
•Chapter Twelve-Progressions

-One Week Later-

The chuunin exams were set to be in a couple of months. Rather, closer to a month and a half. For this reason, Muhon decided rather than saving his stat points; it would be better to distribute them the way the system did before.

He couldn't afford to save points to buy a skill, and instead, he rationalized they could be used better for his growth during this narrow time period. Especially as he didn't know of the challenges he would face in the chuunin exams.

The first skill he gained from the system already proved to him that further skills would require many hours for optimal proficiency.

By the time he attained a skill, he wouldn't have the proficiency needed to effectively use it in the exams. For now, Muhon honed what he already had.

He inhaled a large breath, exhaling the same a moment later. His silent steps traversed the water and caused rippers.

With a Kunai in hand, he slowly raised his right arm. His face hardened as he started to trace after a thin red line.

- Zeng~

Completing his movements, the water was greatly disturbed. A violent slash traveled through the water and split it apart for almost thirty meters.

Droplets splashed onto the grasses at its side and Muhon couldn't help but to admire this scene. It was the tenth time. And only now did his fingers start to tremble.

'My limit should be five more times.'

After a week and some days of continuous practice on his sword tracing skill, which surprisingly, didn't apply only to swords; Muhon had become somewhat proficient in it.

At least to the point his body no longer suffered severe backlash.

A dark sky and drifting clouds reflected the water. The sun steadily climbed its way up to a warm morning.

The sound of controlled steps found their way to Muhon's acute senses. A pamphlet in hand, Yamamoto leisured through the trees.

"Good morning kid."

Muhon nodded, returning the greeting. His sensei was the one that called him here so early in the morning. It was the only time he had before their C-Rank mission in a few hours.

As it was still morning, Yamamoto's usually spirited look was replaced by a withered expression. Yamamoto yawned and threw him the pamphlet.

Muhon took it with great curiosity.


It was a simple title. However, if Yamamoto's gaze was anything to go by, then surely there was more to it that didn't meet the eye.

A day prior Yamamoto sat him down after training. A serious conversation took place regarding his future.

He was asked repeatedly if enrolling into the ANBU was the path he wanted to take, and Muhon continued to reaffirm his intentions. Yamamoto then told Muhon to meet him at this specific time at their training ground.

The reason? Muhon would soon find out.

"Keep that safe and tucked away. Don't let anyone… anyone, under any means, get a hold of the contents inside that little book. It may cost you your life."

Yamamoto rubbed his eyes and yawned again. "By the time you are a Chunin, you will need to have it all memorized. Word for word. Line for line."

He continued.

"I've already put in a word for you and once you've become a Chunin, it should be possible to have you be enlisted in a squad before long. Provided that you pass the tests the ANBU gives you of course."

Muhon didn't question the validity of Yamamoto's words. He doubted his sensei would joke about something like this and his identity was always a bit peculiar in Muhons eyes.

"Your chakra levels shouldn't be a problem either. Even here in Konoha we have skilled people like Might Gai that are able to hold their own without flashy Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. And with your monstrous physique, you should be just fine."

Yamamoto patted Muhons shoulders. The boy was tall for his age, six inches shorter than he was.

There was a brief silence before he continued on to say, "Are you sure you still want this, son? I don't need to remind you how cruel the ANBU is. If it's just for the sake of having a simple goal and being like the fourth, there are other paths you can pursue."

Muhon chuckled. Flashes of his past life passed through his mind as he met Yamamoto's violet pupils.

War. Death. Starvation. Hopelessness.

"Im sure. I doubt it's anything I have seen before."

"What would a kid like you know?" Yamamoto scoffed. "You have yet to see the true darkness of this word. Anyway, if you're so hell-bent on this than so be it. I'll be on my way."

"It looks like you have a bit of a stalker, huh?"Yamamoto patted him one more time, giving a knowing glance to a figure hidden in a bush nearby. Then he disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

Muhon gave a defeated sigh. He looked towards the very obvious figure with goggles and spiky brown hair doing a horrible job at masking his presence.

"Hey, you can come out now."

