
Ichinose's Love (BL)

--Caution: This is a BL story-- Ichinose's standing on the flowerbed as he took a quick glance and suddenly saw master Asami staring and smiling at him. Thinking that a gorgeous, a well-built muscle and sexually attractive man that's totally all the girls want, Ichinose can only peek side-glances and daydreaming of him. Until that day he accidentally broke the expensive jar that was a million worth of value. And not knowing there's more problems waiting for him that's connected to master Asami. As Asami didn’t know what is love and what’s the importance of loving someone.... Could master Asami have a sympathy of letting him go? What will happen to him from now on? Will his old wounds and scars can be healed, and can he learn to trust again, or will it change that this time he will get a genuine love from his master Asami?

Cynrhel · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

- Who is he...?

Asami shook his head as he came out of Ichinose's room. He called Paige and the rest of the maids and told them to absolutely take care of Ichinose since he can't even move his ankle because he might have fractured bones. He was vexed at the thought of the vase that was broken even though he knew it was just an accident but he still could not release his anger because that was all he had left in his memory of his mother. His face looked extremely annoyed while talking to them.


On the next day, they came out of the doctor's clinic. Asami assisted and helped him walk even though he had a crutch on his left shoulder.

"I'm grateful and it will only take two - five weeks to heal my broken bone." he said with relief in his voice.

"Me too and I already know you're bored inside the house that you can't even go to the garden." Asami agreed.

They were walking out of the hospital when Ichinose suddenly met a guy and he spoke to him...

"What happened to you and why did you have a crutch?" At the same time he looks at them and he smiles at Asami.

Ichinose turned pale and felt chills on his spine because he didn't expect that they would meet inside the hospital.

"Ah, It's a little sprain and a little swelling in my foot, so we... went to check up with the doctor to make sure... I didn't have any broken bones." Ichinose replied without revealing that he's already trembling with fear and tried to smile at that person he was talking to.

That guy he was talking to hugged him, and whispered to him that… "We need to talk Ichi, and you didn't answer my call and text messages. Also I need you to go home if possible." The guy look and smiles at Asami.

"Uhmm..." he nodded to the guy and feel terrified to speak anything against him.

He tapped Ichinose's shoulder and said… "All right, I'll go first. And I need to get the medicines at the pharmacy." Then that guy immediately walked away from them.

Ichinose smiled at Asami even though he was pale and trembling with nervousness. He could not help but quivered even though he didn't feel any cold. Asami noticed that he was shaking and suddenly got pale after seeing that guy they met.

"He was in good condition earlier when we left the doctor's clinic?" Asami thought when he looked at him curiously.

Earlier Asami also noticed his voice was in hesitation as if he was terrified of that man. He just listened to the two while they're talking, and he did not notice until that man left. Ichinose slumped onto the chair near them then he sighed heavily.

"Oh, thank God!" He suddenly blurted out as if there's a large fish bone had been pulled out of his throat.

Asami frowned and didn't understand why Ichinose was relieved but he was shaking with fear talking to that man. Confused and annoyed that Asami couldn't understand what was happening. So, he stared at Ichinose as close as if he was going to kiss him on the lips and said...

"Please explain the way I can understand and what happened? Also, I feel disgusted." Asami didn't hide the anger in his tone.

He's shocked and afraid that knowing Asami would probably be going to kiss him in a crowded hospital. He doesn't want to get any attention from the people around them. So he pleaded...

"Please... distance... Please give me some distance, master Asami. And we're in the hospital with so many people and they might think differently of us." Ichinose's voice was shaking as he answered Asami.

"NO! Answer me now and we won't leave here until you tell me." Asami doesn't want to move. Trying to move an inch more to Ichinose but when he looked at the crowd he realized that they were in the hospital.

"Can I tell you later when we are in the car please?" Ichinose's pleading was that he almost cried in fear and was embarrassed by their situation. Asami was still staring at him and when he was about to cry then he held him tightly.

