
If This Is the Last Time

The world surely is playful. She is a girl who loves her family, friends and boyfriend. She is very simple and always ready to sacrifice for her loveone. She is very cheerful, she always try to understand all of the things that the destiny throw at her. She never mind as long as she have her friends and family. But who would have thought that in one decision, she'll be miserable. That there would be a last time in her every decision. "This would be the last time, will you change your mind?" "Today, both of you killed me." she said. IF THIS IS THE LAST TIME (2022)

little_a · Teen
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7 Chs


He let me leave the library, as I watch his back walking away from me. Is this the best he can give? Can't he run to me and say that he is sorry and I should also be treated the way Seong treating Young?

"Won, don't mind him. He's just mad!" Young said.

I know he's mad, he's furious and such. But how about me? Don't I have feelings?

I leave Young there, without looking back I go to Feedback's classroom even though I know that it's too early.

I know what will happen, I will say sorry to myself. I will let Jeong off and smile again when he already wants to talk to me. For five years, hearing sorry from him is a miracle. When we have fights, I am the one who will say sorry and I am the one who will comfort myself.

The Professor came and I let the course occupy my mind, I'd rather listen to the subject than to think about Jeong.

The day passed and evening come, I am doing my assignment when I received Jeong's message.

Jeong: Do you eat dinner?

This is the moment, where his anger subsided and he's willing to take our relationship again. I am mad, actually but I am too tired to argue. I just want to cherish the hours and day that he wants his relationship with me.

Me: Not yet, I am finishing my homework.

I replied to him and eventually, our conversation goes on. He wants to fix our relationship without talking the past, just live the moment. That is how he take our relationship.

The next day, I am too early that I just wait for Young to their gate. We talk while ride the taxi going to the university.

"So, does you and Jeong made up already? Don't fight again, you're both scary." Young said, and hug me.

"Oh, thank you for taking my side yesterday.." I said as I hug her back.

"Of course, I am on your side always. I am going to kill Jeong if he leaves you, remember that. You are for Jeong and I am for Seong. Our relationship is perfect, so don't give up and live the moment." She said while looking at the window.

"Young, what do you think about the statement of Jeong yesterday? That, atleast Seong knows your worth?" I asked her the question I would like to ask Jeong. I am too scared to ask Jeong, that is why I am asking her.

"Hmm, I think he is saying that Seong and I have a stable relationship? I don't give anything that he should be mad of? That kind of feeling?" She said, she really thinks hard.

I can't say anything, how can I? I don't give Jeong anything that he should be mad of. However, I realized that not what I think is always right, I can't always say that I know Jeong's feelings.

As soon as we reach the university gate, I saw Seong and Jeong, laughing.

I need to forgive him, I don't want our newly fixed relationship to be ruined. Therefore, I smile as we walk towards them.

"Hi, baby.." Jeong said as he kiss my forehead.

"Hello, baby. I missed you." I said as I hug him. This is the best feeling ever, being in his arms.

"Eyy, too cheesy bro!" Seong teased us. We laugh because we saw him kissed Young's lips.

We walk in the university holding hands. This is also one of the best, the warm in his hands are the best feeling ever, which I don't want to let go.

"Won, my mom wants to invite you this friday, in our house. It's her birthday." Jeong said in my ears, not letting the two hear.

"Sure, I will come." I said happily.

We are both welcome in each other's family. His mom likes me very much that she always cook my favorite. She smile sweetly to me and always saying that I shall hold into Jeong and tried to understand him always.

I am just too happy, I already forgot any concerns in my mind.

This feels like a normal day, a happy normal day with my boyfriend and be happy with our friends and making memories.

I hope it's like this, everyday.