
If Your Beloved is a Deceased Soul

I accompanied my boss to find his girlfriend, only to stumble upon a suspicious village. What we encountered there was a charred ruin, with lifeless bodies beneath the debris. To our astonishment, the person who should have already perished appeared before us once again. However, he lacked a heartbeat and had lost all recollection of his past. What had he experienced? And what secrets did this village hold...?

EvaHarper · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Chapter 30 Hospital Pregnancy Test Crisis

Su Haicheng directly used Kakashi's tablet and wrote on it: "Hang up!"

I spoke into the phone, saying, "Grandpa, I'm sorry!" After finishing, I hung up the call. Continuing that conversation on the phone would definitely cause trouble, so it's better this way.

After hanging up, I said to Su Haicheng, "Yesterday, we were too hasty. Suddenly disappearing like that, they will definitely suspect something."

Su Haicheng nodded, "Yeah, I was careless too."

Kakashi leaned against the doorframe, watching the two of us, and smiled, "Siyi, are you touched by being rescued? Look at this, just rescuing a person like that, how can they not suspect something? You've been exposed. I told you, dude, you're at least a soldier, how could you make such a mistake? Oh, I know, you've really fallen for Siyi, that's why your brain went blank."

"You're the one whose brain went blank!" I retorted in annoyance, "Didn't you see me lying on the bed? What's the point of standing at the door?"

"What's the point? Isn't your husband sitting by the bedside?" he replied, "Siyi, with that appearance of yours, you really look pregnant."

With his remark, I lowered my head and looked at the clothes on my body, still in that maternity outfit. It felt so awkward!

After getting up and freshening up, and changing my clothes, Kakashi had already taken over the room. He was playing a video on the computer. When he saw me coming over, he quickly pulled me to sit down and said, "Study seriously!"

"Study what?" I had a cute expression on my face.

"Diving! Aren't you going with us next time? That dead guy said he can dive, and since he's dead, he automatically sinks when he enters the water. We don't care about him, we're studying."

The computer desktop was playing a scuba diving tutorial with oxygen tanks. Watching the person diving effortlessly, sliding with fins on their feet, and diving down in an instant, my first thought was, "The water feels quite cold. By the time we go again, it will probably be mid-October. The mountains should be quite cold by then. And with the lake's geographical location, surrounded by mountains on all sides, limited sunlight, will the water be very, very cold, the kind that causes cramps as soon as you enter?"

"You're being so melodramatic. Don't go if you don't want to! It seriously affects morale," Kakashi replied.

"I'm just mentioning it. I didn't say I won't go," I retorted, "Then study hard. Let's buy the same brand of scuba diving equipment. Just to let you know, we don't have time for trials. If you get cramps as soon as you enter the water, you'll have to save yourself."

As I watched that video, I really couldn't believe that one day I would go scuba diving.

Kakashi left after a while. The boss called and asked him to prepare to go out and buy equipment. When it comes to these things, the boss never skimps on money.

Once Kakashi left, it was just me and Su Haicheng in the house. He leaned against the doorframe, watching me in front of the computer, occasionally imitating the actions on the screen, learning scuba diving. He said, "Don't go!"

He sounded certain, not asking for my opinion, but informing me that I won't go. I stopped my gestures and asked, "Why can't I go?"

"Don't go! It may be even more dangerous this time," he replied.

"Kakashi is going, and our boss is going," I shouted urgently.

"They can go, I can't control that. Even if I don't go, they will still go. But you can't go!"

"Then I'll go with them and not with you. You won't have any say then," I said.

"I'm arranging it this way for your safety!"

"I don't need special treatment. From the beginning, you dragged me into this. You can't just exclude me now. Then why did you come find me in the first place?" I hated his attitude, why does he have to push me away? Am I really that weak? Even Kakashi, who gets out of breath after running a few steps, is willing to take me along.

While my mind was still struggling with these questions, he suddenly took two steps forward and pulled me up from the computer chair. My first instinct was that he was going to hit me!

