
If only my dog could talk

I always wondered if these four-legged wanted to talk to me and share things with me which they face daily. I can't talk to them verbally but I can feel a lot with a look at their face and eyes.

Their innocent face speaks a lot. Those eyes describe what they are going through. I can get an idea what are those things in their heart that they want to bark out. Sometimes they bark, sometimes they howl, sometimes they cry, sometimes they shout with joy. May or may not be other people listening to that but I do. I understand what it is.

If only they could talk, they would tell me these "We know that being a master you're not available always to us but we survive to see your face at the end of the day (sometimes in the midnight). You can't home us with you but the place in front of your house is our place to live and that's enough for us till you're alive. You can't look after our internal issues but you sure look for what's going on with us. You've been here with us always no matter how worse is your personal life. You enjoy our company no matter we're good to you or not. You don't treat us as your toy to play with or slave to complete orders.

You consider us same as one alive soul. You encourage us to live the life with difficulties because no life has lived peacefully in this world. You feed us, raise us, treat us with love, protect us, fight for us, accompany us, and run for us. Everything you do for us makes us believe that even when we are born less privileged than you but we can live along with you.

You raised generations.  Our elders and our new-borns. We don't hesitate you touching our newborns as you are the first one to approach to share that joy. We are sure that you are going to be their master even if we survive or not. We are sure you are going to feed them, protect them and treat them. We know that they will learn from you how to grow up, how to feed on themselves, how to mark their territories, how to live among humans, how to return what we get from humans, how to handle every situation. You be the alpha male for them and we would grow the strongest pack.

We are grateful for what you do for us. We know that you take a moment to feed us before you eat for yourself.  We know you can't do that always but you do it. We know we have to grow up looking at you. We know we have to encourage ourselves. We know we wouldn't be what we are if you weren't here. We are not as intelligent as the special breed. We are street slaves but you gave meaning to our life. We can't fulfil and return whatever you do for us. What we can do is stay there for you, with you, by your side and protect your family from anything approaching that house.

We don't have a suitable life but we have you to face when we wake up. We don't know if there's god but if it is, it is either you or you're the one sent by them. We don't wish for a luxurious life like other dogs. All we would ask them is a master like you to be with us wherever we born next time. We don't want food all the time.  We just want you to be here with us and we would survive empty stomach some days.

If life can be tough it is when you don't show up and we wonder what we would do without our master. If god asked one day what would be the greatest wish in this world, we would ask that we could sleep on your lap and that way he can take away the last breath.