

When I was 10 years old, I woke up to my alarm clock ringing *beep beep*. As soon as I woke up, I went to the bathroom to shower. As I was showering, I sensed something opening up below my feet. My shower water seemed to melt the floor below me causing me to drop down to what looked like a never-ending deep dark hollow opening in the ground. Then, in a blink of an eye, I was submerged into an ocean full of corals and beautiful underwater creatures, everything was colorful and bright so I wasn't terrified at all. As I was gliding through the ocean, sight seeing all the beautiful underwater creatures, I felt that it was somewhat connected to me. I also named the hollow opening that I fell through "watergate". Then , I realized that I could breathe underwater, I was in shock and in disbelief. As I was continuing to glide underwater longer and longer and trying to process everything, I felt an immediate shortness of breath, I panicked and didn't know what to do. I swam back as quickly as possible to the watergate, I swam through it and it teleported me back to my bathroom. 

   Well, you know how everything has its own pros and cons, well the cons to my power is that, I could only breathe underwater for 30 minutes and after  25 minutes I would start to get a shortness of breath and my body would start to swell and shake as a sign that I have 5 more minutes left and I should probably head back to the watergate. By the time I was 16 years old, I had gotten the hang of it. I could summon the watergate anywhere at any time to any underwater location. I had named this power "Aqualide". I had also saved more than fifty people drowning, and had been known to be a superhero amongst my town. They had also given me the name " Aqua-saver ". One thing that people mostly ask me is that, What happens after my 30 minutes are up, will I die, what will happen to me. I had never gone over the 30 minutes mark so I would always answer them saying "I don't know". 

   Everybody thinks that having this power is cool and all but, for me, it's really intimidating and frustrating. Having people blame you for not being able to save someone drowning in time or not knowing if someone is drowning is really frustrating. I had to stop school, since people see me as a superhero now. If I don't stop school, I can't save people and be a so-called "Superhero". If you ask me if I like my power or not, I would say yes. But, if you ask me, do I want to be a superhero or just an ordinary boy, I would immediately answer you saying to be an ordinary boy.

   One day, after I got the news that a girl was drowning in "Lake Hilton". I immediately summoned the watergate and shouted "Lake Hilton". Let me tell you in detail how it looks when I summon the water gate. The air surrounding me and the people walking or driving would stop, the atmosphere would become cold and a blue spark would circle around me. This all happens in 5 seconds and then I jump in the watergate and it immediately teleports me to my desired destination. When I got to Lake Hilton, I saved the girl immediately and pushed her through the watergate. Another successful rescue I shall say! 

   As I was aging progressively, the power didn't seem fun nor cool anymore. I would save people drowning on a daily basis and I would get bored of it. I would always see people my age pursuing their dream, building a family etc. I wanted a life like them, not a life of being "A guy with water abilities". I wanted to destroy my power, I didn't want to keep it any more. I was searching for ways to destroy it. But, every time I tried to destroy it, it would never work. One time, I was trying to submerge myself underwater for more than 30 minutes because, I thought by doing so my power would disappear. But, my body didn't cooperate, it was swelling and shaking horribly to the point that I couldn't resist. I had no choice but to go back through the watergate. 

   After doing a lot of research on this particular power (Water Breathing). I had found out that there is a particular plant named "Axiolis Franquit " that would 100% destroy the power and would leave no harm to the human body if you boil it and drink it. But, this type of plant could only be found in the deep ocean of "Bolii". I also found out that it was 3000 meters below the ocean. If my estimations were right, my 30 minutes wouldn't get me that far down the ocean. That is why, I trained to swim faster and faster everyday. Everyday, I would train for at least 4 hours. After training for 5 to 7 months, I had achieved the speed that I wanted. Without any hesitation, I shouted "Bolii" and the watergate opened up, I jumped down and was teleported to the ocean immediately. I swam quickly down the ocean, not wasting a single second. As I was getting closer and closer to the plant, I felt a little shortness of breath. But, it was alright. When I reached the plant, I picked it up immediately and started swimming back as quickly as possible. My breath was nearly out by then but I pushed through it and made it back on land. 

   The plant was pink, beautiful and it was shiny. I could see my own reflection just by looking at it. Regardless of how beautiful it was, I still had to boil it and drink it. After boiling, the plant liquid looked dark purple and I was nervous to drink it. But, the willingness to get rid of the power was strong. So, I drank it. After drinking it, I felt like something was happening inside my body. Then, moments later, A blue spark flew out of me, out into the crystal blue sky. And there it was, my power was gone just like that..