- Ruffle

Muhon picked a tiny rock from the ground and launched it. Zooming through the air, it eventually landed itself in between the figures brows.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Konohamaru rolled on the ground holding his head. He struggled to his feet and pointed his finger at Muhon. He puffed out his chest, ignoring the growing bruise.

"As expected of the man I have acknowledged as my teacher!"

Teacher? Since when?

Muhon shook his head. He didn't remember once asking this kid to be his student. He scratched his head as he tilted his neck to the side.

"Listen, I'm not going to be your teacher or partake in any of your little shenanigans, alright? So please, for the love of god, leave me alone."

This was the fourth time Muhon caught the little brat. It had started the day after the competition with team seven. And since then he couldn't shake him off no matter what he tried.

The kid was a hard nut to crack. He was stubborn and didn't take Muhons own thoughts into consideration. He reminded him a bit of Lee.

"Mmm…" Konohamaru rubbed his chin. "Well we can't have that. Since you've defeated my rival, that means your stronger than me, so you can only be my teacher! And once I've learned everything from you, I will defeat you and become Hokage!"

"Buzz off."

"How cruel!"

Muhon didn't have in him to bicker with the child today, instead, he smoothly walked past the boy heading to a small place he frequently visited.

Ramen Ichiraku.

Of course, Konohamaru still followed close by. His attempts at hiding himself failing miserably.

"Ah, Hannya-Kun, welcome! The usual?"

Muhon was practically a regular to Ayame and Teuchi now.

He faintly smiled and nodded.

"Alright, it'll be fixed up for you soon!" Teuchi shouted.

Watching him cook was always an art. The man took his job very serious and all of his dishes were packed with his passion and love for making Ramen.

"What have you been up to, Hannya-Kun?" Ayame asked.

"Training," Muhon flatly said. "Right now our team is preparing for the Chunin exam in a month and a half."

"Oh… that was happening wasn't it?" Ayame's tone held a somber tune to it.

She remembered the genin who used to frequent their little restaurant died tragically in those unforgiving exams. "Be careful okay. Other village shino-"

"Big sis Ayame!" A blonde haired boy waved to Ayame. His waving quickly halted when he clashed eyes with Muhon. "And you…"

"Oh, hey Naruto! Come take a seat. I was just having quick chat with friend Hannya-Kun about the upcoming Chunin exams."

Naruto left a couple of seats between him and Muhon.

"The chuunin exams?"

Ayame nodded. "It's an annual exam genin can take to become Chunin. All villages participate and send their best genin in order to show off their might and scout other villages. But it's really… really dangerous."

As Ayame continued to chat with Naruto, Muhon faded into the background and ate peacefully. Once he was done he gave a word of thanks, paid, and excused himself.

"Ah! Wait!" Naruto grabbed onto Muhons sleeve then quickly pulled back. "I heard from Kakashi Sensei but I don't believe it. Did you really defeat Sasuke?"

Muhon slowly nodded. "Is that all?"

Naruto shook his head and grinned. "Then fight me!"


"No, right now!" Naruto insisted.

If it was truly as Kakashi told him, then if he defeated Muhon, he would technically be stronger than Sasuke.

'Heh. What'll the loser think if I beat someone he couldn't. I can't wait to rub it in his face!'

In Naruto's mind, his win was already set in stone. He conveniently forgot that he was the first to be knocked out during the competition.

Ayame frowned. "Leave him alone Naruto! Can't you see he's troubled right now? You have something you need to get done, right Hannya-Kun?"

Muhon nodded and turned back to Naruto. "Maybe another time."

"Hmph, fine. Scaredy-cat."


Muhon took a shower once he got home. He then dressed himself into long sleeved black shirt with red whirlpool symbols on its shoulders and black cargo pants tucked into white wraps.

He tied his hair back and wore his head protector on his forehead. He proceeded to slip on his fingerless gloves and pick up his sword.

He smoothly attached a mask, similar to the one Kakashi wore, to his face. For aesthetic purposes.

He relaxed for a couple of hours and then left for the Hokage tower.