

except for Dick and his posse making obscene gestures at Wendy,Victoria, and Skye, but that was quickly ended by a death stare from Sydney. 

  Chapter 2 Sydney  Sydney Didn't have the best home life growing up,her 

  Family hated her for being prone to protecting people,

On her first day of sixth grade she met the one person who angered her to do more than breaking a single bone.

The bell signaling fifth period was Fifteen minutes away rang, while Sydney was waiting in the hallway for fifth period to get closer to starting she noticed a quiet girl at her locker being shaken down by one of the popular girls Cheryl so she ran up to investigate when she got there she asked "what's going on here?" While making eye contact with the quiet girl, the quiet girl said nothing but cheryl did say something "Nothing is going on here why don't you mind your own damn business and go box a kangaroo you Australian trollop". After hearing this Sydney began to see red with one swift action she floored Cheryl with a jumping dropkick to the gut, While Cheryl is on the ground Sydney begins to repeatedly punch her in the face students and faculty members gather around to watch the brutality. Classmates and Teachers try to pry Sydney off of Carol to no avail. 

Chapter 3 Revealed. On their way to the bus stop our band of ordinary college girls somehow find themselves outside of the old abandoned psychaitric hospital where very nefarious and criminally insane inventor/notorious  Male Anodite Niko Brimstone was stationed as a psychiatrist for the criminally insane somehow. "Wait how'd we get the whole way across town weren't we just at the bus stop?" Skye Questioned "I have no idea but I'm going to find out, so hold onto something it might get a little uh well  dangerous for lack of a better word" Sydney warned "wait how are you going to figure that out?" Wendy wailed questionally "well if you would shut up for a second i'll show you" Sydney answered slightly annoyed Sydney closed her eyes and focused on trying to find the source of whatever compelled them to mysteriously show up here. "Alright I'm going to try something.'' Sydney announced, "ovoke vinaso teleportombros kombeda topos!" Sydney encantated "o-ok we need to get out of here quickly!" Sydney warned nervously "but wh-" before Wendy could say anything more Sydney had