to her past actions. He turned to her, the flickering campfire casting dancing shadows across their faces.

"Brenna, I've been meaning to ask you," Ignus began, his tone gentle yet curious. "Why did you attack us when we first met? And have you attacked anyone else before us?"

Brenna's ears perked up, and she looked at Ignus, her amber eyes reflecting the fire's light.

"I... I'm not entirely sure," she admitted, her voice soft. "It's all a bit blurry, but I'll try to explain."

I remember feeling... off. Like I was conscious, but my body wasn't fully under my control," Brenna explained, her gaze distant as she tried to recall the events. "And then, when I saw you and A'moi, something inside me just... snapped. It was like a primal instinct took over, urging me to attack."

"As for whether I've attacked anyone else before you... I honestly don't know," Brenna continued, a hint of sadness in her voice. "I don't have any memories of such incidents, but given my state of mind at the time, it's possible."

Ignus listened intently, nodding as he processed Brenna's words. He could sense her sincerity and the internal struggle she must have faced.

"It's okay, Brenna. We all have our moments of darkness," Ignus said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "What matters is that you're here with us now, and we're a team."

Brenna looked up at Ignus, gratitude shining in her eyes.

"Thank you, Ignus. I'm grateful to have met you and A'moi. You've shown me kindness and understanding when I needed it most," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

"Well let's get some sleep," Ignus said while stretching and yawning.

He pats Brenna on the head and lays down.

As he falls a sleep he has to let his father know what is happening with the beast on the kingdom.

The next morning they wake up and pack. They head towards the capital.

As they approached the capital, Ignus, A'moi, and Brenna encountered a variety of beasts. A'moi, wanting to impress Brenna, transformed into a giant bear, showcasing his shapeshifting abilities. Brenna, not to be outdone, grew larger herself and joined the fray, helping to defeat the beasts with ease.

After the battle, they continued on their journey, eventually reaching the front gate of the capital. However, their entry was denied by the knights guarding the gate. Ignus, A'moi, and Brenna protested, but their efforts seemed futile.

Just then, a familiar figure appeared behind the guards—it was none other than Ignus' brother, Gallagher. Ignus knew his brother was up to something, but he couldn't help but play along.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the prodigal brother," Gallagher teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "What brings you back to the capital? Surely not to cause more trouble?"

Ignus rolled his eyes, a playful grin tugging at his lips. "Oh, you know me, always up for a bit of mischief," he replied, matching his brother's tone. "But in all seriousness, we're here on a quest. We seek an audience with the king."

Gallagher's expression softened slightly, his playful demeanor giving way to curiosity. "An audience with the king, you say? What kind of quest could possibly bring you back here?"

Ignus glanced at A'moi and Brenna, silently communicating that some details were best left unsaid. "Let's just say it's a matter of... family importance," he replied cryptically.

Gallagher raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Family importance, huh? Well, I suppose I could let you in... for a price," he said, his smirk returning.

Ignus chuckled, knowing his brother was just teasing.To him Gallagher was in a better mood. Maybe because Ignus wasn't really trying to get the crown.

"Name your price, brother. We're willing to negotiate," he replied, playing along with the charade.

As Gallagher and Ignus bantered back and forth, A'moi turned to Brenna, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, what do you think? Should we let these two duke it out, or should we intervene?" he asked, a playful grin on his face.

Brenna chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I say we let them have their fun," she replied, her voice filled with laughter.

As Ignus and Gallagher continued their banter, A'moi and Brenna watched on, enjoying the lighthearted moment. It was a welcome respite from their journey, and they couldn't help but feel grateful for the camaraderie they shared.