
0008 GET OFFF!


After praying everyday and every night my knees hurt but its allright for him anything is allright today is the day we tell people we are getting engaged

After I reach the mansion

"mom! dad! I have a good news! I'm getting engaged! I'm in love mom!" I knew I was not but I should tell that of course

"what did you sayyyy really!" mom's voice

"who is that brat taking my daughter away" dad coming my way with coffee in his hands

"No! I don't allow that" what!? John why is he here I'm happy but... a part of me is sad for how foolishly I'm in love that I won't even blame him for poisoning me not only him but her...

last time let's hug him and forget and forgive I ran towards his direction he unconsciously opened his arms and I fell into them my heart warning me it'll fall out yet risking is always more exiting....not that much when you're going to die I guess.

it's okay deep breaths ur not gonna cry Veronica

"get offf....."