
if that is what a Hero is...Then I don't wan't to be one

Blanche White... that's the name he had when he was nothing, no one paid attention to this boy... He did everything for them... But when he look into their eyes....He again ask himself..."What does it mean being a Hero if no one will accept you?" and... "if that is what a Hero is...then I quit...Don't think you can bring me back home easily..."

KyuKuro · Anime & Comics
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1 000 000 death

They say Action speaks louder than words...well, they're not too far from the truth. In a Alley not too far from school. A boy is seen to be brutally beaten by three high schooler's. And two of them just watch this event unfold. *Punch* *kick* *punch*

It took them a few minutes to decide that it was enough. Despite all of this, the boy did not seem to be fazed; instead he wore a blank expression.

The five of them left while laughing. One of them clung to who appeared as the leader of the five. A beautiful light greenete hair,short and slender body, and beautiful glistening eyes with the color of forest green. This is…was Araki's girlfriend until she just dumped him today.

The boy just walked up and bursted out the dust on his clothes.

*How many times is this now?…zillions..? I lost count of how many and created new numbers in the zeroes colonel…well time for me to go home. or…back to that hell…*

The name I currently go by, Araki dan...and any idea why I didn't protect myself? Could it be that I'm weak? Did I not do it because they would make my parents or sister go into serious trouble if I did? Answer is no…

I don't care about that, through my life I was a hero destined to protect the otherworld and kill the demon king…well I did…but what I got in the end was not a gift or a reward fitting of a Hero…it was betrayal…betrayal from my loved ones, my friends, the one I could trust…

until everyone turned their back against me since I became a dangerous threat to humanity or maybe that was their intention all along anyway…I got replaced, my lover cheated on me with my best friend, my own family…flesh and blood cast me away…

Now this was my 1 00 000th (million) death and reincarnation and everyone has been acting the same from start to finish in every reincarnation.

I had committed to suicide over and over again, exploring every crook and cranny of the world, learning every language, mastered every subject, maxed out the basic skills and obtained new one's, and achieved many things yet always ended up choosing death when I reached a certain point in life where I just gave up living in the period. Why should this life be any ordinary?

"Why the hell are you home late, you waste of oxygen! go and grab me some beer in the fridge. why couldn't a trash like you be more like your younger brother."

Everywhere the same thing is on repeat. and if he try to commit suicide…well the same thing will just restart.

somewhere in germany…

A young newlywed couple is walking through a park in the middle of the night enjoying themselves when…

"Du bist schön, mein lieber Schatz." the man said to his newlywed wife.

(You're lovely, my dear darling.)

"Das sagst du nur, weil wir verheiratet sind." The woman flirtatiously strikes back.

(you're only saying that because we're married.)

"Abgesehen davon liebe ich dich so sehr…"

(Apart from it, I love you so, so much…)

They leaned in to give each other a kiss, but when suddenly they heard something rustling in the bushes. Curious they took a peek and when they saw the horrendous seek, they both died with a screech. (didn't mean to make it rhyme)

…next day

Araki woke up as usual, but he had a feeling this day was going to be more troublesome than it was.


"Have you heard what happened in Germany?" Over 1000 people were killed by zombie-like creatures..." mob 1 talked loudly.

"No way~ probably a prank made by a lot of people." the other declined.

"No, no, no! There were actually deaths yesterday and in one day only, the police are investigating it!"

"Y-you have to be joking right?"

mob1 shook his/her head.

Araki got a little gossip delivered to him while he slept on his desk. *zombie-like-creature? eh…got nothing to do with me.*

Suddenly the teacher came in with a worried expression. What could this be? He thought.

"This is an announcement from the government, we are investigating what happened in Germany, and no school will be held the remainder of this semester, as who knows if the same thing might happen over, if it infectious or not or it might spread, so we want all of you go home and hope to see you next year and for those 3rth student will not having exams and will get in their choice of school next year, that's all…"


"HOOORRRAAYYYY!!!!!" Everyone cheered and just quickly dismissed the mass murder in germany.

*well, again not my fucking problem.*

…the walk home

Araki was quietly walking to his residence before he sensed 'him' again.

*sigh* "What do you want, Tabito kamuria?" the leader of the bullies yesterday…and the heir of a rich company named Kamugawa ORP. He have blonde hair, piercing and a ugly fuck face…well that's my opinion.

"Well, if it isn't Arabaka, Himari was right to dump you and get together with a real man…me."

*this again…*

"Look, I don't care about that pukegreen bitch, so you can go fuck her for all I care."

and begin walking past him. but of course he won't let him past him.


