
IDOL Life With A System

In his previous life, he was famous and his nickname is "Apollo" because of his amazing music skills and dancing you can also add the part that he is a very professional archer. He won many awards, he is a very well known producer in the kpop industry. He has money and fame... But he feels lonely sitting at the top. He passed away by a serious illness. God gave him 3 wishes because of his kindness. He wishes to have an amazing life and to feel love. He has a system that can help him polish his skills... He will stumble the Kpop entertainment with his amazing skills but this time he has friends or close brothers that will conquer the Kpop! _____________________ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/SqvsNrK

Immortal_Pyrsm · Music & Bands
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29 Chs

23 A Normal Day

6 AM in the morning, I usually woke up at this time since in Korea I would need to wake up early and go to JYP Gym and exercise. I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth after that, I wash my face after washing my face I went outside the bathroom and tidy up my bed.

I went outside my room and went downstairs, I went to the kitchen and see my mother eating bread and drinking her coffee.

"Good morning Oka-san" I greet her.

"Good morning Aki-chan" she greets back

"Oka-san, Can I cook for breakfast?" I said as I went to the refrigerator and opened it to get the ingredients for food.

"Sure Aki-chan, I will clean the house while you are cooking," she said

After I get the ingredient, I started cooking

"Wow, My cooking skills are really useful, my food looks already delicious," I said as I admired the food that I am cooking

After half an hour, I finished cooking, I placed the food at the table and call for my mother

"Oka-san I am already done cooking," I said as I call her

"Okay, I will call your father, you woke up your sister there" She replied

"Okay Oka-san," I said as I nod

I went upstairs and head straight to Sana's room, I opened the door and saw Sana still sleeping. I went to her.

"Sana Wake up already! It's time for breakfast," I said as I shake her.

"Nooooo," She said lazily

"Just wake up already," I said as I shake her and poke her cheeks

"I want to sleep more," She said and cover her face with a pillow.

I started to tickle her "Onii-chan! Okay okay, I will wake up now" She accepts defeat as she stands up lazily.

"Okay, after you finished your morning routine go downstairs, I already cook food for breakfast"

"Really Onii-chan? Yehey!" She said and rush to get out but I block her and I crossed my hands and glared at her.

"No! Sana You should fix and clean your bed first and do your morning routine," I said as I block her

"Hmph" She pouted then turn back and do her morning routine.

"Hurry up and go downstairs," I said and she nods

I went out of the room and went downstairs, I walk towards the dining tables and take a seat.

"Did you wake up Sana?" Dad asked while reading his newspaper.

"Yes Oto-san, She is really a heavy sleeper" I chuckle as they also laugh

"Yup, How did you wake her up?" Mom asks

"Oh, I tickle her until she gets up and told her that I am the who one cook for breakfast" I replied

"She will probably not gonna woke up if you didn't tell her that you cook the foods," She said and we laughed to my sister antics

After a few minutes, we heard footsteps coming from the stairs and see Sana she heads towards us and takes a seat.

"Onii-chan your food looks delicious," She said while looking on the food with shining eyes.

"Well, I also learn some cooking in Korea, let's eat now before it gets cold," I said

We thanked for the food and started digging, Sana eats like there is no tomorrow, and suddenly choked and cough.

"Sana eats slowly," I said as I give her a glass of water.

"Thank you Onii-chan, I just love and miss your food so much," She said as I sigh and chuckles.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Oka-san Sana and I will go out later and go shopping" I said to mom

"Okay, take care of yourself" She nods

"Sana after you finished eating go prepared yourself," I said as she nods

After we finished eating, mom wash the dishes and I went to the bathroom to take a shower, after taking a shower, I went outside the bathroom and look for my clothes, after a minute of looking for clothes I found a good one and put it on.

I went outside my room and called Sana to hurry up, She went outside her room and walk towards me.

"Oka-san! Oto-san! We will leave" We said to mom and dad they nod and we went outside.

We take the train and about a few minutes we arrived at the place, we walked through the mall, after checking us, the guard let us inside as we enter.

"Onii-chan Let's go!" Sana said as she pulls me and runs like a kid

We look for new clothes and I bought it all, I also bought her a new latest phone since her phone is already old.

She didn't forget to bring me to the shop for perfumes and to look around and I buy what she fancy.

While we are looking for more things to buy I hear her stomach grumbles and I chuckled.

"Sana we should eat first, we are already shopping for hours," I said as she nods

I look for the restaurant and found one, we entered it and ordered food, I look at the tons of bag full of things that we bought.

"You really almost buy everything Sana," I said as I chuckle.

She smiled "Well, of course, you said it's your treat" I smiled

"Yup, it's my treat for my favorite sister"

"Favorite? Of course, I'm your only sister" We laughed

"Thank you Onii-chan!" She added and smiled

"No problem" I smiled

After we finished eating we went out of the restaurant and she started her shopping again and I sigh. After a couple of hours of shopping we bought a lot of things, we went home.