

a young 16 year old boy with a dark past enrolls into a rather eccentric boarding school where his only goal was to have an ordinary life. However everything goes to hell after he saves a girl in his class from sexual assault.

Ishioka2593 · Realistic
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37 Chs

Season 1: Episode 7.2

[Scene 6]

*Suzuki walking down the escalator of a shopping mall*

*Suzuki starts feeling anxious as she hears footsteps coming from behind her*

*Suzuki starts walking faster and walks out of the mall*

*Suzuki takes a shortcut through an alley*

*Somebody's foot is revealed to be running towards her as she starts running too*


[Scene 7]

*Mitsuhiro and Ichinose in a cafe drinking coffee and talking to each other; in mid conversation*

Ichinose: And so you guys won the case?

Mitsuhiro: Yup. The prefect was really good. I mean, he is of course skillful with his work. But he is genuinely a good man too. Just a little bit mysterious.

Ichinose: That's a relief to hear. I mean I didn't really meet him but I have heard that he is really intimidating when it comes to defying the rules.

Mitsuhiro: Yeah he is but.... he is also really easygoing when you are not the ones defying them. Like after we came out of his office at the end of the hearing, he actually came out and praised every single one of us in the hallway.

Ichinose: Right I have heard about that too. But people like the intimidation more than the kindness.

Mitsuhiro: Well people are.... people. Doesn't mean you shouldn't be kind though.

Ichinose: Yeah... Anyways you guys won. Where's my treat? *starts chuckling*

Mitsuhiro: *chuckles* Haha- That coffee is your treat.

Ichinose: Wait what? *chuckles*..... Come on, Ishioka-kun. Don't be so greedy.

Mitsuhiro: Okay what do you wanna have then?

Ichinose: You really willing to give me a treat?

Mitsuhiro: Well of course. I mean, I can't say no to a lady, right-

Ichinose: Okay. Here we go again. Chivalrous mode.

Mitsuhiro: *chuckles*..... Well at least *phone rings* chivalrous mode is better than flirting. *says while picking up the phone*

Ichinose: Yeah right. Just say you can't flirt.

Mitsuhiro: ...*chuckles*... Oh yeah! Try me.

Ichinose: ...*chuckles*...

Mitsuhiro: Hello, Mitsuhiro here...*smile fades away and face starts becoming serious*.... Suzuki...? Suzuki....? *declines his call and starts pressing Suzuki's contact details in his phone*

Ichinose: What happened?

Mitsuhiro: *keeps on using his phone with a serious expression in his face*

[Scene 8]

*In the alleyway; Suzuki on the ground panting heavily and trying to pick her phone up to call Mitsuhiro again*

*But the man grips her hands and pulls her against the wall*

*Suzuki looks up to the man's face and as she thought, the man reveals to be Ren Honda*

Ren: Why are you avoiding me? I am your number one fan, right? Come on, don't you post your pictures only because of me? *asks while holding her head tightly and starts unzipping his pants*

Suzuki: N-no please. *breathes heavily and tears start coming from her eyes*

Ren: Don't worry. I am sure you will enjoy this. You just need to open your mouth.

*Ren unzips his pants, starts to take off his underwear and forces her towards him*

Ren: Come on now. Don't move. Let me show you how much I love you.

Suzuki: N-no! *punches Ren's balls and tries to run away*

Ren: OWFF!.....

*Ren doesn't let her escape and grabs Suzuki's leg making her fall*

*He then starts groping her breasts and rubbing her thighs all the way up to her rear ends*

Ren: Why are you running away? Don't you wanna know how much I love you?

Suzuki: N-no! Help! Somebody please!! *shouts for help while struggling to remove Ren's hands from her body*

Ren: *blocks her mouth* Why are you shouting? It's not like I am doing something bad. I am just showing- hey don't- don't move!


*Ren pants heavily and starts unbuttoning her shirt and removing her skirt forcibly*

Ren: Here we go. Let's nicely remove those clothes.

*Tears start dripping from Suzuki's eyes as she struggles to free herself from him*

Suzuki: N-noho pleasee!

*Ren just keeps his focus on removing her clothes and removing his underwear with a creepy perverted smile*

*Suzuki starts getting tired as she keeps on struggling*

Suzuki: Please stop! Pleaseee.... Someone...

