

You wake up in a dark room, you can hear your parents fighting in the hallway. Suddenly the sound of glasses breaking makes you jump. You decide to get under your bed and press your body against the wall. The screaming stops and footsteps make their way to your room. You hug your knees and hold your breath hoping it's your mom. You were wrong. The door knob twists and jiggles until the door slams open and your drunken dad stumbles in. "Where are y- (hiccup) you?" He says. Clearly drunk. You hope he gets bored and walks away so you can breath again. "You know daddy hates it when you hide darlin'. Just come out. Daddy only wants a hug"  He says. Making a hot tear slip from your eyes. He starts walking around and you hope hes leaving as you take small breaths. "Gotcha. You are gonna wish you hadn't of hid from me now" He says and suddenly you're being ripped from the floor. You let out screams hoping someone will hear you and save you from this monster. "No one is gonna help you. Get it through your head. No one will ever want to help you or love you. That's why you'll always be daddy's girl." He says making you sob harder now as you tremble while hes dragging you to his room, right past where your mother's body lays with a slit across her throat and broken glass covering her lap. The sight petrifies you. In that moment you knew you had to get out. You grab a sharp jagged piece of glass and stab him right below his knee cap making him groan and fall. He releases your curly deep brown locks and you take off running. He's not far behind you screaming obscenities at you as you reach the door and dart out into the cold unforgiving winter night. 


You wake up to your phone screeching. The sound almost bursting your eardrums. You roll over onto your side and reach blindly into the darkness and onto your side table and grasp for your phone. After searching for what feels like forever. "Finally" you say as you mentally curse yourself for downloading the 'sleep if you can alarm clock'.  You pick your phone up and shake it voilently until the alarm goes silent. You sit up and turn your winnie the pooh lamp on. It was a gift from Hannah, your best friend/saving grace. She had moved to seoul for a job opportunity as a choreographer/ back up dancer. She deserved that. She worked so hard on her career to get where she is. You are so proud of her. Although lately you haven't heard from her, like at all. Which is unusual. You decide to shoot her a text before getting up and getting ready to study before for final medical exam tomorrow.

'Hey Hannah, just checking in. I miss you! How's seoul? Are your clients nice? What company do you work for now? I love you!"  

Sent 7:08 am from my Iphone


You sit on your bed and think about what has to be done today and make a mental checklist.

-Car needs cleaning - 'do I NEED to clean my car right now. Its not that bad. Just clothes in the backseat from changing in your car often. I'll do that tomorrow, or never? '

-Study for medical exam tomorrow-  'I need to study or I'llfail. You think to yourself.

-Make breakfast-  Hannah will kill you if she knew you've been skipping meals again. You still remember the first time you got really sick from it and what she said to you.



"Chelsy? Chelsy! Please wake up. I need you. You are my bestfriend. Please wake up." You could hear Hannah talk but you were to weak to open your eyes after not eating for about a week.  "I'm calling the hospital now. You're gonna be okay. I promise." You were in a coma for a month but Hannah didn't leave your side only to shower. She didn't go to dance classes or anything. She would shower in the bathroom connected to your room. When you woke up she was crying in the chair beside your bed. "What's going on? Hannah? Where am I?" She nearly jumped out of her skin hearing you talk for the first time in a month. The doctors rushed in checked you out and made sure you were okay. "Please dont ever do that to me again Chelsy."


Your phone starts ringing bringing you out of your flashback almost on que. You pick it up and see it's Hannah. 'What is she doing up. It's late where she is.' You pick up thinking she just couldnt sleep and decided to talk but something was different. It wasnt her voice on the phone. It was a mans.

"Is this Chelsy?" The unknown males voice said sounding worried.

"Uh, yes. May I ask who this is and how you have possesion of my best friends phone?" You say trying to sound like you didnt just wake up 20 minutes ago.

"There is no point in worrying about that right now. You need to come to seoul, Hannah is in the hospital. She was in a head on collision on her way to work. Your traveling expenses have been paid for and you have a hotel right across the street from the hospital. The flight is boarding in 3 hours." The man says in a deep korean accent. He spoke almost perfect english though. Before you can even answer or ask anything the call ends and your left holding your phone hoping your friend will be alive long enough for you to get there. You decide studying can wait and call the school to see if you can get your test date pushed back.

"Hello, you've reached Johns Hopkins University. This is Stacey speaking, how may I help you today?" The woman says sweetly.

"Hello, yes. I was wondering if the medical exam director is in today? If so could i be transferred to his line please?" You say as you hold back your tears.

"Yes ma'am he is. I will send you right over. Just hold on one second! Have a great day!" She says as she trasfers you to the medical exam directors line.

"Hello. This is Jason Watson how can I help you?"  He says in a monotone voice.

