
The Reincarnation

darkness that is all of which I see and hear its all most comforting. within this said darkness I reflect upon my past life.In all honesty I was quite boring just another annoying short tempered weeb who wanted to be a vet.throughout my entire life one anime particularly stuck with me "Naruto" oh how I wished I was in Naruto.suddenly I am surrounded in a bright light , as I open my eyes to see what this mysterious light is I see that I am in a capsule full of green liquid. I look around I see there are tubes attached to my limbs there also appears to be monitor wires on my temples.I hear someone approaching so I close my eyes again, " its such a shame isn't it kobuto," I hear an eerie voice call "and here I was hoping to have a vessel from the Uzumaki clan. huuuh.. I guess well have to use plan B..." I hear two sets o footsteps leave the room I now suddenly recognise the voice...the voice Urochimaru.

Haaah!!! Urochimaru am I thinking straight! why would Urochimaru be here?I opened my eyes and looked out of the capsule glass and I am surprised to see I'm at one of the all to familiar hide outs of Urichimaru...I started to panic and immediately detached myself from all the tubes and wires in a hurry desperately trying to get out of the capsule now there was only one last obstacle the glass...