"Listen here Arabaka!-"

I was about to push him away before a gate suddenly appeared. Out Ogre's came out with a chief much bigger and looked stronger than the rest.

"wha-wha!" He got lifted up from one of the Ogres by its palm to the face and struggled. "Hey! ARABAKA, HELP ME!"

It was then that I looked up at him with my most chilling expression. As each second passed, he pleaded more and more for mercy.

"Damn! you Ara-" *Crush*

His head got squashed like a compressor. The blood dripped off the ogre hand and waved the blood off by waving it in the air.

I only stared at them when they all approached me. when one of them stood in front of me he slammed his hammer at me sending me flying to the nearby building.

They all seemed to leave before Araki stood up again. "where are you going?"

dust covered his uniform and he let go of his bag. As a blue Tactical hologram sword appeared out of nowhere, he only said in a cold tone. "an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and you just ruined my day, so prepare to have your's ruined."

The blue sword flew straight to the ogre chest and he fell dead. He summoned more before the Ogre went aggro and rushed towards Araki.

The Ogre chief stood still.

*I guess it's true Ogre champions are willing to fight fair till the end.*

Araki dissolved the sword and swapped it out with a double edge axe.

*Because you will die anyway, I think I can exhibit some warrior pride by doing that for you.*

…a few seconds later…

*gates appeared out of nowhere and it will likely affect every population if it doesn't get dealt with…well not my problem this world can burn in hell for all I care.*

As he was seen walking away seemingly covered in dust and his cloth tattered. and the orc chief seemingly dead with an axe through his skull.

he suddenly got a call. *who are calling me?* with a few suspicious looks he answered and put it in between his ears.


>That…voice…Miyuki..? How did you get my number..?

<that's not important…please…help me…me and my classmate were hanging around the abandoned school for a club activity and suddenly there appeared a large gate and scary monsters came out…I'm so scared…senpai…Hiccup…

>How did the monsters look like?

<I don't know…like some…hyena I think…please senpai hurry…

*beep*beep* "So gnolls huh..? Miyuki…should I go save her or let her die…it's not that I care if she dies, but…"


Araki was seen resting on a tree, just as he was taking his nap a cheerful little girl approached the tree. She was 4.41 and wore a red ribbon tied to her light orange hair that stopped by her shoulders.

"Hey! Are you the rumored senpai that everyone talks about?"

Araki didn't bother to reply. "Hey! Senpai I'm talking to you, geez…"

Araki simply ignored her which fueled her anger and curiosity so she decided to climb up the tree.

when she was half way there a branch suddenly broke and she fell down.

Araki didn't want to bother with trouble and jumped down and had her in a princess carry.

"EEK!!! "S-Senpai..?" She got the glimpse of Araki and felt her getting hot under her collar.

Araki put her down but not before she grabbed ahold of his arm and only gave her a dead look.

"Uhm…thank you! "Senpai!"

and from that day she would barge into his life and make a mess, Araki simply couldn't get her away and felt she barged in a place in his heart, every time he tried she always ended up smiling and playfully laughing which he was afraid to come close…

*End of flashback*

*So if she dies today he doesn't have to deal with her annoyance…*

Araki simply didn't like it and gave it a fuck. "Fuck me…"

1 00 000th death and still couldn't let go of someone who always comes and invades into his life. Arakaki knew that he was vulnerable to sweet and kind-hearted people and she would be the death of him one day. not like living through so many lives and renting the host body was having an impact on his mentality. He was also reborn and reincarnated very rarely as a girl maye 3000~10 000 (if someone were wondering…)

Arakaki found himself drawn to people who were kind and caring, and he could not resist their influence. He felt like he couldn't turn an blind eye to them, at least one person was kind enough to spare him. His older sister was the reason he still held on hope for kind hearted people,their bond was nothing special she died before he was 8 years old.

Back to this reality he knew where to go, the abandoned school that was shut down 50 years ago, rumored to be where a whole class suddenly went and turned into a bloody mess.

There have been speculating rumors that a great spirit haunt's it trying to kill everyone that steps inside but they are just based rumors. I even checked it myself and I found the spirit but they were kind and he set them free to the after life…

He does believe there are places like heaven and hell as a territory and there are even stronger beings, but he doesn't believe in them as religious or anything like that. From how he knows, a self proclaimed god, black and long hair with scars on his face and body called himself Jin Kyuzei and was from another realm and he came and found him when Araki was about to kill himself.