"Hi Mr. Watson. I have had a family emergency and need to leave the country today. Is there any possible way I could push my testing date back?" You say silently praying theres still hope for you to get your nursing license and be there for your best friend.

"No ma'am. If you can not be here tomorrow or the following day we will be forced to kick you from the class. I'm sorry." He says in his still monotone voice.

"Oh, okay. Then could you remove me from the class? My family is more important at the moment." You say with your mind made up.

He sighs into the phone.

"Name, date of birth and last four digits of your student ID, please."

"Chelsy Lynn Dawson, May 18th and 7819" you say as you wipe a tear from your face.

"Okay. You have been removed. Please note you will not get a refund on the--" before he can say anything else you hang up.

I'm coming Hannah.

You start packing two suitcases and fill them with clothes and first aid kits along with tolitries. After you have packed you call your job.

"Hello you've reached Bojangles on highway 58 this is Janice how can I help you?" Your manager says. You've always hated her. She belittled you 24/7 for the simplist mistakes. Such as mixing packaging boxes up or having your ring on because you forgot about it.

"Hey Janice it's Chelsy Dawson. I was calling to let you know, I QUIT."

You say as you smile and hang up.

By now its been 2 hours. You decide you'll go ahead to the airport.  You head out of the house making sure you have your passport and wallet with your ID and licence. On the drive to the airport a new song comes on that you havent heard before the radio station says its 'boy with luv by BTS' you sing along as you imagine Hannah in the passenger seat dancing. She loves Kpop. You always laughed at her for it. This song and band is really good. You decide to download some of their songs while you are waiting for your flight to board.

~time skip to the airport~

You walk up and get your ticket which says your flying on a private jet. You bite your lip wondering who Hannah has met in Seoul. It's only been 2 months since she moved.

You get on the jet and start listening to the BTS playlist you stole from Hannahs youtube channel. You drift off to sleep dreaming about when you first met hannah.

You were walking for a long time til you came to a stop infront of a big dance studio and decided to stop. Your legs were weak from the cold night air. You were just 16 at the time. You didn't know anywhere to go. Til she walked out of the dance studio and seen you shivering against the corner of the brick building. "Hello? Hun? Are you okay? Do you need help?" She said sweetly. Before you could answer you collapsed into the cold white snow. She ran over and helped you into her car where she took you to her apartment and got you warm and gave you medicine and food. Until you got better. You didn't talk or let her touch you at first. You were scared. Traumatized. One day she came into the room to talk to you. She sat on the edge of the king sized bed covered in a blush pink sheet with a black silky blanket on top. "Hun, please talk to me. If you tell me what is going on I can help you. I promise. I won't leave your side." She said. You didn't feel scared as much anymore so you explained what had happened in detail and started to cry. She held you. You flinched at first but then got settled in her arms. She was like a big sister you never had. You sat in her arms and cried for hours and hours. Til you fell asleep with tear stained cheeks. She got up and settled you back on a pillow and decided to go and buy you some clothing and shoes along with tolitries. When you woke up you didn't see her and thought she had left. You cried as you searched all over the apartment. When she walked in the door she dropped the bags and ran over to you. "What's going on. Why are you crying?" She said as she helped you back to the bed forgetting the bags.

"I-i thought you left me." You say between sobs. She hugs you and sits you on the bed facing her. "Look at me. I will never leave you. Ever. I will always be here to protect you" she reassured you and held you. Later that night you tried on the clothes she bought you and she seen all the bruises and scars from the 16 years of abuse that you endured. She cried when she seen them. "As long as I'm here you will never have another scar like that." She took care of you ever since then. Even though she was only 17 herself. Its only been 2 years since she rescued you.


You wake up to someone tapping your shoulder.

"Ma'am we are in seoul. There is an excort car waiting to take you to the hospital now"  The flight attendant says.

You quickly grab your things and get off the plane. You get to the car which is a blacked out SUV like a secret service car. You get in and ride to the hospital. Once at the hospital you run to the desk with your bags in each hand. "Hannah Ford please?" You say hoping shes still holding on.

"ICU room 345" The desk lady says.

You get on the elavator and wait impatiently until you reach the 3rd floor and the door dings. You get out and see six guys infront of the room where Hannah is supposed to be all six of them are asleep leaning on one another. You ignore them thinking maybe they are just sitting there waiting on someone from the elavator. You bring your bags into the room as quietly as possible hopinh not to wake them. When you walk in you see a guy with mint green hair sleeping quietly on the floor beside Hannah. You look at your best friend. Shes hooked to so many tubes and wires. You start to cry as you walk over to her. "Hannah, it's chelsy. I'm here now. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. I'm so so sorry. Please wake up for me" You whisper as you sob quietly.

(A/N) :This is my first fanfiction. Please give me feedback and such! Love you guys! See you on the next chapter!