
Chapter 5:Third groups, Fourth group and fifth group..

Third groups,The giant portal opens, the mutants falls into the sea ..



-Some water...


A mutant falls, wings come out of his back and fly on the spot .. Then the gate will close quickly!

-Wow, where are we?

-What did they do?

-Why are you looking at me like that, I do not know where we are?

-You saw the sky? The sky is colored, it looks like there are several fireworks.

-No stop saying anything, it's even more beautiful than fireworks ..

-Wouah !!




- Well it's fine I agree, but I'm cold, so if you want to freeze by crouping here, I'm going to swim to the dry land there. (Turns to the mainland and starts to swim.) Hmm .. (Go to stop abruptly and then lower the head, while watching the water, a mutant is sucked into the water, a mutant woman sees the mutant being sucked turns to the mutant that has been sucked.)

Mutant woman: -What was that? "Get sucked into the water after finishing his sentence."

-Cariii ... "A fishy giant comes out of the water making a big jump and then devouring her at once."

-The land, the land is there. "He sees a mutant to be eaten." I have to get there .. "A fish jumps very high trying to take the mutant that flies but misses it and then goes in the direction of the mainland."


A mutant transform into a man-fish and swims by transforming a mutant woman, the name of this mutant is Carl,Carl has pale blue skin with green stripes when he turns into a man-fish when he turns that tears his sweater and his shoes. Carl has fins, he has big hazel eyes...

Carl: -I'll get you back pick you up wait for me.

-Argh! "Get eaten."

Heat comes out of the body of a mutant which makes the giant fish that was around him drip out of the water

-Am I dying here? No it's not the time to think about it, I have to swim, swim, swim, swim and swim faster and faster again and again. Do not pay attention to what is happening around me and do everything to survive ..

On the side of Carl it reaches almost the mainland, the water of the sea reaches his legs, the mainland look like a strange beach, in the beach is full of big exotic Rock the giant rocks have black and blue stripes and full of exotic crystals.The sand is pink and a little further away there are large tropical trees at the top of the tree is a large coconuts.

-Carl: -I have to go back to find the others you can cheat on your own for the rest ..

"The mutant woman will hold his hand before he completely turns around."

What's the matter? I have to leave .. The others .. "The name of the woman is Patricia,she has long brown hair, with a beautiful skin and beautiful pink rose, she has small ears and an angel face and a beautiful little nose also having a large breast. She has pale blue eyes like the sky and beautiful long black eyelashes and she wears a tight playsuit black leather.."

Patricia: -No, do not look back together, there are more people anyway ...

Carl raises his head looking at him for a few seconds and then looks down and places on Patricia's shoulder.

Carl: -I could never give up on the mutants (he will then turn around and see a sea of ​​blood and mutant pursuing runs through them to reach the mainland.)

-Blood .. "Turns to Patricia." I'm sorry Patricia.

Carl kisses him after diving into the water swimming very quickly towards the sea of ​​blood ...

Jason: - do not cry, he will surely come back to life .. In the water he is the fastest man ever ..

Of the other mutants they are still swimming, one is eating, another is ..

-We are coming soon. "A big fish devours him at once."

-Shit! If I survive this I promise that I will take revenge on these human misfortune ..

Carl is under water attack a gill of a fish while tearing the fish then bleeds. Another fish directs on him and he will do the same, the fish opens the mouth wide open when they are close Carl sends the gill pull in the mouth of the big fish, the fish will swallow the gill on its side Carl will go around it. The fish will then follow him Carl, he's going to swim doing it by going round and round and then go to a gill of another fish the fish that is behind is getting closer and closer he mouths when Carl suddenly moves to left during the fish closes the mouth biting the gill the other fish.Other fish notice it and then head to him. "

Carl: "I'm going to keep them away, follow me, you bastards," said he, fighting them.

-It looks like he is chasing us more.

-I am not going to wait for them to change their minds ..

He swims, swims a few starts to come out of the water

-Finally, I'm happy to have survived ..