He told him exactly these words.

¤You know I'm too, hell bent to kill every single motherfuckers, but I lost what was most important to me. My freedom, good booze, my family and my love for my crush and master…So my advice to you who is the same as me and would end up the same if you don't change your plans, don't give up on the people around and look forward to forget the past and forge a future you was meant to have. What good are memories when they are easily overwritten by the bad ones, just keep on finding a light to protect and keep it and let it glow, that's my advice…¤

and then he left and I haven't seen him for 888 695 years…

few minutes…

Araki arrived, not panicking to run to find her, he came inside finding the dusty shoe locker hall and smelled the blood of dead people, freshly he can tell at least 13 people died.

He reached for his phone and called her.



The sound attracted a lot of gnolls and there were 8 who were patrolling near the lockers.

"Screech!!!" all of them rushed in. But Araki simply dodged it like it was in slow motion.

He pulled out a sword. and sliced it behind him and the gnolls turned into mince meat, real bad one.


>Don't worry Miyu…I will make sure that you're fine, please tell me where you are…

<I'm in the gym storage room with Rio and Sachie…

>I will be there soon…just…hold on…

*beep, beep* When he was done, the gnolls were eradicated, but more came his way.

He let out a sight. "just disappear…"

and the blade in his hand flew out in a barrel roll and disabled them to bleed out.

After reaching the gym he felt the scent of a little stronger foe.

"The Gnoll king…" and there he jumped down from the ceiling and with his massive body roared making sound waves through the air with his voice alone. and then with his giant club, hammered down on Araki, who simply stood there taking the hit.

The gnoll king smirked, before the smoke vanished and Araki stood there harmless.

Araki took a hold of the club and made it disappear…

The Gnoll king was reluctantly not giving up and tried bashing his shield at him.

in which Araki punched through.

at least the orc chief put up a fight. Araki walked over to the storage room and opened it to find the three girls…

"Senpai…?" The three girls jumped on Araki and cried out.

Araki felt this way long time ago, reminded him off his time with…no he will forget them

"yeah…don't worry…you're all safe now…"

He got a glimpse of the two girls, the one he believed was Sachie had black hair no longer to her cheek and with a bob side swept bang, dark blue eyes and had her school uniform.

And the other one named Rio had long orchid purple hair, her wavy front bangs were bob cut with no sweeps and she had dark purple eyes, she wore a tracksuit and was also a member of the track and field team.

"are you perhaps…that senpai..? The one who was dating the school bell Himari-senpai…" Araki didn't change his expression.

"Yeah and so?"

"ahh! no..nothing I was just surprised…btw how did you hide from the monster on your way there were at least 70 monsters in this building…"

she had locked her eyes in his eyes before she looked over his shoulder. She got shocked.

"I killed him."

"How!?" Now the three girls were waiting for the answer.

"because I can…" they gave him a long stare of disbelief. "But why did you come here? the school semester is suspended."

They all had weird expressions. "Ahhh... .it was the last ditch of a club activity and we thought for our occult club that this would be our last activity as a club for this year…and see how that turned out…13 people out of 17 are dead…"

Araki clenched his eyes. "You say out of 17 there are only you three and who else..?"

The three girls lit up and completely forgot the last one. Then the girl who Araki thought was Sachie ran out of the gym and we could only follow after.

Sachie seems to mutter to herself again and again. ^Please Ume-chan, be alive…^

we ran and searched everywhere except the rooftop…

Araki went ahead, they were safe and now he doesn't need to protect them, what would he gain from that anyway?

Araki grabbed hold of the door knob and it opened, did she really forget to block the entrance? Araki looks up and his expression softens a bit. He saw the evening sun fall to the horizon and felt the same astonish feeling everytime. *Times like this…life is beautiful and peaceful. I want to enjoy the moment…* Araki simply walked to the edge and just let the second pass by.

moments later he turned around and saw the missing girl atop the building standing over the door.

"w-who's ther-re..?" a timid voice peeps almost quietly. Araki was about to answer, when suddenly Rio, Sachie and Miyuki came rushing.

"Ume!" Rio saw Araki staring at her, she almost lost hope until…

"Rio nee-chan!" she shouted shakingly and hurried down and hugged her sister. Rio felt a deep sense of relief when she saw her sister, tears started to roll down her face in joy. She was so happy that her sister was safe and sound.