"Okay ... okay and I'll listen to you in the car so don't cry." Asami stroked Ichinose's head with tenderness. Also he wanted to kiss and cheer him up but they were in the wrong place. And Asami was already supporting him standing up, he took him to the car and sat him down first.

"Stay here first and I forgot something inside. Give me a moment and I'll be right back." Asami rushed back inside the hospital as if he was looking for something.

He scans his eyes of the man Ichinose was talking to, he recalls that the man mentioned that he had to go to the pharmacy, so Asami went there. Spotted the man standing at the pharmacy counter as he waited outside the door. Soon the man came out and looked at him then smiled.

"Are you waiting for me? What do you want from me?" The man smirked and walked towards him.

Asami felt strangely towards this man. So, he would not ask any questions and he approached the man and said ...

"I'll just let you know and please tell the landlord that he won't be back home for about a month." as Asami's soundly provoking the guy and slowly walking away from that man.

The man's face suddenly turns dark. The way the man looking at Asami right now is about to kill him. So the man chased Asami and put his arm around him and whispered...

"Hey bro, just some advice… If I were you, I'd make him (Ichinose) squeal first and he will do all whatever you want." The man laughed at Asami like he was a psycho and claimed Ichinose was all mine.

Hearing something disgusting from that man triggered his last thread and straining himself not to punch him so he removed the man's arm from his shoulder and ignored it. He raised his hand and pulled out his middle finger then just walked away remembering Ichinose was waiting for him outside.

Meanwhile, he was waiting for Asami and could not help but think and hoped that Asami won't be able to meet that man. What will he do when that man finds out that he was working with Asami even though he's just only a boss.

In fear, anxiety, and tension he did not know what to do. Ichinose noticed and saw at the entrance of the hospital that man who was smirking like crazy, probably met Asami inside. Hopefully, the feeling of discomfort is not true of what he is thinking.

He was relieved to see Asami when he left the hospital and smiled at him as he approached him. "I'm sorry I took so long because I was still looking for another medicine that I thought they had it." said Asami.

Asami opened the door and sat in the driver's seat next to him. He tilted his head and closed his eyes. It flashed back to his mind what the man had said to him... ".... make him squeal and he will do whatever you want." Asami could not get it out of his mind and was very furious with that man.

"If only I had authority I would not go to my grandfather's house." he thought at the same time he deep sighed and massaged his forehead.

"As of now I'm running late and I need to hurry." Asami added while his head looking up on the ceiling of his car.

Ichinose did not know what to say so he laid down his head on the right side of the windshield while waiting for Asami to drive home.

"As you promised to me you will tell me everything about what that man is to you. And wait for me tonight." Asami's tone warns him.

"Umm.." and nodded as to what Asami told him.

He drove Ichinose back home to the villa, but the anger still lingered on his face. From the moment he heard that, his blood triggered in his head because he couldn't imagine what kind of jerk that Ichinose had been with.

They got home safely, and he supported Ichinose from getting out of the car until they were able to go up to the second floor to Ichinose's room. Asami scans his eyes inside his room and feels annoyed not to see the flowers he bought for Ichinose. He asked ...

"Where's the flower that I gave you and I can't see it in your room? Did you throw it away?" Asami's voice showed sadness.

"I didn't throw it away! I probably left it in the kitchen, and didn't know that I would stay here long so the flowers may be still in the kitchen?" He answered Asami quickly and he doesn't want to anger him more.

Upon hearing that Asami's face brightened up a bit and he slowly helped him sit down. "Rest here first and I'll call someone to help you." Asami added.

He just nodded because he knew Asami was in a hurry to go to his grandfather's house and because it's today the important day of his mother's death. Asami hurried to go to his room from Ichinose and at the same time ordered Amelia to ...

"Bring the flower from the kitchen and put the flowers in Ichinose's room. Also bring food so he can eat later and he needs to rest now."

To be continued…...

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