

If I could just forget...

Right after his father's death, Kanji tried suicide several times but his butler stopped him and after 24th attempt, his butler shouted to him" Don't you want to know the real killer!!!!"Kanji shocked and fell down

13 years later after his father's death

Being taught by his butler now he knows everything he needs to know and he doesn't even care what's around him and he neither met anyone except the butler nor went outside of his room he even doesn't remember how the sun looks like and how it scared him although the deepest part of his heart remains with fear, depression and lost happiness, trust, and other things but today he

decided to get out of this cage and asked his butler about the map of this city and details about black butler

Kanji said to himself" now I gonna take a look outside just f@@king clam down nobody's gonna kill you okay just relax right dad?"

Following the map and thinking about how everything looks and everyone acts Kanji looked for the nearest club and where he could get some goods and as walks down the streets and going into the black market to look for the goods that he heard about but on the other side his heart feels like it gonna almost explode he try to close his eyes as much as possible he doesn't want to see the visions but as he grew older now he can even hear voices whispering all stuff of things but enduring all of that he finally get to the club called nightmare's extinction

His butler tried to stop him but Kanji told him "If I don't get those I gonna die do you have any idea how I see you and how I feel every f@@king day"

The butler told him" Yes I know your father told me all about it and it must be pretty hard and I know it is getting worse but if you go there please be on your guard and I won't come with you here's the map "

And as he steps into the club he saw many inappropriate scenes like some people having sex some doing drugs some laughing nonstop some even cutting off their own parts and some eating it

But for him, visions like these and his way of seeing things combined this is like a complete massacre

He is so confused sacred but he brave himself and go and ask for the goods that he heard about but suddenly he got pulled over and got some fluid injected into him and he lost himself and he heard a voice shouting" Welcome to the feast meats!!!!!! Kanji who lost himself starts to dance randomly and he even did drugs but inside his mind, he is really confused and scared but the thought comes through his mind" Who am I really??????"

Everything he experienced, everything he felt, everything when combined his mind becomes unstable but now everything is gone and completely blank and he wondered is it who he really is???where is the proof???

Guys sorry for late uploading a I have exams so I wrote at 11 pm and I reduced 2000 words to 1200 words(Fake truths) because of exams :'-( ŠRŸ