Araki was done, he didn't want to stay there any longer and just walked down, Miyuki wanted to grab Araki as he walked but hesitated for a bit, before Araki was gone. "Let's go home…"

2 weeks later…

The news report followed the strange, bizarre event that happened in the small town. People were dying, and at the haunted school, there were mysterious creatures that were said to be a type of hyena. However, according to professional hunters and gamers, these were a breed called Gnolls. With the report of such creatures, fear and confusion spread through the town, leaving the citizens of this small town in a state of chaos - and with the only option being to flee, they all agreed to make their way back home to safety.

"There will be shelters and bases at Tokyo, the largest city in Japan, created with the military base,with shelters and bases being set up in order to protect the citizens from the monsters that are coming."

Fearing the worst, the citizens had no choice but to evacuate, all heading for the same goal: Tokyo, where the military had established bases and shelters for protection from the invading creatures.

What would Araki do now? He doesn't want to stay in an overpopulated city, and he doesn't want to stay with his 'family'. Guess he is moving to the city next to Tokyo he decides to move to Yokohama, the city next to Tokyo. Yokohama is smaller and less populated than Tokyo, and he hopes that it will offer him a quiet life.

All of a sudden, three men in professional-looking black suits and dark sunglasses appear with a limousine behind them. One of the men steps forward and asks him, "Are you a Araki Dan.?"

"yes…?" Araki said this with an unfazed expression, and the men exchanged glances. They seemed to be impressed by his attitude. One of them stepped forward and said, "We have an order from young Miss, we will bring you to her."

"Who?" Araki was confused and didn't know why they were looking for him, but he reluctantly agreed and sat in the limousine, not before he said he wanted them to pay for his boba tea. He had no idea what he had done to deserve being brought to her, but he was curious to find out.


They drove him to the Tokugawa mansion, the patriarch of the Tokyo district, where he was greeted by a young woman. She introduced herself as Miss Tokugawa, the mother of the daughter who had asked for him to be brought to her.

"Senpai!" Miyuki ran up to Araki giving him a hug, a wide smile on her face. Araki was shocked to learn that Miyuki was the daughter of the patriarch of Tokyo, and he was even more surprised when she ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Ara~Ara~~how affectionate the youngsters are today..?"

Araki was tired of Miyuki's silly gimmicks, but he couldn't help but hold on just a bit longer as it felt so natural to be in her embrace. but…

he eventually let go and asked why he was brought in. Miyuki's mother snapped her fingers and two girls dressed in suits with shades escorted us to the elevator. As soon as we stepped in, we heard the music playing, and the elevator began to ascend.

After a few minutes, we arrived at what looked like an underground military force facility. There were computers, guns, and other weapons being prepared for battle. We were all taken aback, but Miyuki's mother explained that she was part of a secret organization that had been protecting the world from evil forces for decades.

And now with threats such as ghouls and gnolls and trolls, and who knows if a bigger threat may come next time, I'm thankful they didn't come in a massive attack, like I saw in my cute Miyu novel collection."

"Mama! Why did you say that!? You know I don't like people knowing about my hobbies, It's embarrassing!"

Her mom just grabbed her into her embrace and Araki could not help but feel a bit overwhelmed by Miyuki's mother's over-doting.

"Araki, I have proposal, will you-"

"I must decline." Araki's expressionless face and a shocked mama made it clear that she was not anticipating such a quick response, and a rejection on top of that.


"Because I don't want to."


"I'm quite lazy."



"this will be an ongoing conversation between you two!"

Miyuki looked at senpai and wondered why he wouldn't help, feeling slightly annoyed at his casual attitude and refusal to explain his reasoning. She knew he was capable of helping, but he was either too lazy or didn't want to for some reason.

"senpai can't you tell me."

Araki sighted. "Miyuki...the reason I helped you yesterday was because I owed you." Araki said in an unfriendly and cold voice, "I won't be saving people's lives, they can all burn together with this doomed world, because I, don't, care."


"don't you see, Miyuki…I don't want to deal with people begging to help them. But you wouldn't understand…"

"But senpai! explain it to me then, tell me so I could understand you!" Araki has been burned by too many people in the past, asking for him to help them and then either taking it for granted or using him for their own gain. He doesn't want to get hurt again, so he's put up a wall to protect himself from being taken advantage of.

"This is a waste of time."

"Senpai!" The other people in the facility all pointed their guns at Araki, and with one swing with his hand they all were frozen and he walked up, Miyuki wanted to go after him, but her mother held her. Miyuki loved Senpai, but if Senpai only wears the cold expressionless mask, it is difficult for her to get close to her crush.

