

Hey i said half omniscient you little australian uggo cunt. Victoria and Skye gasped while Sydney, her aunt Jacqueline, cousin and grandpa just ignored the statement since in Australia and Britain it's just a word and sometimes greeting not a hurtful term as here in america. "Oi dickhead you can piss off for now we don't really need you that much right now right everyone?" Sydney said quite loudly. "Weeeell I was kinda craving vanilla lattes so was skye so we kinda need him for now. Victoria coyly responded "Sigh fine We'll go to Coffee Sluts i guess" Sydney responded quite annoyed.  20 MINUTES LATER "Alright we're finally here shit that was long and hard" "That's what she sai…. Nevermind please don't hit me syd" Kenny pleaded "I wasn't going to hit you just for saying that dumbass but" Sydney responded as she winded up a punch aimed right for kenny's goolies then stopping last second. "Ok ok enough  messing about you two let's go me and Vicky here are getting vanilla crazy here and we won't be liable for anything that happens" skye said desperately trying to move things along. " 'Sup Clitoris 4 vanilla lattes one with foam the rest regular" "coming right up Syd also there's more emphasis on the "it" remember?" "Right, sorry I keep forgetting that Clitoris most likely gonna happen again aha ha" "yeah of course heh heh little bitch" Clitoris responds whispering the second half loud enough for Sydney to hear it. "Right back atcha you shit herding blood spewing cow anus" Sydney responds light heartedly. "Ok… what the hell was that?" Kenny asked quite confused "Me and Clitoris have some Friendly banter  everytime I come in. What isn't clear dear cousin?"  "Kenny you really need to man up and not be afraid of your cousin, fucking pussy." Victoria Said slightly insultingly "Vic not right now ok I need my vanilla latte with foam before I entertain any shenanigans and or insults" "agh Arsch lecken buzzkill" Victoria responds disappointedly. "Yeah yeah I know I'm an ass licking buzzkill, Halt die Klappe, Ziegenficker" Sydney responded "Jesus Clitoris how long does it take to make 4 vanilla lattes bruv?" Kenny asked "Four vanilla lattes one with foam for "australian uggo" sorry syd kenny texted me to say that" Clitoris told.

"Kenny, why do you have Clitoris's number?" Sydney asked him interrogatively "Uh We may have gotten high together and done the angelic waltz" kenny replied sheepishly "woah woah hold the bleeding phone you a Londoner screwed a wood elf? No offense Clitoris" Sydney asked him surprised "I seduced him dear syd Couldn't resist his good looks well that and I also took half a jackoffanorp before he came over so" Clitoris answered.