- I thought I was going to die.

-Finally arrive !!



Patricia cries and continues to look towards the sea of ​​blood.

-Why are you staying here?

Patricia: -I'm waiting for someone ..

Ok and who is it?

Jason: -Leave her! I think she needs to stay alone for a moment ...

The other mutant looks at her for a moment and then turns around and leaves.

Underwater a big fish towards her.Patricia crying not noticing, she doesn't notice that the giant fish is heading towards her ..

Fourth group: For some reason the fourth group was totally exterminated by plant-men, the bodies of mutants are scattered everywhere.

-Krouargh "Take the body of a mutant."

Fifth group: -The giant group portal appears, everyone is projected and the portal then closes immediately.

-Where are we?

-What was this portal?

-We took all of us to this weird place ..

-Damn, we are in an unknown land.

-Soldiers? They must be stuck with us in this dimension.

-Good now tell us where are we?

-In you're dream monster band ..

-We are with robot soldiers.It will defeat you for good!

A mutant tears his head.

-I look forward to that! I'm going to exterminate you. Come, come, I'm waiting for you.

He then weighs a button in a controller, the robots will then start, the robots are humanoid form and will begin to shoot the mutants, humans will do the same ..

Ratatatatatatatata "A lot of mutants get shot by bullets and others dodge."

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. "Noise of explosion."


A mutant touches a stone his skin will then change into stone will then run towards a robot soldier will shoot him ..


He jumps very high in front of the humanoid robot. gets ready to punch but the robot dodges his shot and hits him in the face with a circular kick. His leg is cracked a lot. The name of his mutant is Raphael.

Raphael: -This rock is incredibly resistant.

He puts his hand around the leg of the soldier robot. When he has the robot soldier comes out of his shoulder a sort of missile. The missile go to Raphael mutant and explodes on him, the mutant was holding his leg when he received it After the explosion, both are propelled and the other mutant feels discomfort hearing the sound of the explosion. The other mutant sends other missiles to Raphael making him back very far.

-Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you're going to die the machine are much more powerful than you.

A mutant woman: -a mutant will quickly snatch the head of three robot soldier and go to a soldier who has a controller, Two robot in front of him fired missiles that go straight on her. It moves so fast that the missile seems to remain stationary to pass between the two missiles. The two missiles turn then to crash. After that she goes straight between the robot soldier and then punch in the throat of the human who controlled them, making a big hole in his throat to make a big step back while weighing a button in the telecom who stop the soldiers robots ..

-She took control of the robots.


-Use against the soldiers.


Boom, boom, boom, boom



The soldier flees the soldier robots, pursuing them when suddenly, a hairy brown monster, makes his appearance, in front of the soldiers. He has four muscular arms and four legs of cheetah. he has no tail and two yellow big eye.Its size is 3 meter and 40 cm and he has sabre teeth with a big thick fur.

-Hein, a big beast ..

-Dam, clear.

The soldiers start shooting but no injury appears.


Monster: -Krouargh

He starts running towards the soldiers from the front ..

-But shit, why does the monster resists to the bullet ..

"The mutants watch them being chased behind by the soldier robots in front of the soldiers, and then find the beast that will then run towards them.

-My god, we are trapped by forward and backward

-Ok, everyone separate you, one group goes by the right and the other group goes to the left.The faster we have to survive ..

The two groups get separated

Monster: -Krou .... krouargha! "The monster moves to the left diagonally the soldier who is in front of him turns a little, being frightened but before they turn completely, he is crushed by the one of these legs. Then he will reproach a soldier that he hits with these two elbows on the right side and then hit another soldier on the left. "

-When this monster comes out.Parse I will hold it.


When he comes close to the missile soldier he hits him causing a big explosion.

Boom, boom, boom, boom

the fire is gigantic

Mutant: - Well done, I guess this monster is dead now and the others will just die finally if there are other monsters of its kind in this mysterious place ..

One of his eyes open in the middle of the explosion ...