"Senpai…" Miyuki whispered only she could hear herself, "Please open your heart to me, I won't hurt you."


Araki was maybe too harsh, but this way he wished she could move on. "Sorry Miyuki but our path has crossed long enough I'm just waiting for everything to go down…" Senpai had been hurt in the past and had put up emotional walls to protect himself from getting hurt again. He knew that if he opened up to Miyuki, he could get hurt again. So, he chose to keep his distance and end the relationship before he got too attached.

Araki after 2 months settled down in Yokohama where he worked at a local store, he still needed money to pay out his rent. Nothing much had changed since that day two months ago when Araki said goodbye to Miyuki. He was still waiting for the clock to run out, waiting for the moment when he could finally get to his apartment.

until he spotted his old classmate Yuro or commonly known as Star, a pop idol with face mask and hoodie and wanted to buy popsicle, she has come to the store nearly regularly and bought the same thing, Yua has long blonde hair, blue eyes and and a small yellow star tattoo under her left eye.

They didn't share any greetings or exchange for words, she bought her popsicle and left.

Araki closed down the store and wanted to teleport home, but knew something was going to happen, his abilities have been engraved with him and can do most things, but he aint' a Primordial. but he isn't far off.

Araki 'miraculously' stumbled upon Yua getting ganged by a group of people. what was the time again. *23:46*=Murder. Good heavens would you look at the time…time for murder.

"Hey let me go!" Yuro was really struggling she was just minding her own business and then these thugz decide to you know what let's grab this lady by her hand and start having fun with her and maybe if we are horny enough we would R*** her.

The thugs said something but Araki couldn't bother listening and then just whipped out a lance and penetrated through the thugz killing people doesn't really come as a disgusting thing for Araki anymore. Araki whispered something ̸̪̟̟̠̜͉̜̥̀̾͊͐͊̈́̚r̷̡̧͚͖͎̗̰͙̻̣̲͎̟͍̰̲͂̾̓ą̴̛̻̞̒͑̌͌̐͝͝a̵̮̺̳̦̰̙͙̦̞̝̙̖̰͚̺̱̓̓̾̓̃ ̵̢͍̭͙͑͊̂̒̎̀̆̓̈́̎̕f̴̞̩̯͙͇͇̍̎̌͗̃̏͋̐̈́̄̏͘̕͜͝͝͝a̶̬̿̈́͛̓̈́̈́̽̒͆̈́͂͊͘͝ͅr̵̫̠̯̆ả̵̧̹̬̤̱̝̥̒̿͌́͒ ̶͉͒͐͆͊̓̈́̌̐͘͝ͅş̵͙̯̫̯͓͙̭̪̱͇̀̇̓ͅh̸̢̝̦̜̏͛̿̄̑͗̂̎̈́̅̾͝å̷̧͙͈̦̯̞̱̜͋ͅ ̶̡̡̛̙͍̈́̋̍́͋̋́͂̚͝͝͝ḩ̴͉̬̝̊a̶͕̝̬̩̣̭̮͛͂̽̃̋̏͋̊̿̈͝

and the bodies were set ablaze. Yuro was taken aback by the horrifying sight, and her heart raced as she watched the flames consume the thugs to merely nothing more than a speck of dust.

"Araki how did-?" Araki couldn't care less so what if she knew it was not like she was going to tell anyone. She just shrugged and said, "It's nothing, thank you..?" She seemed so unsure if thanking me was a good idea.

Araki simply nodded. Why did he save her? isn't it better for her to die so she could not be bothered living through the soon demonic apocalypse that was soon going to erupt? Guess she reminded him too much of his rival trying so hard to compete against him when he was still a member of the royal knight corps.

Cordelia Gruttenlun, who simply didn't do anything when I was betrayed, but showed me some kindness, and helped me escape the fate of starvation to death on my 3rd month in cell before I was going to be beheaded.

This is my way to apprehend my debt even if she doesn't know…this is my gratitude.

I felt I needed something and knew that it was missing. "Maybe I should have brought some beer…"

Edgy...MC-Araki Dan

(annoying)*ehem* Cheerful junior-Miyuki Tokugawa

Blonde Idol-Yuro The Idol "Star"

the Three is on adventure getting Araki to strive to the light after being left in the dark for so long

A secret organization that has been around for so many years.

(yes, even Araki didn't know because he didn't was reborn or born in the same year, dimension and earth)

this I don't know if I want to serialize this, because I'm busy with my other books, so I just want an edgy Mc in my collection than the usual happy get go flirty type.

KyuKurocreators' thoughts