
IDK, she's the protege.

Ah? who summoned the Master dragon of Legends? I don't know, but I think I saw my sister in that area sneaking around with the forbidden book. Ah? it takes 20 mages to ever even use that summoning technique? even then theres only a 20% chance of success?eh! I haven't had even taken the test so why look at me that way? Wow~ but if ya thing about it, my sisters only 7 years old and I heard the orb leveled her quite high in mana right and the strongest mage of the kingdom did say that the elements fairies like to be around her when he first saw her, right~? Ah!? The amount of fairies surrounding our estate are more that what the strongest mage saw around my sister? well, maybe they decided to stay home so they don't cause a commotion whenever sister leaves, after all, the mage did say they love the ones with strong mana, so they may have know they'll cause trouble if they follow her around. Oh~ The Emperor is looking for the girl who saved his heir from getting kidnapped the other day while the boy when incognito to our small kingdom? yeah, me and my sister went out too, we both met some kid who was being followed and decided to help him. Darn it! Stop asking me about such things all the time, go bother my sister, after all time and time again she raised her head and said it was her, so no different than the last, it was her! Lilith: Lily, why do people keep praising me while it was you wh- Lily: ahh! Your tired sis? why didn't you say it sooner, here let's go back home and relax, Kay? A women who just recently became an adult, died from an accident, next thing she knows, she is in the hold of some lady and learns shes the 4th princess of the Emerald Kingdom, she doesn't like to stick out so decided to push all responsibilities on her third oldest sis, who all called the reincarnation of the saintess for her beauty and the amount of fairies that surround her. so when Lily did anything she wanted because of curiosity of magic and boredom and it happens to create a stirring to the Kingdom or the Empire they live in, let Lilith get the limelight and allow me to watch the blooming life of a novel protagonist be created. Hah? do I not want to be praised and loved by everyone, ha! no thanks I read enough novels to see how annoying and dramatic that is, I'm good with being the forgotten princess who is in my sister's shadow... well if only my other family members would allow it.

Goku1234 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Too beautiful...

The second time she started to feel her conscious awaken, a taste of something warm and sweet entered her mouth, she started to suckle whatever it was when a growling sound left her stomach. Her eyes still closed, but slowly opening them to a frightening sight.

"Cough! Cough!!"

Letting go of whatever was in her mouth she started to couch and wheeze in terror and embarrasment, the lady quickly started to pat her back in surprise, and was speaking in a soothing tone, 'Dammit what's with this embarrassing moment, can't I wake up to a situation that doesn't lead to me getting a heart attack' grumbling in her mind she started to calm down, the mother noticing that and thought of trying to feed her child again only to stop, the infant kept turning her head as far as she can.

Sighing, the mother stood from the chair and started to head to the crib to place down her child, halfway there she sensed the door opening and glanced over there, the infant looks that way as well and notices a man with looks that can be described as "not possible", ' What! what's with this beautiful people, can't they at least try to look human or something, no way in hell they haven't gotten plastic surgery!'.

while still staring at this man, he already reached them and looked down toward her, his eyes widen and reached one hand to the bundled up baby, gently touching her small cheek, she looked up at him and was able to lift her small arm, grabbing one of his fingers, her whole palm was only able to grab half of his pinky.

'This dude even has perfect looking hands, what the heck!? how unfair can God be with creating such people while others look like plain potatoes', remembering her own looks she started to mumble and furrowed her brows in annoyance, but only small baby noises were made.

Hearing a chuckle, she looked up only to almost be blinded by a beautiful man's smile, it was too dazzling to look at, the man leaned down and placed a light kiss on her hand that's wrapped around his finger and spoke, but she couldn't understand what he was saying 'Ah...I think I became blind from that smile, and good sir! what are you doing! don't think from that small kiss I'll give ya my heart, I've seen many idols in my life and models in magazines to not be affected by that attack!'.

