
Idle Online: Idle Gaming in a VRMMO

"Dungeon Divers" a new VRMMO came out but this time there was something different about it, Full Dive Technology. Follow Jack as he learns the hard truth about this game with mysteriously no information.

Sheeper_Beeper3000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

5. Does this wolf breath fire?

The receptionist gave him directions to one the nearest COPPER dungeon. She gave him a little information about the dungeons, that basically being that it was filled with fire monsters.

Jack walked through the streets of the city and marveled at just how grand it was. Everywhere he looked he saw ingenious architecture that rivaled what humans of the present were able to do with heavy machinery.

There were armory's, restaurants, shops, and plenty of inn's. Everyone he saw was equipped with some sort of weapon and some of them had staffs or wands. He didn't get much information about the world he was in besides the fact that the economy was supported by the magical Dungeons.

There was no dollar bill's or credit cards, money in this world was gained through clearing dungeons and obtaining the cores that are dropped from monsters. The majority of people who did not dive into the dungeons are those who did not awaken any powers and are not capable of clearing dungeons for money.

While Jack was zoned out thinking he reached the mystical Dungeon that he had been looking for. There was a molten cube and on the front side there was a gate to the Dungeon. Its color being a quiet blue and Jack watched as groups put their hands on each other as the head of their cohort touched the gate and their bodies disappeared. 

All the awakened who went into the portal were showing their DD (Dungeon Divers) Card to the guards that were standing a ways from the portal. Jack walked over to follow suit, but was stopped before he had the chance to.

"Are you going to enter the dungeon?" One of the guards asked him a question.

"Yes sir."

"Is this your first dungeon."


"Any first time DD needs to dive with at least another person, its the law. Don't you know."

Instead of making anymore trouble for himself he decided to avoid asking about the law.

"Sorry, it must have slipped my mind. Where do I find another member."

"There is a spot over there were people form groups."

"Thank you for your help."

Jack was too hasty about entering a dungeon and didn't gather enough information before coming. He walked over towards the area the guards had pointed too. There was only one person sitting there. A girl around his age who he presumed had just newly awakened. She had black armor, it looked expensive but Jack wasn't well versed enough in this world to know. The rapier on her hip was made from shiny iron and he thought that even looking at the sharp edges of the sword could kill him.


He wasn't sure what to say but he managed to catch the girl's attention.

"Are you also looking for a party?" Jack asked his questions while making eye contact with her calm grey eyes. 


"Would you like to join me?"


The girl responded snappily and with short answers, she didn't seem like the type that wanted to talk and Jack was perfectly fine with that. They made their way up to the guard and showed them their DD cards. They joined into the queue and slowly made their way up.

"I'm Jack, what's your name."


She seemed to want to finish their partnership quick and he took the hint to not ask anymore questions.

They got up to the Dungeon and Rita took the lead. When she was standing in arms reach of the dungeon he put his hand on her shoulder and she put her hand into the unknown magical gate.

When he opened his eyes again he was in a molten plains, at least it seemed like that, but at the end of his vision he saw an cave like entrance which he assumed meant that the room they were in was not the only one.

[Mission: Clear the Dungeon]

He summoned his weapon only to get a strange look from Rita and a analyzing gaze. He didn't realize that he might be an outlier and others didn't have an inventory, but she stopped looking at him and focused on the path ahead.

'Phew, I thought I outed myself around.'

Usually in VRMMO's the NPC's didn't bat an eye at the use of special powers that weren't entirely normal. Speaking of NPC's why were all the one's he's met so far feel so real. Slowly Jack was beginning to feel like this wasn't a game.

'I must be going crazy.' 

All around them was molten rock and the heat of a fire. Truthfully the only fire near them was on the outer edges of the room. They walked forwards following the only part of the room that was of a different material. There was faint traces of cobblestone bricks that he assumed was a path that had been swallowed up by a volcano. 

"There's monsters up ahead."

After Rita's warning he looked ahead to find two wolf dogs. Both had multiple burn scars lining their body.

It didn't take long to come face to face with the slightly mangled dogs. Rita and him dashed towards that dogs that they were facing and promptly attacked. Rita got a stab in but the monster dodged back and launched a fire ball from its mouth towards Jack. 

Meanwhile, Jack had missed a stab but followed up swiftly with a downwards slash easily finishing off the beast and its body disappearing. From behind he heard a shout. 

"Watch Out." Rita was already dashed into the dog, her blade was in the throat of the monster, but there was still the problem of the fireball flying towards him.

He tried to dodge, but it was too fast and the fire ball hit him in the chest and blew him several feet away. He screamed in pain and when looked at where the would was supposed to be he found the slime armor was able to protect him from the flames of the fireball but just not the impact.