
If I only knew

Never in my wilderness dreams would I had thought that I would be that person. Sandra was having a meal with her best friend Melody. The waitress brought the food alone with a note from someone in the restaurant. The note was given to Sandra. It said only a few words “I think you are beautiful “. Sandra asked the waitress who sent it as she looked around. The waitress didn’t know because it was just left on the serving tray for he to deliver to her.

liichamb1 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Teresa Bennett decided that she would take up my family's suggestions to have dinner with the son of their family friend. They are of Windsor Empire. One of the top companies in City F. Teresa waited at the restaurant for him to show. As Teresa was waiting a tall handsome middle aged man came and sit down in front of me. He said my name and introduced himself as David Lewis. He said he was there to get to know me so he could report back to his boss about my character. She was so angry that she didn't realize how loud she had become. Before she said a word she was already leaving and ran into a person. Teresa just said excuse me never looking up and went around him and ran out the door. She was upset with her parents so she didn't go home or answer their phone calls. Teresa checked into the nearest 5-star hotel in City F. She didn't have dinner so she went downstairs to the restaurant in the hotel which was where the rich dine.

Teresa ordered her meal and the best alcohol and told them to send it to her suite. When she got there she hadn't shut the door good when there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was her meal only to find Mr. Lewis standing there he said he came to apologize for his boss and explain why his boss sent him. This man really has some nerve. Mr. Lewis told her that she was going to marry his boss and he was to make sure that she was okay. What the hell was going on and who was his boss. Fuck you and your boss came out of her mouth so quickly and told him to get out of her suite. She slammed the door behind him and put the extra lock on the door. Finally my meal came but she only wanted the alcohol not much food so she got dunk inside my room alone thinking about the intended marriage her parents had planned for her just to the families businesses stronger. When Teresa woke up it was noon the next day to the phone of the suite ringing very loud. It was her best friend Melody Ford. Her family has Ford Enterprise, one of the top 5 companies in City F also.

Teresa pulled herself together and called for a new set of clothes so that she could go out with Melody to eat and talk.