'ah fuck it, I should stop running from reality and getting off topic' sighing again she started to space out and try to forget the two beauties surrounding her right now.

'Now let's think, I'm an infant and from how small and feeble I seem to be, it hasn't been long since I was born, but long enough that I can open my eyes and hear well, so maybe a week or so old? But how did I end up in this situation?' closing her eyes, she started to think back before waking up as a baby.

'Ok... so from what I can recall from that time is that I died from getting run over by a car... DAMN BASTARD! he didn't stop for the red light and almost ran over my friends, I pushed them both hard...' recalling even more, in that split second before the car made contact with her body, she can see the sheer terror and horror of her friends when they turned to look at her, May reached out to pull her, while Maya cried out her name while reaching out as well.


Bang! screech!!

she furrowed her brows in pain from the memory, the pain from dying doesn't effect her, nothing much can be done with it, but the thoughts of what those two idiot's might have after the car hit her,' Those fools must be blaming themselves for my death, they were always attached to me since the first time we met, May and Maya... dammit, why couldn't I have died in a different way! Those twins better not be crying over my grave, I won't be able to rest well with that'.

"@&$&, L@&$, Lily!"

Hearing a man's voice grow louder she quickly opens her eyes in annoyance 'yo great beauty, you gave me a mini heart attack there! what you want?'. The man sighs in relief and looks down at her, placing his palm in her cheek he calls a name.

" Lily..."

Looking at the guy she tilts her head,' Lily? is that my name in this place? almost pronounced as lilies' while thinking that, the man went and held her in his embrace and gently rocking her while humming a small tune. While listening to him, she can already figure out that those two are her parents. Looking at her mother, the women smiles gently at the father carrying their child.

The woman had a light silver blond hair, almost platinum, it reaches half way down her back and a few are covering her forehead as bangs, her eyes large yet elegant with long eyelashes fanning them, the eyes a beautiful cerulean color, as if looking at the clear bottom of a lake. From how she is sitting you can see she had training in etiquette and posture, the two melons in her chest not too big yet not too small either, but you can just stare at how beautifully round they are with the pale skin with no blemish, the collar bone very beautifully enticing to look at, and the clothing, even if covering all, you can see the curve of her waist, making you question if she even bore any children at all, her hands lay elegantly in her lap, a emerald ring that shines time to time when the light hits it, and the silky turquoise dress she's wearing, it all fits perfectly together.

Lily let a low whistle in her head, 'hope I become that beautiful'. while thinking that she looks up at the man who should be her father, noticing a stare he looks down and smiles, he steadies her in one arm and reaches out the other to her. Looking at the hand she can guess that he wants her to hold it, reaching both hands, she claps on and starts to play with it, the man let's out a joyful laugh and holds her closer, still looking at the man, she wonders if he had Asian blood, her mother seems Caucasian, while her father have those eyes that are almond shaped, yet large eyes kinda reminds her of some idol she's seen on TV, but his eyes weren't a black or brown but a deep emerald like the jewel, it's the first think you notice when looking at him, second is his scarlet red hair. His skin smooth, not pale yet not too tan either, a healthy glow. His lips are thin in the top, but the bottom lip is full and kissable. He's only wearing a white shirt and black suit pants, the top two buttons in his shirt are unbuttoned, showing quite the sight, the collar bone that pops out at you and a hint of his smooth chest, other than that nothing else can be seen, but while in his arms she can tell how toned he is.

She can only sigh in her head ' Beautiful, just too beautiful... I wonder if I inherited at least a quarter of there looks, that would be enough for me. while thinking that she yawned, the eyes drooping, too tired to try and keep awake, she let herself go to a deep slumber, her hands still tightly holding her father's. ' I'll think about the future another time, too tired to care right now...'

Well another chapter, and another boring day, nothing big happening yet Haha but well this is mostly just a light story to read, hope you enjoy.

Goku1234creators' thoughts