

"I know what you mean wendy but shes fucking gone love that insane son of a bitch is in hell where he belongs but shes actually gone." Kenny says trying to comfort her but failing terribly. "You really suck at the whole cheering people up thing kenny you know that?" Wendy said with a slight smile and chipperish tone to her voice. "Um guys there's no switch or anything to open that cage. It opens in a really strange way." Skye interrupted. "How does it open?" Wendy asked, slightly concerned. "Kenny come here for a second?" Skye asked. "Yeah?" "Look at this." Skye told him. "What the actual fuck!?" Kenny yelled in shock, concern, and surprise.  "So wendy the only other way to open that cage besides the life draining or whatever is through the art of f.. Fe… fema…-" Kenny tried to get the words out. "Oh my god you pussy, Wendy to get out of there you need to um well rise to crescendo." Skye interrupts him "What the fuck does that mean?" Wendy asked, quite confused. "You know rub your "box"" Skye responded "Still no idea what the hell you're talking about" Wendy Responded. "*sigh* Ooze from your pleasure palace?" Skye asked, hoping for Wendy to get it. "What… oh OH What the fucking shit!? No, let me see that monitor!" Wendy demanded, "Yeah right here at the top" Skye said pointing to the big flashing red and white warning. "Well i'll be damned, Pretty boy take the girls outside of this fucked up place i'll be out in a bit, Can't believe this shit what the fuck?" Wendy told Kenny, muttering the last bit under her breath. "Ok is there anything in here I could use besides iron bars? No well fuck." Wendy asks herself. Suddenly she notices out of the corner of her eye something blue in the corner of the cage. "Where the hel… wait a minute that "massager" is Egyptian fucking blue! No fucking way." Wendy says in awe. Meanwhile outside. "What the bloody hell is taking her so long? it's been a whole hour!. Kenny asks quite impatiently. Suddenly  as if on cue "All of me" by john legend, starts playing. "Oh it's wendy wonder what she needs" Skye inquisitively exclaims. "Skye put me on speaker, Guys come back here now!" Wendy orders before hanging up. "What the hell was that about?" Kenny asks. "Let's go find out" Victoria responds enthusiastically. "Holy shit!" Kenny exclaims "Hey guys see this, and how it's  Egyptian blue?" Wendy asks, holding the object up for them to see. "Yeah?" They all respond curiously. "Its egyptian blue, egyptian fucking blue! What do we know of that is Egyptian blue?'  Wendy asked, annoyed. "Holy motherfucking shitballs! Sydney's mana!" Victoria exclaimed "Does that mean?" Kenny asked "yeah it does, she's possibly alive somewhat." Wendy responded. "But how? No-one could have survived that blast, not even syd I mean Nikos dead and he was one of the most powerful anodites on this planet." "No clue but we need to find out." Wendy responded eagerly. "Sup cunts you sad fucks miss me?" Said a familiar voice. All four of them slowly turn around and are met with quite the sight. Sydney whose clothes had been melted off from the explosion with the exception of her underwear since it had been made with an explosion proof  and heat resistant carbon fiber wool material, with bruises and marks all over her, her iris purple hair almost completely gone, ash and soot completely covering her body. "Jesus what happened to you after that DEFCON 1 explosion?" the four of them ask at about the same time almost overlapping each other. "Well me and Niko ended up in some weird hell-like dimension. The AMC explosion mixed with the mana infused baseball must've made us do some dimension hopping or someshit. He wasn't dead yet but very badly wounded so I had to fight him ancient roman style since that was all we had enough mana to conjure and hell dimensions usually don't have mana to pull. In the end he was slain like a naughty elf girl's shitcave.