
If we parish

Part One Romina, aka Reo wasn't a stranger to heartbreak. She watched her life fall apart before her eyes and chose to run away. In an attempt to escape, she transfered to a boarding school and found herself running into the arms of Alexa. In a world where fairy tales don't exist, only the demons in your head, they learn to help each other. A traumatic incident occurs and Reo finds herself questioning everything she thought she knew about herself. She gets drunk in revenge and becomes the deadliest version of herself.

Onika_Sileku · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 2 the devils she trusted

(A month later; Alarm ringing)

I woke up and Alexa's still asleep. She looks cute. As I was about to get out of bed Alexa grabbed me by my waist and I fell back in bed.

"Stop, I'll be late for class".

"Don't go".

"But I have no reason to stay". I said.

"I took care of that. I told the principal you won't be attending any classes today because you will go with me to the memorial service for my moral support and she agreed so stay in bed please".

"Oh... that's okay thank you".

"Now come back in".

"When are we going there and how many days are we going to stay there?"

"We will be there the whole weekend. I have a lot of stuff to take care of and we only have each other now I'm left alone".

"What about those two boys?"

"Those two ain't shit they don't care about me".

"What if I told you that you got me" I said and looked deep into her marble eyes.

"Really?" She asked with her eyes full of tears.

"Yes, you have me". I said assuring her

"You're not only saying that to make me feel better but you mean it"

"No". I said and pulled her into a cuddle.

"They should come and get us at about half past eight. We have 30 minutes to catch up on our sleep, sorry that you had to stay for detention alone".

"It's okay." I said and kissed her forehead, even though I wanted her lips.

We slept peacefully. We both seemed at ease, but is it really going to last? I mean, high school… do not get too attached but it's too late.

Alexa got picked up earlier than expected, we were both puzzled by the knock at the door while we were still in bed.

"Who's that now?"

"Reo it's fine I will go check. Who is it "? She asked, standing at the door.

"Dude, open up it's us". She unlocked the door and opened.

"What are y'all doing here come in". She said

"We thought it would be a good idea to drive you home".

"Not going with you guys". She said going back to bed.

"Bitch we own you and you're coming with us!"

"Just because you think I lost everyone in my life doesn't mean you own me, I am not going".

"Hoe we set the rules here, not you." He said grabbing her arm.

I couldn't hold myself. I unleashed the demon in me, I appeared dangerous and ready to kill.

I said. "No, she's not going!" In a high pitched voice causing them to let her lose.

"Why did you not tell us that your little Reo here is braver than she seems, braver than you at least." they said and left.

Alexa quickly closed the door. Alexa's heart was racing

"Alexa I can explain I didn't mean to scare you I didn't like the way they were treating you, it's as if they own you or something and I got angry then before I knew it, me…it came out I swear if I knew I would have told you please don't be mad".

"Clam down, I'm not mad just shocked, come sit down tell me what you know". She said,

"I told you I know nothing of this, I swear I don't."

"Okay cool as long you're no danger to me".

" Alexa!! Is that all you can think of is Danger? all I ever wanted to do since the day I met you, is to protect you not to harm you Alexa."

Alexa signs… "I am sorry I don't know what came over me I am also scared, I'm sorry".

"I know what came over you, fear came and you reacted just like anyone else would but better, you accepted me thank you."

"Come don't cry". She said and pulled me in a hug and kissed me on my forehead and whipped my tears.

"I'm okay now". I said pulling away from the hug.

"My driver should be outside, let's go".

"Am I supposed to bring some clothes?"

"Yes, but not a lot that will give us an excuse to go shopping".

"You're great at thinking ahead but ok I will pack a few things".

"I figured that you might get bored being cooked up in my room".

"I won't mind though but if you want to show me around for a while then that's cool too". I said as I finished packing my things and we walked out of the building.

"Romina, this is Mr James he will be taking us home". She said introducing, me to her driver,

"Awu Miss Alexa I told you to stop calling me Mr, years ago".

"Only if you stop calling me Miss".

"Okay, morning Miss Romina what a wonderful name".

"Thank you sir". I said as James opened the door for us.

"Get in the sunflower we have a long road ahead". I went in and made myself comfortable.

"Romina, how long have you been attending the school?" Alexa intertwined our fingers, I looked up to her and smiled.

"Not long sir, why?"

"It's because I have never seen any of Alexa's friends other than those two boys".

"Is it Alexa?" I say looking at Alexa.

"Well we are not only friends, we are roommates too James".

"Alexa...I was there when your uncle died… he was forced to sign the will to those two boys but he didn't. He signed everything under your name Alexa Paige, I'm afraid that they will try and come for you next".

"Don't be afraid sir I got her no one will hurt when I'm around". She smiled and looked at me.

It was a long ride. We both fell asleep and got woken up by the sound of the rain. I look beside me Alexa's asleep,

"Are we there yet?"

"I don't think so I can't see anything because of the rain I will ask James".

"Sir, how far are we?"