*Ren then starts pulling her panties off and removes his underwear fully*


*Ren pants while smirking like a creep and doesn't pay attention to her beggings*

Ren: Don't worry. This is going to- this is going to end soon....

*Camera clicks*

*Ren hears the camera and looks up to his front only to see Mitsuhiro with his phone*

Ren: W-what the...

*Mitsuhiro clicks on his phone again and picks a photo of him*

*Ren starts getting scared and nervous with his eyes wide open and his pupils constricted*

Mitsuhiro: Well, would you look at that? A senior student attempting to rape his junior. You will be a celebrity on tv tomorrow.

Ren: N-no! I-I wasn't attempting to-

Mitsuhiro: *chuckles* Yehahh... You do know that the security cams caught everything, right?

*Mitsuhiro points at the utility pole on the other side of the alley and reveals that there was actually a camera recording them all this time*

*Ren turns around, looks at the camera and gets even more scared with his eyes still wide open*

Mitsuhiro: If you had to do it, you should have chosen a better place, you know....

*Ren starts trembling with his eyes starting to tear up and twitch*

*Mitsuhiro calmly walks towards Ren and places his hand on Ren's shoulder*

Mitsuhiro: It seems we both know that you... are dead.

*Ren looks at Mitsuhiro's emotionless eyes and feels as if he's talking to a demon*

*With his trembling feet, he starts running as fast as he can to avoid being captured by Mitsuhiro*

*However, right when he was about to escape the alleyway, Ichinose comes in with some officers from the Authority and stops him*

Ichinose: Stop right there! You think you can just get away after sexually assaulting an underage girl?

*The officers charge at him and put him down on the ground*

Ren: No please! I wasn't assaulting her! She gave her consent into this! Tell them, Hana! Tell them you were liking it! Tell them-

Suzuki: No! I don't know who you are! And I never acknowledged you!! You were nothing but a creepy old perverted stalker! And I hate men like you! I hate them!! Don't ever come close to me... ever again!!!


*As he starts insulting Suzuki, Mitsuhiro instantly kicks the side of Ren's face so hard that his jaw dislocates and breaks off with his teeth falling out and his blood flying everywhere while his eardrums blasts off too*

Mitsuhiro: ...Shut up.

*Ren's face slams on the ground with his blood still gushing out from his mouth*

Mitsuhiro: ...Officers. Please.

Officer #1: *looks at the other one* Well he deserved it.

*The officers then arrests Ren away by handcuffing him and taking him away to the Prefect*

*Ichinose says with a chuckle*

Ichinose: Wehell, that was a good way to make their job easy.

Mitsuhiro: *chuckles* Thanks.

Ichinose: I should probably go with them since they might need a witness... So... see ya later! *starts walking with the officers and waving at Mitsuhiro*

Mitsuhiro: See ya... *waves back at her as she leaves*

*After a while, Mitsuhiro turns around to face Suzuki*

*Suzuki slowly buttons her shirt and wears her skirt back*

*Mitsuhiro feels bad for her and walks towards her*

Mitsuhiro: Hey... You okay? *asks with a kind slight smile and gives her a hand to stand up*

Suzuki: ...Yeah. *says quietly*

*Suzuki holds Mitsuhiro's hand, stands up and without wasting another second, immediately hugs him*

Suzuki: T-thank you. Thank you so much.

*Tears start gushing out of her eyes as she keeps on expressing her gratitude*

Suzuki: Thank you.....*sniffs while crying and breathes heavily*... I was so scared.... I was so scared..... T-thank yhouu so much...

*Mitsuhiro stares at her for a moment, gives a calm smile and hugs her back*

Mitsuhiro: It's okay, Suzuki-san... It's okay....

Suzuki: Thahank you so so much. *says while rubbing her face on his chest*

*Mitsuhiro raises her head back, looks at her and says in a reassuring peaceful tone*

Mitsuhiro: Hey. I told you before, didn't I? There's nothing to be afraid of..... I will always be there for you....

*Suzuki blushes and puts her face deeper on Mitsuhiro's chest this time*

*Mitsuhiro just hugs her tightly and keeps her like this for a while*

*He then starts patting her head like a kitty, to keep her comfortable*

Mitsuhiro: Now let's go home, shall we?

Suzuki: Hm... *nods*