
Just A Normal Day

[Saturday, June 7th, 3022]

Charlotte Whitewater had a very rough life ever sence her father was sent to prison for the murder of 5 innocent people. She went to school like a normal 15 year old, and had to do normal chores as well. Thing is, what is normal, Charlotte was definitely not normal and no-one knew about it untill her birthday that was 2 months from now.

Charlotte wasn't exactly a good person at the age of 15. Once 8th grade started everyone had heared about her dad and would say mean things to her. They would call her names and push her around, one time someone even pushed her down a flight of stairs. One day she just had enough, she would fight just about anyone who mentioned her dad to her, every week she would atleast get detintion once.

Charlotte loved it when we would hang out. she likes having someone to talk to and share her problems with. She used to come to my house almost every day after school, we would talk and she would tell me about the book she was wrighting. Its about a princes who falls in love with a guy who turned out to be a spy from another kingdom. I felt really bad for her and wanted to help in any way I could, but there's not much you can do when you don't know the full story. Charolett kept alot from me, mostly the stuff that hurt her most is what she kept bottled up inside.