"Oh dear we're not anywhere near the place and I can't see the road we will have to spend a night somewhere or until the rain clears I know a few places we can go to, is that alright with you miss Paige?"

"Yes, sir".

"I love the rain, you know my grandmother and I would sit outside the porch just to watch it fall my grandmother would say… She learned more on rainy days than sunny days.

"What did that mean"?

"It means that we will grow and learn more on bad days than good days".

"Oh… you have drama right?"

"Yeah… why?"

"Thing is you write poetry right but you have never shown me your poems".

"Well, what if I don't have any and we just met, that's not something you just say".

"No, you are way messed up to not have any... I get that and I don't want to rush you".

"And you are not"? I said and raised my eyebrow.

"Okay true but I don't think you will like it".

"Try me". She said,

"I wrote something but I thought I will read it to you tomorrow if you can wait".

"Yes, I can wait". She said excitedly.

"Look I think James found a place that we can stay in until the road clears".

"Girls stay here I will go find check us in do you want separate or you both will share".

"There's definitely no discussion we will share".

Alexa says and smiles. "Okay then".

"I mean we've known each other for like months now".

"Yeah, more like a month. How long was your last relationship with Alexa"?

"I don't know ever since I got to high school never really got into dating just random hook ups?" "Why though." I ask as we walk

"It goes back to what happened, being forced to be with someone sexually and I ain't never been the same since". I looked at her as she spoke, amazed by who she became.

"Oh… shit I'm proud of you". I said and held her in comfort.

"For what, I don't understand how you are proud of me". She said and frowned

"Calm down let me explain, I am proud of you not for letting it define you, I'm proud of you for letting it make you strong."

"Thank you, for some reason I can't shake the guilt, I feel like I also played a role in this and I feel like it is my fault too". I grab both her hands and look at her.

"It's gon' be okay". I said and kissed her hands.

"How long was your last relationship"? She asked, changing the subject.

"This is my first relationship in a month." Alexa laughs, finally I got to see her bright self again.

"I'll make sure it's the best". She says and kisses my hand.

"Girls, the rooms are ready, here are your room keys if you need anything this is my room number 130 okay".

"James, thank you". "Alexa is there anything you need?"

"No, sir I will take a shower then sleep am getting a bit cold".

Alexa opened the door for me. "Thank you". I said. Alexa nodded, walked in room and locked the door behind her.

"I am going to freshen up I am tired and getting cold". "Can I make you coffee or tea"?

"No I'm fine thank you".

I went to the window of the bedroom and stood watching the rain.

Alexa walked in started undressing. "Is it still raining"?

"Yeah..." Alexa passed by her on her way to the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of her skin.

I undressed and into my night dress, and got in bed.

Few minutes later Alexa opened the shower door and went to the bedroom and stood next to Romina's bed side, with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Are you asleep"? She asked.

"No, I am waiting for you". I said while pulling her in bed and her towel accidentally slipped off. She widens her eyes and her chicks turn red as if she was embarrassed.

I immediately shut my eyes and said "I apologize"

"Don't it's fine"

"Your body is beautiful"

"Thank you"

Wlaid in bed enjoying the sound of the rain.

I set up and took out a note under my pillow and looked into Alexa's eyes as I read the poem

: The world looks brighter and beautiful through your eyes as you cup my face gently, with your soft hands and look into my eyes,

My soul is introduced into a new world full of wonder and hope, Ever since I met you things have been havoc but you never let that become an excuse to leave me,

It's always 'we will work through it together'. You're my first and I want to make you my first forever I want you to have me in every way possible, for you have given me life with joy and hope. You deserve all I can give you, I am willing to put everything on hold for I envy the sight of you not being joyous.

Tears rolled down Alexa's face and said.

"For once in my life tears of joy are coming out of my eye socket". She said and laughed. I kissed her hand .

"I am yours, I will die making you happy and I know we are young and we have our whole lives to figure out. In the future you might find someone new but I am going to be here for you. I will always have your back, Alexa." I hugged her.

"Since we're talking about our future, what career are you going for Alexa?"

"You don't even know the subjects that I have". She says and scoots closer.

"Yeah I have no clue, but I am about to find out." I said and wink at her. "I want to be an engineer and a Nurse what –."

"Why both and which type of engineer do you want to be?"

"I want to be a Nurse so I can help more people and I like helping and loving in general. And being a software engineer has always been my dream, I just love technology and what do you want to study?"

"A writer, a director, a psychologist and a baker".

"That explains a lot".

"Yeah,what does that mean"

"Looking at your life now that I know a bit of it you want to use those career's to close the void and spread awareness and heal yourself"

"Well I can't argue with that"

They spent the whole evening telling each other about ourselves. but Juno drifted to sleep first. Alexa couldn't get any sleep. She spent all night thinking about what James told her regarding her uncle's death.

The fact that my uncle was murdered because of our wealth, the money that he worked for is just evil, that just means that they will come for me too but I don't want to sign it under those two idiots. I only have one thing to do. Hopefully she will understand that I did it to save me from them. I will have to handle this myself.