"Ah!" I exclaimed, closing my eyes and refusing to look at his face. But in the next second, his lips pressed against mine, and before I could even gasp, his tongue had already slipped inside.

"Mmm~" I struggled, but his strength was overpowering, rendering my resistance futile. My fists pounded against his back, but it felt as effective as hitting a wall.

He held me tightly, kissing me passionately until I grew weak in his embrace, surrendering to his hold. His chin rested on top of my head as he said, "Now do you understand why I didn't want you to go? Do you think I have the right to control you?"

"I still want to go!" I stubbornly retorted. In the next moment, his lips descended on mine once again. When he finally released me, I could only gasp for breath. He patted my cheeks and said, "Your lung capacity is really poor. Even new recruits are stronger than you."

He didn't say anything else, and if he were to ask me again whether I wanted to go or not, I truly didn't know how to respond. If I said yes, would he continue kissing me?

But what did he mean by all this? Was he implying that he now had the right to control me because he could kiss me? Did he consider me his real girlfriend? We had kissed before, but never like this, so intimately! Oh no, this guy actually reached inside my clothes.

As I jumped away from him, my phone started ringing. Suddenly, I felt that whoever was calling me now couldn't possibly bring good news. But even if it wasn't good news, it was still better than the current situation. With the way things were between us, his hands had just touched me... If things continued like that, I might actually become the first person to sleep with a dead man.

No, wait, there have been quite a few people in history who... No, no, can't use that word recklessly. Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it. I answered the phone, I answered the phone. Okay, I admit, I'm completely disoriented by Su Haicheng's recent touch. My mind is filled with hundreds of crows flying back and forth.

So, once again, I made a mistake and answered the call without checking the caller ID.

On the other end of the phone, Su's mother spoke directly and said, "Chen Siyi, take a day off tomorrow. Meet me at the main entrance of the City People's Hospital at 8:30 in the morning. I'll take you for a pregnancy check-up."

As soon as I heard that, I was dumbfounded. The hundreds of crows flying in my head were instantly silenced by Su's mother's words. My mind went blank. After a while, I managed to find my voice and said, "Auntie, I can go by myself!"

"Don't waste time with me. Going to those mountains with your condition is risky. What if something happens to the child? You can't afford it! Be there tomorrow on time. I'm already in City A, and I've made an appointment with the doctor at the hospital."

This time she hung up the phone on me. I slowly put down my phone, completely forgetting about the kissing just now, only thinking about what I should do tomorrow.

"Su Haicheng," I said with a mournful face, forgetting that his saliva was still on my lips, "Your mother is too capable. We can't compete with her."

"What's wrong?"

"She said she's already in City A and wants me to go to the hospital with her for a pregnancy check-up tomorrow. Where am I supposed to get a child for her to examine? It's over, our lies are exposed. Will your mother charge me with fraud?" I was on the verge of tears. I dare say that with Su's mother's personality, if she finds out I'm not carrying her grandchild, she won't let me off easily.

Su Haicheng sighed quietly. "I'm going out for a moment. You go to the hospital with my mother tomorrow as scheduled, and I'll try to work things out." He hurriedly left after saying that.

I watched his retreating figure and cursed silently in my heart, "Work things out? How can we work things out? Even if I lie down and let you do me now, it's too late." Tomorrow, perhaps it will be the last day I see the freedom and sunlight. You see, I used the money in Su Haicheng's account to buy a car, clothes, and... If only I had used it to buy a house from the beginning. At least a house appreciates in value. When his mother accuses me of fraud someday, if I sell the house, I can mostly cover my expenses. Then the money will be enough, and I probably won't go to jail.

Because of this, I couldn't sleep all night. And Su Haicheng didn't come back all night either. Could it be that he's hiding, leaving me to face the consequences alone? No, he's not that kind of person, right? If I don't go to the hospital tomorrow, will his mother have no choice? What if his mother loses her temper and sends the police to arrest me? That would be even more disastrous.