

Leila King was definitely having a bad day, if waking up with a migrane and being hustled to work was bad enough then it was "icing on the cake" when she got her sack letter. Due to financial issues, the company she was working with cut down on the number of workers - and she happened to be one of them. As she left the office, she stopped at a nearby coffee shop to gather her bearings and reflect on the cruel unfairness of life. First of all, a few days ago she discovered that her sister and Fiancée were having a full blown affair, then she lost her job and an earthquake was wreaking havoc in her head.

"What did I do in my last life that karma is punishing for?", she cried inwardly.

As she stood up to leave the coffee shop she noticed a guy eyeing her butt and restrained herself from swearing, he didn't make any effort to conceal it and even grinned at her when she left her table. Seeing him grin made her uncomfortable because if she wasn't mistaken, she had seen that guy's face quite a few times always in similar situations but didn't think much about it,

rather, it surprised her. She wasn't your usual pale skinned, slim, girl. She on the contrary was around 6 feet tall, with "ample packaging", a tiny bit on the chubby side and deeply tanned with medium length hair not what would grab your average guy's attention. She wasn't classified as innocent, she had been nearly raped more than once making her believe that the creature called "man", was trouble personified.

These were the thoughts that ran through her mind as she approached the counter to pay...Only for her to run into "trouble on legs" because this time "trouble" ran at her straight knocking her over. How he did it, she didn't know but feeling super embarrassed, she pushed him off, dusted herself lightly and walked home as fast as she could.

Seeing how she walked off without apologizing, the man on the floor gave snorted while he thought about how hard it was to find ladylike women.

Hey this is the my second book I'm publishing. I'm renovating the first one "Bitter Gold" so I'll tell you when it's fit to be read. Please comment and rate because I really need your feedback to to improve >_< don't be too harsh while criticizing because I have feelings too, alright? ?

Also, I'm a student so I'll try to update at least 3 chappys a week for now

xZaraxcreators' thoughts